Firstly, many thanks to all those that turned up at the AGM and the Meet the Teacher evening.  We now have many new
volunteers, particularly from the P1 community which is fantastic, but we could always do with a few more!
I would just like to introduce you to our new committee office bearers, a mixture of youth and experience, which I believe can help drive the PSA forward;
Chairperson                        Joe Shaw 07813 015 742
Vice Chair Bernadine Nordmann 07977 596 802
Treasurer Joanne Miller 07865 078 517
Secretary Emma McAndrew 07841 517 396
Lottery Colette Carruthers 07740 986 393
Minute Secretary Teresa MacPherson 07931 801 059
Raffle Coordinator Catherine Gallagher 07960 905 306
Sincere thanks to our retiring office bearers, Catherine, retiring Secretary, but who as you can see is still involved, and particularly to Clare Deehan, a former Chair and I believe a committee member for 11 years.  Upon this rock we built this stone, (with help from quite a few others).
There is still time to join the OLM lottery.  For the price of £12 a year you have the chance to win a monthly £50 first prize and a £25 second prize.  There is also the £100 jackpot draw at the June summer fete.  You should have received applications to join, or renewal letters, so it would be ideal to get us off to a great start with our fundraising. If you have not received this letter one can be obtained from the school office. Please see school website for more information.
Our first major family get together will be the family Hallowe’en disco.  This will take place in the school on Friday November 1st, 7-9 pm. This is always a highly successful event so please mark this in your diaries and an application for tickets will be issued next week.
Yes, sorry, but the big red fella is loading his sleigh and we all need to get prepared.
We will be issuing the annual Christmas card packs shortly, to allow our budding artists to create designs that all their aunties, uncles, grandparents etc will be talking about for years.  We hope this year to give a greater turnaround time for completion as I know this is very popular with the children.
The Christmas Fayre will take place on Saturday December 7th, 1pm – 3.30pm. As always we rely on our volunteers and especially  on the donations fro stalls from the school community.
The Grand Raffle is one of our biggest fundraisers throughout the year.  This is wholly reliant on donations and we would ask that if any parents and the wider community have any contacts who would be willing to provide prizes and enable this year to be the grandest raffle, to please contact Catherine Gallagher.
Forthcoming meetings
Just to note our next meeting will take place in the staffroom on Tuesday  8th October at 7.00pm (please note the new time). 
Unfortunately we can’t make the first Tuesday of the month, and it is nothing to do with Barca being in town! Our November meeting has also been changed to Tuesday 12th November at 7pm, to avoid a clash with bonfire night.
Again, thanks for all your support and please do not hesitate to contact any of the Committee members above, or indeed those you know in the playground. We are all in this together as we look to help the school and our children enjoy that little bit extra!
Joe Shaw