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Parent/ Teacher Interview Appointments

Online booking for Parent/ Teacher Appointments will go live tonight from 8pm.

Families will be given the opportunity to log in first.  Letters will be sent home with families today.

Letters will be issued to all other pupils on Monday 22 February with their login details. The system will be open until Friday 26 February at 3pm.

If you have difficulty logging in please contact Carolyn Lockett at the school office on 0141 570 7235.

Please click on the link below for more details

How to use online booking

Parent Council Essentials

Parent Council Essentials – Giffnock Primary School

February 22 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Parent Councils Essentials is fun, fast and interactive. It is a whistle-stop tour of Parent Councils – how they work, what they can get involved in and what they can’t. This session will give you lots of ideas for things you can do and help you work out the best ways to be an effective Parent Council. You’ll go away with food for thought, good contacts and ideas too.

“There was lots of useful information, delivered fairly informally. I loved finding out what other parent councils are doing. The information given out was great. The mythbusters were really good.”

“I really enjoyed the session. Excellent overview.  Really liked the style. Very involving and interactive.”


P4-P7 Drawing Competition

drawing compRenowned artist and playwright, John Byrne, invites children and young people in schools across Scotland, from P4 – S3, to participate in the second annual John Byrne Drawing Competition.

Last year welcomed the launch of the John Byrne National Drawing Competition.  The judges had to work hard to whittle down the entries from over 3000 children and young people from schools across Scotland.  The proud winner was Anushka Waugh Glover from Harris Academy, Dundee.

The competition is open to all children across Scotland from P4 – S3. John will head the selection panel that will choose the winners, and runners-up, whose work will then be exhibited at Paisley Museum and Art Gallery. All exhibitors will meet John himself at a prestigious exhibition opening at the gallery in March 2016.

Competition rules and information about submitting entries are available on the Education Scotland website:

The closing date for entries is Friday 4 March 2016.


Results of Week 2 Car Park Survey

this week our Eco reps and Joint Road Safety Officers patrolled the car park hoping to encourage drivers to use our car park safely and respectfully. The number of cars that  were double parked has gone down which is a positive result.  Unfortunately, the amount of cars using the designated bus lane to drop pupils off or to park has increased.

 P7 JRSO and Eco reps have made a PowerPoint to share with pupils at next week’s assemblies. Please follow the link to see how you can help too.
JRSO & Eco Powerpoint Liam and MubeenAgain

Thank you to the people who have shown us support so far.

From the Eco Committee and JRSO


Clean Air Campaign – Week 2 Update

You may have noticed the box on the lamppost outside the school building. This is our clean air monitor. Readings are sent to the laboratory to be monitored and at the end of the campaign we will be able to analyse the results and see the quality of the air around our school.

In class each week, Eco reps are carrying out a survey to see how many people use active methods of traveling to school.

At the moment Primary 7.27 seem to have the most walkers, with 11 class members who walk to school. A big well done to them and to Rhona, Piper and other members of Primary 5.15 who have been meeting in the mornings to walk to school together. Keep up the good work!