Hand washing Soaperheroes

This week we had a chance to check how important it is to wash our hands properly.ย  After rubbing some Bug Lotion on our hands, we have checked how germs would spread- our hands glowed under the UV light. We then split into two groups to test what is more effective: washing hands with soap and water or hand sanitising. The results were clearโ€ฆ Wash your hands with soap and water whenever possible.

The big reveal of pressed flowers and leaves


Wow! What a brilliant time we had this afternoon analysing our pressed flowers and leaves on a light box. ๐Ÿ ๐ŸŒน it was so interesting observing the changes that have taken place over the three weeks they have been pressed in our flower presses.



Once we got outside we continued with the theme of observing as we collected and observed leaves. We then went on to record information on our leaves in detailed diagrams and after swapping diagrams with others went on to analyse and identify specific leaves.


Maths Week 2020

We created a mind-map of the maths activities we planned to do during Maths Week 2020, and created a video of our work (unfortunately it’s too big to upload here, but you can view it on our Google Classroom, if you have permission to access it).

Creativity with leaves

We enjoyed discussing together the joy of growing plants and flowers today.

We then went outside and found more joy in the beautiful myriad of colours we can see around us in the form of leaves. Working in pairs we collected lots of leaves and created some brilliant patterns, pictures and shapes.

While ย we were collecting we noticed how beautiful the leaves are when you hold them up to the sun, it makes them look almost transparent.

Another discovery we made was a group of leaves where caterpillars were forming.