Sporting fortnight!

Over the last 2 weeks, P5.17 have been refining skills in P.E to improve and finding out how their body reacts to increased exercise. They watched a video and read about the respiratory system before testing their knowledge. They had a race to complete a series of P.E challenges and even set P.E challenges for their peers within the class. All of this practise, helped them with their sports day activities this week. The pupils were very inventive with their activities, some pupils did some hula hooping, others did egg and spoon races, some did keepie uppies (some with a football and others with toilet roll) and there were even some obstacle courses too!

Well done to all the pupils for all their fantastic efforts! Everyone is being very creative with their ideas and participating to the best of their ability!

Distance Learning

Recently, many pupils around the world have been learning at home. P5.17 are no different but have certainly rose to the challenge! We have all been working very hard to continue demonstrating a strong commitment to learning despite the current world issues.

This week , we have acknowledged the work of our heroes, who are helping us during this time. We’ve drawn pictures of our NHS heroes and made birthday cards to celebrate the 100th birthday of Captain Tom Moore. Captain Tom has raised over £32 000 000 and this total is rising everyday! We are all so proud of the efforts of everyone to help during this time.