Easter Cantata Thursday 31st March

 Primary 6 will be performing an Easter Cantata called ‘Miracle Man’ on Thursday 31st March in Eastwood Park Theatre.  The afternoon will commence at 1.00pm with an opportunity to listen to our wonderful school choir. There will be a short in interval and then our Primary 6 pupils will delight you with their performance of ‘Miracle Man’.
Rehearsal – A rehearsal is being held in Eastwood Park Theatre on Wednesday 30th March, 10.00am – 2.00pm.  We will walk to Eastwood Park Theatre at 9.30am and return at 2.30pm.
Children will be required to bring a packed lunch on that day
Similarly, on Thursday 31st March, the children will be at the theatre from 10.00am –  2.30pm approximately for the rehearsal and actual performance. Packed lunch will be required.
For the Cantata performance, boys are required to wear school or black trousers and black shoes. Girls should wear black leggings or trousers and black shoes. No joggers please.
T-shirts will be ordered for every child from Academy Uniforms at a cost of £2.60 and payment should be made to the school.
Tickets are available from school at a cost of £3.50.  At the moment, only 2 tickets per child will be allocated.
Children cannot be taken home after the performance but if you wish they can be collected from school.
There will be a collection at the door with all money going to our Lenten Charities.
We look forward to seeing you on the 31st March.