September 2023

Please see the attached results from our Articles exercise whereby families were asked to choose 4 articles that were important to them. Thank you to our families who took the time to do this. Our new Charter is now created and the results confirm that we pledge to ensure:
Article 3 – Children are at the heart of everything we do and we meet the needs of each individual child and ensure they are learning and developing at a pace that suits them.
Article 12 – We ensure all children are included and they have a voice. Children are consulted through visuals and graphs and are able to make choices of playing and learning. Planning is predominately responsive, however we also use Intentional planning in order to meet the needs of each child.
Article 24 – We ensure we provide healthy lunches and snacks at all times. Children are also encouraged to brush their teeth, exercise and also have some rest. We promote healthy lifestyles at every opportunity to ensure children have access to good food, health services and clean water.
Article 31 – We ensure children have a wide range of play experiences and are exposed to various cultural and artistic activities in order to celebrate our diverse families.
Thank you

Response to 4 articles Sept 23

September 2023 Our new Playroom Charter has been created through consultation with our families.


Our playroom charter is now complete. This was based on the information gathered from the Articles task whereby families and staff chose the 4 most important to them. The results enabled us to create the following charter for our children. We hope you find this interesting and work with us to ensure our children have the best possible life experiences.

Through ARTICLE 3Best interests of the Child – we pledge to ensure our children are able to:

  • Keep safe
  • Grow and develop to full potential
  • Be cared for
  • Be themselves
  • Understand emotions
  • Be provided with good food and clean water

Through ARTICLE 12Right to have views listened to and respected – we pledge to ensure our children are able to:

  • Be Included
  • Make choices
  • Be listened to
  • Express emotions
  • Ask questions
  • Ensure their voice is heard

Through ARTICLE 28Right to an Education – we pledge to ensure our children are able to:

  • Explore and discover objects
  • Use technologies to help learn
  • Celebrate successes
  • Learn new things and skills
  • Learn and celebrate different cultures
  • Access interesting spaces and toys

Through ARTICLE 31 – Right to play, rest and exercise – we pledge to ensure our children are able to:

  • Make friends
  • Share and take turns
  • Have fun
  • Exercise
  • Access outdoor learning
  • Be kind

Should you wish further information on the ARTICLES, please speak to any member of staff. Thank you

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