Distance Learning – Day 46

Today is the start of Inquiry Week. The children have the chance to learn about something they are passionate about. It should be something they are interested in but don’t have much knowledge in. It should be big enough to fill their whole week and not something that can be Googled in a few minutes.

The choice of topic is completely open and no two inquiries should look the same. A few examples could be,

Example 1

Topic: I want to learn how to plan and prepare a 3-course meal

Actions: create a menu, plan recipes, create a shopping list, make a budget, etc.

Outcome: a PowerPoint presentation with text and photos.

Example 2

Topic: I want to learn about making and editing movies using iMovie

Actions: looking at online tutorials and videos, planning and creating a storyboard, finding locations and actor, using props and costumes creating a project in iMovie, etc.

Outcome: A finished movie with a storyline using multiple movie editing techniques such as transitions, cutaways, background music, special effects, etc.

Example 3

Topic: I want to learn about a famous scientist in history.

Actions: researching into the earlier life, working life, achievements, discoveries, personal life, death, etc.

Outcome: a recreation of one of their experiments with a completed lab report with results and graphs.

Following our excellent interview with Abi (still can’t believe this happened), I received a package to my house from her. Abi has kindly sent every child in P623 a three-chapter sneak peek copy of her new book, Jungle Drop, which doesn’t hit the shops until 1st October 2020. Amazing!

She has also signed every copy which makes a great keepsake and positive memory from our time in lockdown. I have thanked Abi on your behalf and she congratulated you on all your hard work in and out of the classroom.