Mearns Masters – Campaigners – Fair Fashion

Today we started our new Mearns Masters Block – Campaigners! We spent out lesson researching Fast Fashion around the world and how this impacts on workers and clothing company brands.

Then we translated our research into an informative an eye-catching poster here are some of the facts that we discovered:

  • The “fast” in fast fashion refers to the speed that the clothes are manufactured by brands.
  • Many sweatshop workers are forced to work 14-16 hours 7 days a week.
  • The global fashion industry produces over 92 million tonnes of waste per year.
  • In 2019, the Global market value of fast fashion was over 30 billion pounds.
  • According to UNICEF, 170 million children are forced to work in the clothes production industry.
  • 93% of brands surveyed by the fashion checker are not paying their workers a living wage.
  • Overall, 100 billion clothing items are made each year. However, the majority are discarded and most go to landfill.

Our class were shocked to find out about the working conditions in the factories of some of the most well-known brands in the world which we have shopped in ourselves!

We are looking forward to gaining more insight into fast fashion and forming our own campaign which will focus on creating a sustainable form of clothing production and recycling.

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