P5A Class Blog 28th April 2017

The pink maths groups have been doing co-ordinates using positive and negative numbers.

The white group have been finding fractions of numbers and amounts.

The orange group have been doing 3D shapes and making shapes from nets.

The yellow group have been reading the time.


The purple group have started reading Pinnochio

The blue group have started 18th Emergency

The red group have started Horrid Henry’s Underpants

The green group have started The Frankenstein Teacher


Google expedition came to our school.  We each had a V.R (Virtual Reality) headset. We went on a journey to Jupiter and we saw inside the space modeule Juno.  We also had some time to look at the Taj Mahal, Rio, The Great Wall of China, Sydney and some sharks!


We have been doing athletics in P.E and had different stations including shot putt, realy races, hurdles, long jump.


We did more bikeability this week too!