Burrell Collection

P5a Thursday 5th March                  P5c Wednesday 11thMarch

P5d Thursday 12th March               P5b Tuesday 24th March

Over the past few weeks our Primary 5 pupils have enjoyed looking at Ancient China in class. We have arranged a visit to the Burrell Collection in Pollok Park where the children will take part in a workshop looking at and handling artefacts from Ancient China to learn about Chinese Dynasties, Artisan’s crafts and materials and beliefs.
Classes will leave from the school at 12:30am and return at 2.45pm.

  • Cost of trip is £3.50 to include the workshop and part of transport costs
  • School uniform to be worn
  • Packed lunch, labelled, in a plastic bag for ease of disposal
  • There is a museum shop and if you wish your child to buy a small souvenir, we would recommend a maximum of £2
  • If there are any changes to medical conditions/medications from the medical consent form you completed at the beginning of this session, please inform the school office