5 Ways to Wellbeing

During PSHE and Assembly, pupils have been introduced to the 5 Ways of Wellbeing.  Staff have also been informed of this during In service day training and though the schools staff weekly bulletin.  Evidence suggests that a small improvement in wellbeing can help to decrease some mental health issues and also help people to flourish.
The 5 ways to Wellbeing are:
 Connect
 Be Active
 Take Notice
 Keep Learning
 Give

This is an area that we continue to revisit throughout the year. A small group of S2 and S6 pupils have taken on the responsibility to put together a promotional video about the 5 Ways to Wellbeing. This video has been led by the pupils and has been used in PSHE and assembly.

Thank you to Matthew George, Hamza Majid, Jason McParland, Ahona Routh, Francesca Crilley, Callum Devine and John Lynch for the hard work making this video.