P5A Class Blog 21st April 2017

The pink group have been doing co-ordinates in maths.

The white group have been continuing their work with fractions and finding fractions of amounts.

The orange group have been learning about 3D shapes.

The yellow group have been continuing their work on time.

In writing we had to describe a scene using descriptive language such as adjectives, adverbs, personification, simile, onomatopoeia and alliteration.

We started bikeability this week. We were out in the playground and had to complete 3 stations. We had to cycle in a circle and had to follow instructions like “touch your head with your left hand”, in the second station we had to cycle in a straight line and stay as close to the cones as possible and in the third station we had to follow a zig-zag line and keep our front tyre as close to the line as possible.

Today is crazy hair day and dress as you please. The houses have also been collecting money for the money-mile competition.

In P.E we started athletics. We have been using a baton and practising our passing of the baton whilst running.  We have also started badminton with the P.E specialist from Eastwood High School.

In art we looked at medieval writing and created our own medieval intial.