EWHCF Class of 2021

October 27, 2019
by G Atkinson
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P6B Blog – 27.09.19

Snapshot of P6B’s learning!

Maths Week has taken over Crookfur Primary! Mrs Andrews from Education Scotland visited P6B to see what our groups have been learning. Emmy Noether used the fraction titles and blocks to help convert, simplify and make equivalent fractions, two other groups were using scales and unit cubes to help estimate and balance a range of weights. Afterwards, Mr Atkinson challenged them to gather and weigh a range of everyday objects to determine if a shopping bag could hold the weight. Another group used mirrors and geoboards to recreate symmetrical patterns and shapes. We also discovered that Miss Mckendrick was the Maths Menace this year!

In Science we have been writing lab reports about this week’s Density Ladder experiment. We discovered that certain liquids are denser than others and when mixed they form layers. During our experiment we recorded our hypotheses, a prediction, scientific diagram and a table of results. You can see some of our results below in the pictures!

A Eastwood High School music teacher visited us and taught us all about brass instruments. Some of us have even decided that we would like to learn how to play them.

To help us with our understanding of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone we used our dictionary skills to locate definitions for tricky words throughout the novel.

In writing we have been using Harry Potter as our context. This week we created a set of instructions for how to raise, feed and look after our dragon pets. We learnt that not every dragon is the same, so we have to provide very clear and simply instructions.

In French we learned how to play the game Jacques a Dit which is the French version of Simon Says and we then we went over our numbers and introductory phrases.

Mr Atkinson’s Comment

What a busy week we have had in P6B! Well done to everyone for getting involved with Maths Week. There are only a few more weeks left of the class novel and then groups books, non-fiction texts, will be issued as homework


October 11, 2019
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P6A Blog by Aizah and Rokaia – 11/10/19

P6a  Class Blog



By: Aizah Tahir and Rokaia Mohamed


In science we have been testing if non-galvanised nails would rust in different types of liquids,and if they would soak up the liquid.

Two weeks later we checked on them to see if anything had changed and surely enough the coke that we had put in didn’t rust neither did the cooking oil.The rest of the nails had rust and the liquids including the water,salt water, lime juice and vinegar. The nail in the vinegar rusted the most, and the nail in the cooking oil rusted the least.


In technology we made boats to link in with our topic the Titanic. We made the boats from scratch and our target was that our boats had to float and be made from recyclable materials. Guess What… ALL OF THE BOATS FLOATED!! Miss Estlick will make a separate blog post with pictures to show you all soon.

This week we also finished reading our class novel Harry Potter. It was sad that the book had to end but it was a great topic. Today we had a Harry Potter quiz and tried Bertie Botts Every Flavoured Beans!


October 8, 2019
by User deactivated
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P6A Blog – 04.10.19 by Daniel, Ayla and Oscar

6a Class Blog – 04/10/19 


This week in P6a we had lots of fun doing different activities.

In P.E with our P.E specialist, Miss Kinkade, we worked on hockey to develop our passing and dribbling skills.When we did P.E with Miss Estlick we also started a new topic……football!!!We had lots of fun playing mini games in partners and team games in groups.Our sports leaders,Mhairi,Louis and Rosie did a great job in choosing a warm- up for us to play.We really enjoyed it!

In writing,our focus has been Harry Potter.This week we were writing about how to look after a Harry Potter themed dragon.We really loved making up our own dragons that looked and acted the way we wanted them to.No two dragons were the same!

This week was MATHS WEEK!There was lots of things to get excited about but the main one was the maths menace! Every day of the week there was a different clue to who it was.There was mirrors,TJ’s,and number fans all over the floor.We got given cards to give to the teacher or staff member who we thought was guilty.We all look forward to the revealing of the maths menace.P6a also had fun solving the riddles that were stuck around the school for us to solve.We had a very important visitor this week called Mrs Andrews who came to work with the Mathletes.They had lots of fun 

with her.

In Science we took part in a rusting experiment that involved us putting nails into different liquids to see which liquid would be the most efficient in making the nails rust.We look forward to seeing the results next week ! 

In French we learned lots of different greetings and played Jacques a Dit which is the French version of Simon Says.

Overall,we had a great week and hope to have as much fun next week!!!

BY Daniel,Ayla, Oscar !         

September 22, 2019
by G Atkinson
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P6B Blog – 20.09.19

Snapshot of P6B’s learning!

Over the last two weeks we have written two pieces based on the Harry Potter novel series, potion recipes and informal letters to our pen-pals at Hogwarts. To aid us, we have been using the Chromebooks, dictionaries and our WOW word pyramids. Some of our friends in class have also been bringing in wands, maps, illustrations and books to help bring our topic to life!

In French we have been revising greetings and phrases to introduce ourselves. This week we pretended to be different characters and we had to ask each other questions to find out who our partner was. Some of the characters included the Marvel Superheros and popular actors!

In P.E. we have started honing our skills related to Football. First we practised dribbling by moving around the gym hall, changing direction and maneuvering around different objects. We then played group games which challenged us to link up three passes before we could score a point. Next week we will continue to improve our passing and communication skills.

In Maths some groups have been identifying lines of symmetry on a range of 2D shapes by folding and cutting them out of paper. Another group have been learning about the ML and L by using a range of jugs and tubes. Some pupils have been revising the area formula for rectangles and squares and have begun to apply this to help with calculating the area of right angled triangles and irregular shapes.

After reading the next few chapters in Harry Potter we completed work based on characterisation and understanding of the text. This week we have been listening to the audiobook as we have read along.

Mr Atkinson’s Comment

Another great week in P6B! Thank you to everyone for bringing in lots of items to help us build our ships, I have been overwhelmed with all the donations! It was fantastic to meet some of the P6B adults at the Meet the Teacher session, the pupils thoroughly enjoyed the Harry Potter code-breaker puzzle. Please remember to submit your homework on a Monday so that it can be marked and returned on time.


September 13, 2019
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P6A Blog – 13.09.19

Snapshot of P6A’s learning!

We started the week by visiting the science room once again to write a Lab Report about last week’s experiment. We had to include the aim of the experiment, hypotheses, a prediction, an annotated, scientific diagram and a table of results. After this, we continued to work on our Titanic posters and we are so very proud of them.

During our literacy lessons, we learned our new spelling words and sounds and completed many active spelling activities. The playdough was probably our favourite. Afterwards, we listened to the next episode in our 6-minute story podcast and predicted what would happen next.

P6 also had a visit from one of the Eastwood High School music teachers who taught us all about brass instruments!

After reading the next few chapters in Harry Potter we completed an inference and character sheet to develop a deeper understanding of the text. After we had all read a section from the book we enjoyed snuggling down in the classroom to listen to Miss Estlick read the rest of the chapter.

In our different maths groups, we have been learning about 2D shape, time, area and perimeter. We have loved using our new maths resources and creating posters about our new topic.

In PE this week, we have been focusing on fitness. We loved completing a warm up to some music and completing a plank VS wall-sit challenge. Afterwards we completed the press up cha cha slide challenge and many of us made it through the whole song!

We also celebrated success this week by sharing our awards and medals with the class.

Committees are already up and running! A big thank you to our JRSO’s for taking a survey this week on how we get to school.

Miss Estlick’s Comment

Well done everyone for completing all of your homework this week!

Quick reminders:

Please bring in your mugs for the Diversity day competition.

Over the next few weeks both P6 classes will be designing their own model ships as part of their IDL Titanic topic. The design process will involve researching the components and structures of ships and then create a model ship. In order for the pupils to compare and test whether their ships are buoyant we require a range of materials. If you have any material such as cardboard (cereal boxes) or empty bottles we would appreciate if these could be donated to the school, they will be stored in the art pod. We will be collecting these until the September weekend.


September 13, 2019
by User deactivated
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P6A Blog – 06.09.19

Snapshot of P6A’s learning!

We started the week by visiting the science room to investigate whether items would float or sink to help us understand buoyancy. We could not believe that a Diet Coke can would float and a regular Coca Cola can would sink! After watching a video of diet and regular Coke being boiled we soon realised why this happened!

After this, we worked in groups to create Titanic related information posters by using the Chromebooks and laptops. Some of the topics we researched included; social classes, engineering/structure, the journey, modern day shipping and the events surrounding the Titanic. Some of us are even researching at home! In a couple of weeks, we will be presenting our posters to the class!

During our literacy lessons, we analysed an extract from our Harry Potter class novel and made inferences based on the author’s word choice. We then discussed and justified our answers with our partners. On Friday, we began to use our dictionary skills to locate definitions for tricky words throughout the first three chapters of the novel. It has been great reading it aloud in class.

In maths we completed a Sumdog challenge and learned a new game called “Exterminate” which is helping to improve our mental maths.

The highlight of the week was definitely the Diversity Day event at Barrhead Foundry. We took part in a quiz which involved us visiting stalls and learning about lots of different religions. All of us got a chance to participate in dances and games from different cultures. We especially enjoyed painting mugs.

This is what we had to say about Diversity Day:

Louis – We painted mugs and it was really really fun. I liked when the boys tried on turbans.  

Ethan – We had a quiz about different religions. I had many good conversations.  I didn’t know Bah’ai was a religion until today.   

Chloe –  We got to do some traditional ballroom dances from India.  

Aizah – I liked that the girls got to put saris and Bindi’s on. We looked beautiful! The Judaism horn was really cool too. I loved seeing a stall about my religion!

Rayhan – We took part in lots of sports.  

Darcey – We got to take part in some relay races. 

Rokaia – The hardest race was putting the bean bags on our toes and we had to hop.  

Lewis – The dancing was really fun and funny! I also liked that my religion was represented.  

Cole – We got to meet people from others schools and play and learn with them.  

Ryan – I loved wearing the Bindi.  

We also celebrated success this week by sharing our awards and medals with the class.

Miss Estlick’s Comment

Well done everyone for getting involved at the Diversity Day event, we had a lot of fun! Homework was issued last week and should be returned on Monday. For the next few weeks mental maths homework will be issued through Sumdog, however, if you cannot access this please let me know and I can issue the questions by printing them. Google Classrooms should now be accessible for all, you can locate the audiobooks of the chapters issued as homework in the resource section, again if there are any issues with this a printed copy can be issued. Please remember to complete 2 active spelling activities.

Congratulations to our first Star of the Week!

September 13, 2019
by User deactivated
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P6A Blog – 30.09.19

Snapshot of P6A’s learning! – 30.08.19

This week we completed our family tree themed class charter. We all discussed and voted for the UNCRC articles that we wanted to learn more about and focus on for the rest of the year using the wellbeing indicaors. Below is our selection from the 54 articles:

  • Article 3 – Adults must do what’s best for me.
  • Article 12 – I have the right to be listened to, and taken seriously.
  • Article 13: You have the right to find out things and say what you think, through making art, speaking and writing, unless it breaks the rights of others
  • Article 15: You have the right to be with friends and join or set up clubs, unless this breaks the rights of others.
  • Article 19: You have the right to be protected from being hurt or badly treated.
  • Article 29: You have the right to education which tries to develop your personality and abilities as much as possible and encourages you to respect other people’s rights and values and to respect the environment.

Taken from – https://www.cypcs.org.uk/

We then shared our ideas about what makes a good teacher and a good pupil, which has helped us to form our classroom conduct guide.

It has been all about Harry Potter this week! So far the class has made predictions on chapter 1, read chapters 1-3 and participated in reciprocal reading activities by inferring, reflecting, responding exploring and creating with a partner.

During our Health and Wellbeing lesson we worked on the importance of positive self-image. We discussed how each individual has a unique blend of abilities and needs, and how we can make Crookfur Primary School a community, which values individuals equally and is a welcoming place for all. Afterwards, we wrote about the best part of ourselves and displayed our wonderful writing outside of the classroom with our pictures. Then we went outside and used different positive adjectives to describe the people in our classroom.

In maths the whole class have been learning about Number Talks and different mental maths strategies. We also participated in a variety of maths games which we will be using in our lessons throughout the year.

Congratulations to our first group table winners, I hope you enjoy your raffle rewards!

Miss Estlick’s Comment

I have been very impressed with everyone’s enthusiasm regarding the class novel – Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.

Reminder: PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday. Muga is on a Tuesday and the Activity Trail is on a Thursday.

September 8, 2019
by G Atkinson
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P6B Blog – 6.09.19

Snapshot of P6B’s learning!

We started the week investigating whether items would float or sink to help us understand buoyancy. After this we worked in groups to create Titanic related information posters by using the Chromebooks and laptops. Some of the topics we researched included; social classes, engineering/structure, the journey, modern day shipping and the events surrounding the Titanic. Next week we will be presenting our posters to the class!

During our literacy lesson we analysed an extract from our Harry Potter class novel and made inferences based on the author’s word choice. We then discussed and justified our answers with our partners. On Friday we began to use our dictionary skills to locate definitions for tricky words throughout the first three chapters of the novel, we are going to finish this off next week.

In one of our maths sessions Mr Atkinson set up some challenges to help us revise addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

The highlight of the week was definitely the Diversity Day event at Barrhead Foundry. We took part in a quiz which involved us visiting stalls and learning about lots of different religions. All of us got a chance to participate in dances and games from different cultures.

Mr Atkinson’s Comment

Well done everyone for getting involved at the Diversity Day event, we had a lot of fun! Homework was issued last week and should be returned on Monday. For the next few weeks mental maths homework will be issued through Sumdog, however, if you cannot access this please let me know and I can issue the questions by printing them. Google Classrooms should now be accessible for all, you can locate the audiobooks of the chapters issued as homework in the resource section, again if there are any issues with this a printed copy can be issued.


September 1, 2019
by G Atkinson
Comments Off on P6B Blog – 30.08.19

P6B Blog – 30.08.19

Snapshot of P6B’s learning!

This week we completed our superhero themed class charter. We all discussed and voted for the UNCRC articles that we wanted to learn more about and focus on for the rest of the year. Below is our selection from the 54 articles:

  • Article 3 – Adults must do what’s best for me.
  • Article 6 – I should be supported to live and grow.
  • Article 12 – I have the right to be listened to, and taken seriously.
  • Article 23 – If I have a disability, I have the right to special care and education.
  • Article 28 – I have the right to an education.
  • Article 31 – I have a right to relax and play.

Taken from – https://www.cypcs.org.uk/

We then shared our ideas about what makes a good teacher and a good pupil, which has helped us to form our classroom conduct guide.

It has been all about Harry Potter this week! So far the class has made predictions on chapter 1, read chapters 1-3 and created the Hogwarts setting by using chalk and paint to make a sunset effect.

In P.E. this week Mr Atkinson showed us how to play Bucketball. We had a fantastic time and have decided to create a mini league for the class tables to take part in.

During our Bounce Back lesson we investigated helpful and unhelpful thinking and how it can affect us. We discussed how sometimes we can exaggerate things and ways to cope with challenging situations. This will also link into our Growth Mindset work which we will be starting in a few weeks.

In maths the whole class have been learning about Number Talks and different mental maths strategies. We also completed some problem solving challenges!

Congratulations to our first group table winners!

Mr Atkinson’s Comment

I have been very impressed with everyone’s enthusiasm regarding the class novel – Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. Just a reminder that our P.E. sessions are on Monday and Friday, so make sure you have your P.E. kit with you. P6B will be attending workshops on Thursday 05.09.19 for the Diversity Day event so please remember to bring the appropriate clothing as discussed in class.

August 25, 2019
by G Atkinson
Comments Off on Welcome to Primary 6B – 23.08.19

Welcome to Primary 6B – 23.08.19

Snapshot of P6B’s learning!

It has been a busy start to Primary 6B! Below is a list of some of the highlights from the week. 

We have been working on our problem solving skills through our daily number challenge and escape room puzzles.

The class are in the process of finishing their superhero themed class charter which they voted for before the holidays. Next week we plan to select specific rights and incorporate them into our class rules.

In P.E. we completed a range of different fitness stations and a getting to know you activity!

Our class novel for the next few weeks is Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. We will be focusing on the reading skills of predicting, summarising and analysing.

We also had the opportunity to write about our summer holidays and share them with one another!

At the end of the week we completed our Self Portrait Silhouettes. Within our silhouettes we drew our hobbies, interests and families/friends.

Mr Atkinson’s Comment

It has been a great week filled with lots of different activities. Well done to everyone who volunteered for a committee position, all of your speeches were fantastic! Just a reminder that our P.E. sessions are on Monday and Friday, so make sure you have your P.E. kit with you. It would be helpful to label your clothes with your name or initials so that nothing gets misplaced. If you would like to see what P6B are up to please check Crookfur Primary’s twitter page.


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