Coding – Showcase Preparation

Today we began the preparation for our Showcase event at the end of our Mearns Masters Block of Coding.

We created posters which summarise our game and give instructions on how to play. We then created encrypted invitations which reveal the secret time and location of our event if de-coded correctly.

We look forward to sharing our Scratch games with others next week!

Writing – Characterisation

Today we began a new topic in our writing – characterisation. Now we have developed our descriptive language through setting the scene, we are confident in moving forward to create our very own characters.

First we analysed excerpts from famous texts including Harry Potter and Treasure Island. We were able to identify the character’s appearance, personality and special skills successfully.

We then moved on to using our character prompt pictures to create our own profiles. We discussed the importance of using VCOP to add detail and clarity to our writing. We look forward to more characterisation in the coming weeks.

Safer Internet Day

Today it was Safer Internet day 2022 and in Primary 6 we spent time exploring the importance of maintaining safe and respectful relationships online.

First, we discussed various scenarios that could occur online and how different people would feel in these situations. We highlighted that it is important to always consider how others feel before we send a message. Then, we created an ‘alternative solution’ as to how the conversation online could have been resolved by using  a kind and respectful response approach.

Afterwards, we were given the task of designing our own game that was specifically focused on forming and sustaining respectful relationships online.

We pitched our ideas to the rest of the class and even created our own logo, tag line, game background and plan for different levels.

A very successful day of discussions and pitching!

Setting the Scene Writing

In our writing, we have been working on our use of descriptive adjectives to set the scene for the reader.

We enjoyed discussing a variety of different settings after seeing photographs on the board. We explored each of the 5 senses and what the character would be experiencing in that location and shared this with the class.

Mearns Masters – Coding

This week we began coding our own game on Scratch which follows the design brief of creating a character that jumps, flies, collects rewards and keeps a score as you progress through the game.

We have a wide range of characters, settings and rewards in the class and this is looking like it will turn out to be a very exciting project for our class!

Burns Day

This week one of our targets has been a research task investigating Scottish tartan and the history of Scottish Clans.

We then created our own kilts with the tartan of our choosing and designed our own sporran.

Happy Burns Day everyone!

Mearns Monthly Mail

We have had an exciting week in 6.22 after getting started with the preparation for our very own newspaper!

Throughout the week our editors, journalists and reporters have been conducting interviews with staff and Primary 7 pupils. We have decided that each issue of our newspaper will have a ‘spotlight year group’ giving our entire school community a chance to get an insight into what is going on throughout Mearns Primary.

Meanwhile our advertising team have been busy contacting local businesses around our authority to offer a unique opportunity to showcase their company with us, a few of us even paid a trip to the Avenue in Newton Mearns to hand out flyers to the shops.

Our photographers have also been hard at work, supporting all pupils in their interviews and capturing them on camera.

We are now very excited to write up our articles, collate them all together and send our very first issue to print!

Becoming Climate Heroes

One of our New Year Resolutions in 6.22 was to make positive changes to help the environment. To show how much we care about nature and our planet we have chosen 3 pledges to fulfil in class and at home.

1. Power:  Turn off an electrical device when you are finished using it rather than leaving it on standby – this could be a games console, computer, tablet or television.

2. Plastic: Switch from plastic food wraps or water bottles to a lunchbox or reusable water bottle.

3. Plants: Save water by turning off the taps (when brushing your teeth, washing up etc). Using less water gives plants and trees more to drink.

We hope that these small changes will make a difference!

Data Handling

This week in Maths we have been working on Data Handling, we used Google Sheets on our Chromebooks to input a variety of different data and present it in pie charts, line graphs and bar graphs.

We explored using the x and y axis to plot different points, practiced inputting statistics and observe how changes impacted the graphs.

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