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Distance Learning

Recently, many pupils around the world have been learning at home. P5.17 are no different but have certainly rose to the challenge! We have all been working very hard to continue demonstrating a strong commitment to learning despite the current world issues.

This week , we have acknowledged the work of our heroes, who are helping us during this time. We’ve drawn pictures of our NHS heroes and made birthday cards to celebrate the 100th birthday of Captain Tom Moore. Captain Tom has raised over £32 000 000 and this total is rising everyday! We are all so proud of the efforts of everyone to help during this time.

To Finley,

Sorry we didn’t get to say a proper goodbye to you, we never expected this would happen so quickly.

Those of us that were in school today wanted to leave you a message

Have fun at your now school and house – Lily

Hope you have a great time in your home city from – Lyle

Good luck in Liverpool – Risha

Hope you have a wonderful time in Liverpool – Josh

Hope you have a nice time in Liverpool and home hope you make new friends – Adam

I hope you have a nice school and amazing friends – Ubaid

I hope you have a nice time back in Liverpool – Isla W

Hope you have a brilliant time in Liverpool and you will meet lots of new friends – Owen

Hope you have a good time in Liverpool with your other friends – Maanya

Hope you have a good time in Liverpool with your new friends – Amaan

Best of for the future in your new home and school. You have been a polite, well mannered, funny and much loved member of the class. We’ll miss you lots.

K’nex challenge

As part of STEM fortnight, we have been participating in the primary 5 K’nex challenge. First, we did some mini challenges to find out about the different parts and then we started on the main challenge. The main challenge was to follow a design brief to make a bridge that could open. We had so much fun and learnt about the planning process, the construction process and the assessment process. We also learnt how to make structures stable and sturdy and what shapes support structures best.

Our Burns Supper

Last week we hosted our Burns Supper. We worked really hard on the preparations. We learnt dances, songs and a poem and even did some artwork for the decorations on the night. On the night, we put on a great performance, served haggis, neeps and tatties and drinks to the guests, and ended with dancing and Auld Lang Syne. We were so thankful to all the guests who came along to see what all our hardwork had resulted in. Since then, we have used our knowledge of Scots language to write about our experiences of the Burns Supper. Look out for our writing in the next school newsletter to find out our feelings on the event.

Teeth Experiment

Our science topic is teeth. We experimented on what drinks are bad for your teeth and what is not . We used egg shells as teeth and put them in various drinks. After a week we found out that Coca Cola and blackcurrant juice were the worst drink out of the drinks we used. We had lots of fun doing this experiment.

Drama fun!

As part of our Burns topic, we have been learning some Scots language. We translated and analysed a Scots poem and got into groups to act it out. We all took on different roles and used facial expressions and movement to make it enjoyable for our audience. We enjoyed acting and watching the performances.


Daily 10

Recently, we have been working on improving our mental maths skills. We have been doing the ‘daily 10’ before the start of each maths lesson to keep our basic maths skills sharp and work on our speed. We really enjoy challenging ourselves and trying to improve on our previous scores. We have learnt different strategies and noticed that sometimes there is more than one way to calculate an answer. Listening to the different strategies that our peers use, help us choose the best method for us.

Christmas Fayre Crafts

This week we made recyclable wrapping paper for the Christmas fayre. We were shocked to find out that the UK alone send 4 billion kilograms of wrapping paper to landfill every year. We worked hard to make neat designs on brown paper which can be reused and recycled. We hope you can help us make a difference by buying our products at the fayre on Saturday.

Gardening fun!

Yesterday we worked with the gardeners and participated in litter picking, harvesting and weeding.

We found out about the different types of weeds and discovered that many people have different opinions on what they classify as weeds.

We harvested vegetables in the school garden. We collected leeks, radishes and potatoes.

We picked up litter to help plants grow in a clean environment. We found litter in the bushes and worked hard to get it out safely.

We are really enjoy gardening and we are looking forward to working with the gardeners again soon.