Distance Learning – Day 34

How did you get on with yesterday’s Book Island Quiz? Answers are posted on Google classroom if you want to check.

Quizzes were one of the things that were highlighted in my recent Distance Learning Evaluation form: the children have really enjoyed participating in them and have asked for more quizzes. Therefore, I thought it might be fun if the children created their own Book Island Quiz. One of today’s activities was to create your own book character island, littering the island with visual clues to who lives there. Unfortunately, I can’t share any of the islands with you at the moment, because that would give it away, but rest assured that the children have been sharing lots of great drawings.

I will create a new Book Island Quiz using the children’s work in the next week or so.

A few late entries from last week’s themed Lego Week. Delisha has made her time-lapse Lego build movie using captions.

Hibah build a speed boat here.

And finally, Alesha builds a scooter for her minifigure.

The questions for Abi Elphinstone have been arriving and I will hopefully select which ones we will put to the author. So far, more than 50 questions have been submitted and I will have to get them down to a more reasonable figure.