Category Archives: Primary 6

Distance Learning – Days 6 and 7

Sorry I haven’t posted as regularly as I have been, but I was working in school on Monday and yesterday I have been experiencing problems with my broadband service at home ( bad timing!)

Lewis and Aatish have been trying the Try for 10! game with the playing cards in your Home Learning pack. It is not as easy as it sounds but Aatish is doing well in the photo above. One more move and you’re done!

Here is Ibrahim and Wint’s solutions for yesterday’s Countdown challenge. Great job! Remember to challenge your family and friends too.

On Monday, I put a question up on Google classrooms asking the children if they had done anything kind for someone over the weekend. Again, I put their responses into a WordArt and as you can see below, family feature heavily in their response.  I hope that everyone is keep happy and healthy during these unprecedented times, and I sure we will all come through this if we keep looking after each other.

Keep sharimng uyour photos with me and I will endeavour to post them here. Thank you Alesha for sharing this with me, it did make me smile.

Delisha has also been busy baking and decorating these lovely cakes.






Distance Learning – Week 1 complete

It’s the end of Week 1 of the strange and interesting week we are calling Distance Learning.  Thank you to all the children and families that have engaged with the online activities.  I’m so please to see that the children of P623 are still continuing their education even if it looks completely different from a few weeks ago.

Today I asked in a poll “What made you happy this week?” Looking at the replies I can see that the children have really enjoyed spending this time with their families, making things and playing with their family.  To illustrate this, I’ve created a Wordle (shown above) that increases the size of the word given the word’s frequency in the poll results. I think it’s reassuring to know that they are enjoying this experience given the unsettling times we are currently living through.



Distance Learning – Day 5

After finding a lizard out on a walk in Whitelees Windfarm this week, I made this (and yes it is my voice. I’ve been asked this a few times now).

I challenged the children to make similar videos using the written polar animal fact files that they already created in class.  I’m very happy to say that they didn’t disappoint.

Firstly, this is Jamie’s video featuring the mysterious Narwhal.

Next, we have Lucy’s Musk Ox video.

As a bit of fun on Friday, I post the photo below of me dressed up as Flint of the Fur tribe, one of the main characters in our class novel Sky Song.

Again, I challenged the children to dress up as a character from a book and here they are.  Grace decided to involve her family and they dressed up as Calvin and Hobbes.

Ibrahim dressed as Greg Heffley from the Diary of a Wimpy Kid book series.

Zac has been dressing up as Shrek.

We also have a few late entries for our create a villain activity this week. This is Kill Joy Noah’s villain.

Lucy’s half eagle, half human creation called Blur.

The terrifying Shadow Snatcher from Lewis’ imagination.

And finally, Jamie’s untitled mammoth snake monster.

The children have also been keeping me informed of all the other things they have been doing at home. Jemma has been building tunnels for her hamster Snowy, baking and going on bike rides.




Distance learning – Day 4

Despite all the changes in our lives in the last week, it is good to see that most children in P623 are “Feeling good”.

Could I ask families to continue sharing their photos with me so that I can share them here to help the children keep in touch with each other.  Thank you!

Distance learning – Day 3

Again, thank you to all the children that have shared photos with me of the activities they are completing at home.  Today i asked you to create your own villains and bring them to life in a piece of artwork.

Zaina has created a character called Wickedmoon and her artwork looks amazing.

Ibrahim has done an annotated pencil drawing of his villain.

Finally, Lea has created a character called Fang.



Distance Learning – Day 2

I will try to use the class blog now to keep us all in touch and help share our learning whilst we are all at home.

Thank you to all the pupils who have shared photos with me so far and keep them coming.

Aatish has shared his solution for the Countdown problem

as well as Jamie who shared this one.

Lucy also shared a photo of her STEM activity and showed her ingenuity substituting the cork with some orange peel following Lewis’ great tip.



STEM Fortnight: Day 8

Today, we designed and constructed a Mars lander module that would safely deliver a payload to the surface of the planet.

We were given a design brief and a budget of £100,00,000! Our briefing stated that dropping a manned module on the Red Planet is the equivalent of dropping an egg from a height of 4 metres.

After a first test and any modifications, we finally dropped our eggs.

Well done to the winning team that successfully dropped their lander without any damage to their egg.








STEM Fortnight: Day 7

Following on from our Animal Adaptation lessons, we explored the benefits of having a layer of blubber to surviving Arctic Ocean temperatures of between -2 and 0 oC.

The Blubber Glove experiment involves first timing how long you can keep your hand in cold (2.4 oC) water.

Most people can only tolerate this for less than a minute.

Secondly, we covered our hand in lard to replicate a layer of blubber.

Again, we put our hands in the water and time it again.

Finally, we used our results to create a spreadsheet and create a chart to show our results.

This afternoon, Mr Hull visited us to demonstrate the app Bloxels which is used to create our own games.