P.E – Rugby Visit

We had a very exciting start to the week on Monday as we had a visit from Whitecraigs rugby player Nicole.

Due to the wet and windy weather our lesson was moved indoors to our Street area and we had an excellent first session learning about the techniques for scoring a try, carrying the ball and passing the ball. Afterwards we enjoyed team challenges in small groups.

Fingers crossed for a dry day for our next session!

Bonfire Night – Chalk Cityscape Art

Remember, remember the 5th of November!
At the end of last week in 6.22 we were really excited to celebrate Bonfire Night over the weekend – and even made our own city scape using chalk.

This piece of art required us to use a range of skills from designing our buildings, cutting out our skyline, using small and large chalk to create the night sky scene and smudging to create a glow effect.

Our art is now on display outside of our classroom but here is an insight into our chalk masterpieces!

Mearns Masters – Campaigners – Fair Fashion

Today we started our new Mearns Masters Block – Campaigners! We spent out lesson researching Fast Fashion around the world and how this impacts on workers and clothing company brands.

Then we translated our research into an informative an eye-catching poster here are some of the facts that we discovered:

  • The “fast” in fast fashion refers to the speed that the clothes are manufactured by brands.
  • Many sweatshop workers are forced to work 14-16 hours 7 days a week.
  • The global fashion industry produces over 92 million tonnes of waste per year.
  • In 2019, the Global market value of fast fashion was over 30 billion pounds.
  • According to UNICEF, 170 million children are forced to work in the clothes production industry.
  • 93% of brands surveyed by the fashion checker are not paying their workers a living wage.
  • Overall, 100 billion clothing items are made each year. However, the majority are discarded and most go to landfill.

Our class were shocked to find out about the working conditions in the factories of some of the most well-known brands in the world which we have shopped in ourselves!

We are looking forward to gaining more insight into fast fashion and forming our own campaign which will focus on creating a sustainable form of clothing production and recycling.

Maths Challenges

In our maths, 6.22 love a challenging problem and we recently adapted our maths wall to incorporate Chilli Challenge problem solving cards.

These cover all areas of the curriculum and test our knowledge of applying our maths knowledge to solve word problems as well as identifying patterns and relationships.

Once we have completed each question we then pin it back up onto the wall so others can compare their answers to our own and we can also share our working as to how we solved the problem with everyone in the class!

P.E – Athletics

In our P.E, we have moved onto athletics. Today in the sunshine we were doing relay races in groups of 4. We practised using the baton and passed it to one another. We started off only being able to do this statically but by the end of the lesson we were all sprinting!

We are looking forward to developing our athletics skills more over the coming weeks!


COP 26 – Helping Hands

As important figures from all around the world arrive in Glasgow for COP 26. We have been learning about the small changes that we can make to help the environment. We each created a template of our hand and wrote 5 changes that we are going to make to help the environment!


We are planning to walk or bike to school rather than drive all of the time, we will reduce, reuse and recycle and use less plastic by bringing our re-usable bottles, bags and lunch boxes to school.

We used all of our hands to make a great helping hands display in our classroom!

Pop-up Halloween Cards

Things were getting spoooooky today in 6.22 as we created our own Halloween pop-up cards! We enjoyed adding the ghosts, bats and haunted house to our design and learning how folding and cutting the card in certain places meant that the scene would look 3D when you open it.

Afterwards we added to our spooky setting through creating windows for our haunted house, using metallic sharpies to decorate and adding spiders web.

We are looking forward to our dress-up costume day tomorrow in school to get into the Halloween spirit even more!

World Leaders – Solo Talks

We have had a very busy week back after the October holidays in 6.22, today we started our solo talks on our various World Leaders and famous figures.

We heard about a wide range of individuals from across the world and received great feedback from others in our class about presenting and our PowerPoints.

We are looking forward to hearing the rest of the talks tomorrow!

Natural Disasters – Cyclone in a bottle

Today in 6.22 we were looking at Hurricanes and Cyclones as a part of our natural disasters topic.

We now know that cyclones build in strength as they move over areas of water. They do this because the air above the warm water acts as a fuel. As it warms and rises it is replaced over and over again by new air. This creates the cycles of the storm and why we see the size of many tropical cyclones grow as they move across warm areas of water.

Using water, washing up liquid and glitter we made our own cyclones in a bottle. After turning the bottle upside down, holding it at the neck and quickly moving the bottle in a circular motion meant that we could see a mini cyclone spinning round!

Designers – Showcase

Yesterday in 6.22 we held an online showcase for our last week of Mearns Masters Designers. We felt proud to show our projects to everyone at home and we were also joined by Miss Hunter, Mrs Kennedy and Mrs Curran in class!

All of our groups presented fantastically and explained our design process to those at home and in school.

Here are our final project photographs:

We all really enjoyed making our eco-homes and can’t wait for our next block of Mearns Masters!

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