FAIRTRADE WEEK – Feb 6th-10th 2017

Pupils in Our Lady of the Missions Primary School recognise the need for farmers and workers to receive a fair price for their goods. This year, pupils will have the opportunity to reflect on where our food comes from and the connections we have with farmers in poorer countries.

As a Fairachiever School, we believe it is important to take steps that can really transform farmers’ lives and on the week beginning the 6th of February 2017 we will be running our own Fairtrade stalls.

Pupils and staff can support our Fairtrade stalls during Fairtrade Week by buying from a wide range of Fairtrade products (chocolate, jewellery, pencils, toys) and we are organising this year’s sale for Monday 6th February (Primary 1, 6 and 7) and Tuesday 7thth February (Primary 2-5). The Fairtrade stalls will also be open in the mensa on Wed and Thurs for pupils to purchase Fairtrade goods. Please discuss this with your child and tell them that they can help fight poverty by buying Fairtrade products at our school stall where goods will be priced from 50p – £3.00.