Distance Learning – Day 43

Today we are in New York City, visiting the Natural History Museum in Manhattan.

The children were asked to go for a walk around the Hall of American Mammals and have a look at the dioramas there.


From there, they should decide which mammal they would like to find out more about: jackrabbit, beaver or mountain goat. Zac has created this fun and informative presentation about beavers.


Lewis has created this great news report.

Delisha’s jackrabbit worksheet.

After the American mammals, the children were asked to go on a nature hunt either in their own environment or one of the diorama settings: Grand Canyon, Yosemite or Devil’s Tower.  Jamie enjoyed exploring with President Theodre Roosevelt.

Although we have moved on in Field Trip Week, I am still receiving lots of work that I’m sure you will want me to share with you. Delisha created this sunflower drawing.

Wint made this beautiful and delicate painting of an almond blossom.


Lewis has captured Van Gogh’s use of vibrant colour with these two pieces of art. Excellent!

Grace has been filling out her logbook and she like watching the flamingoes in San Diego Zoo.

A closer look of Grace’s flamingo.

Day 2 in Grace’s logbook.

Jamie’s logbook entry fro the Van Gogh Museum.

Lea has completed a video report about pandas.