First Communion Practice – St. Joseph’s/ St Vincent’s

As the children continue to prepare themselves for their First Communion, a practice has been organised to allow the children the opportunity to have a final rehearsal at their church

The details are as follows:
St Joseph’s children receiving the Sacrament on 18th May will have their practice on Monday 13th May. They will leave school at 10.40 and return 12.30.             

St Vincent’s children receiving the Sacrament on 18th May will have their practice on Wednesday 15th May. They will leave school at 10.40 and return 12.30.

The children going to St Joseph’s will be transported by bus. The children going to St Vincent’s will walk to church-please ensure suitable outdoor clothing is worn.             

We will use the medical consent form previously filled in for their class trip.    If there are any changes to these details please inform school asap.