Edinburgh Zoo – P4

P4a/d   Thursday 22nd October 2015
P4b/c   Friday 23rd October 2015
Over the past few weeks our Primary 4 pupils have been working on a Conservation topic as part of their Global Citizenship block.  They have focused on Deforestation, Over Hunting, Global Warming and Pollution.The children will be attending a workshop on Endangered Animals whilst at the Zoo.
Classes will leave from the school 09.15am and return at 2.50pm.

  • Cost of trip is £7 to include the workshop and part of transport costs, the remainder being subsidised by the PSA
  • School uniform to be worn
  • Packed lunch, labelled, in a plastic bag for ease of disposal

If there are any changes to medical conditions/medications from the medical consent form you completed at the beginning of this session, please inform the school office.
If any parent with a PVG Disclosure Certificate would like to join us, please indicate on the tear off slip and return to school