As you know Primary 7 had an Christmas Enterprise Day and raised a great deal of money for charity. One of the charities they donated to was Mary’s Meals. They received a lovely letter of thanks. Please read below.
Dear Staff & Pupils
On behalf of everyone at Mary’s Meals, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks for your recent donation of £1,000.00. We are so grateful for your support.
Every donation to Mary’s Meals, large or small, goes a long way to helping us reach more children with a nutritious daily meal in their place of education. We are delighted to be able to say we are now feeding 1,187,104 children – a figure which is a true testament to the many, many acts of kindness from donors all over the world. Together we are making child hunger a thing of the past.
Every individual child has their own unique story to tell about the difference Mary’s Meals has made to them. One of those children is Gilbert, from Malawi, who has benefitted massively from the generosity of supporters like you.
Gilbert is an orphan. His mother died after suffering from an illness and his father died in an accident while working as a fisherman. Gilbert doesn’t know what age he is.
Until recently, Gilbert often missed school, being forced instead to take whatever work he could find in order to earn just enough to survive.
However, since Mary’s Meals started feeding at Gilbert’s local school, Lirangwe Primary near Blantyre, his life has changed and he goes to school every day, where he is guaranteed a nutritious meal and is able to learn. Gilbert tells us that Mary’s Meals motivates him to stay at school and realise his huge ambitions. He says, “I want to study hard and become the President of Malawi, so I can develop this country and give food to my people, so that they will no longer suffer.”
Thank you for the vital part you are playing in being able to offer hope to children just like Gilbert who often find themselves in very difficult circumstances. You are not only filling up empty stomachs, but also providing an escape route from poverty, giving children and their communities a lasting hope for the future.
Thank you for giving this precious gift.
Yours sincerely,
Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow
CEO, Mary’s Meals