Induction Day
Tues 10th June 1b and 1c
Wed 11th June 1a, 1d and 1e
Please bring children to school at 1.40pm. They will be escorted to their class to meet their class teacher and participate in class-based activities.
They will return to their parents at 2.40pm.
Primary 1 First Day Arrangements Wednesday 13th August 2014
Due to the large number of children starting P1, it would be helpful if, on the first day, you brought your child to school at the following times:
9.15am – P1a, 1d and P1e
9. 35am – P1b and P1c
Please note that parents only will be allowed into class on this first day.
The School Day
On subsequent days, your child will follow the normal school day as follows:
School begins – 9.00am (informal entry from 8.50am)
Morning interval – 10.40am—10.55am
Lunch break – 12.35pm—1.30pm
Afternoon interval – 2.15pm—2.25pm (first few weeks)
School ends – 3.10pm (pack up bell at 3.05pm)
Children travelling by bus will be escorted to their bus by a teacher. If your child is walking home then please collect them at the Primary 1 entrance.
All our pupils are encouraged to wear school uniform:
Boys—Grey sweatshirt/jumper, blue shirt/polo shirt, grey trousers
Girls—Navy sweatshirt/cardigan, blue shirt/polo shirt, navy skirt/pinafore
School tie, blazer/navy school fleece or dark jacket
Black shoes
At the beginning of P1 you will receive a memo with details of PE days. For PE your child should have: dark shorts, t-shirt and soft shoes (these can be kept in a shoe bag). Your child will also have one outdoor PE session and so for this they would require trainers, dark jogging trousers and a warm top.
Please ensure your child’s name is on EVERY piece of clothing, shoes, bag etc.
We advise that all P1 children should have a packed lunch for the first few weeks. As a Health Promoting School, we encourage parents to provide a healthy lunch, including a drink.
When ordering a hot lunch, East Renfrewshire Council operate a cashless lunch system. You will receive information regarding this on the pupils’ Induction Day in June. Please go to for more information.
When your child comes to school they will learn many new things. It may help them to settle if they can do some of the following:-
How to help your child prepare for Primary 1
- Go to the toilet alone
- Change clothes for PE
- Manage buttons, zips etc.
- Share crayons, pencils etc.
- Recognise their name Listen to others
- Take turns in games
- Know days of the week, colours
Parental Concerns
From time to time you may have questions about some aspects of your child’s schooling. If this is the case, simply phone the school and ask for an appointment either with the class teacher or with Mrs McGrotty DHT.
In addition there are 2 Parents’ Nights during the year as well as a ‘Meet the Teacher Day’ and a Curriculum Afternoon. You will be notified of the dates of these in due course.
If your child is absent, please let us know by phoning the school as early as possible on the first day of absence.
On the first day of term you will be asked to confirm pick up arrangements for the end of day.
It is important that if there are any changes to pick up arrangements you inform the school as soon as possible.