What a marvellous day of learning. We packed in so much today and had a great time with lots of laughing and fun too. We started off walking towards a beautiful view of the sun rising above the trees and arranged ourselves into a hexagon exceptionally quickly – our organisational skills as a class are really developing well. 👍
Next we moved on to solving our first problem of the day which involved creating a hexagon by placing two equilateral triangles on top of each other. We were then challenged to work out the size of the angles inside the hexagon given that all the little triangles on the outside were also equilateral.
After we spent time in groups trying to solve this and then learned how to calculate them together as a class, we set our own different challenges to show our understanding of supplementary angles. This is a very tricky concept and requires a lot of problem solving so we are all really proud of what we learned today and how we are growing in confidence discussing angles. Click on the links below to hear some of the questions we created.
After break time we moved on to a new challenge also involving triangles but this time investigating and working together to discover the minimum number of moves to invert a triangle. Here are some photos of us doing just that.