Category Archives: Mearns Masters

Enchiladas ๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ฝ๐Ÿซ”

Today Group 1 of our Mearns Masters cooked their very own vegetarian enchiladas, inspired by the famous Mexican dish.

We built on the skills that we practised in week one – using the bridge cutting technique to prepare the vegetables for our dish.

We then carefully wrapped the vegetable mixture into tortilla wraps and covered them in a yoghurt and cheese sauce which we then baked in the oven.

Delicioso ๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿด

Taco Tuesday ๐ŸŒฎ

Gastronomers Group 2 were in the kitchen on Tuesday and we were joined by Miss Hunter for our lesson. She was very impressed at the excellent skills on display and the wide variety of ingredients and equipment we were using in our recipe.

First, we prepared a garnish made of yoghurt, coriander, spring onions and cucumber. Then we moved onto cooking our tacos which were made out of Quorn mince, tinned tomatoes, kidney beans, onions, peppers and chilli powder.

We were delighted with our finished dishes and canโ€™t wait to cook them at home too!! ๐ŸŒฎ๐Ÿ˜

Coding – Showcase Preparation

Today we began the preparation for our Showcase event at the end of our Mearns Masters Block of Coding.

We created posters which summarise our game and give instructions on how to play. We then created encrypted invitations which reveal the secret time and location of our event if de-coded correctly.

We look forward to sharing our Scratch games with others next week!

Mearns Masters – Coding

This week we began coding our own game on Scratch which follows the design brief of creating a character that jumps, flies, collects rewards and keeps a score as you progress through the game.

We have a wide range of characters, settings and rewards in the class and this is looking like it will turn out to be a very exciting project for our class!

Campaigners – Showcase

Last week, we hosted our Mearns Masters Campaigners Swap Shop in our classroom and welcomed pupils from Primary 6.

The event was a great success with every item we had brought in being taken away to a new home. We gave a presentation explaining our work in each week though our Campaigners block and welcomed customers to our class store.

Our shoppers were very excited, one even saying “this shop is better than Primark!!”

We really enjoyed hosting our showcase event and sharing our learning from this Mearns Masters. Next up – Coding!

Campaigners – Swap Shop Preparation

Today during our Mearns Masters in 6.22 we were busy preparing for our Campaigners Swap Shop Showcase next week!

We want to say a big thank you to our parents and carers at home who have sent in pre-loved clothes and accessories for us to use.


We spent time organising and labelling clothes according to size, age, height and colour. We are looking forward to welcoming other Primary 6 classes and members of staff to our classroom.

We will also be giving a presentation summarising our work across this 6 week block of Mearns Masters and highlighting the importance of using sustainable fashion to help our environment!

Campaigners – First Aid

Today in our Mearns Masters, we continued with our block on Campaigners! Over the last two weeks we have been learning all about fast fashion, fair treatment in the workplace and the real life struggles for factory workers in countries around the world.

Our lesson this morning focused on learning about how to administer first aid to an unresponsive casualty in our ‘factory.’ We followed the excellent guidance from the St John’s ambulance service and learned how to safely take a primary survey, move a casualty into the recovery position and perform CPR.


We realised how fortunate we are to have excellent emergency services in Scotland who are always there to help us!

Mearns Masters – Campaigners – Fair Fashion

Today we started our new Mearns Masters Block – Campaigners! We spent out lesson researching Fast Fashion around the world and how this impacts on workers and clothing company brands.

Then we translated our research into an informative an eye-catching poster here are some of the facts that we discovered:

  • The “fast” in fast fashion refers to the speed that the clothes are manufactured by brands.
  • Many sweatshop workers are forced to work 14-16 hours 7 days a week.
  • The global fashion industry produces over 92 million tonnes of waste per year.
  • In 2019, the Global market value of fast fashion was over 30 billion pounds.
  • According to UNICEF, 170 million children are forced to work in the clothes production industry.
  • 93% of brands surveyed by the fashion checker are not paying their workers a living wage.
  • Overall, 100 billion clothing items are made each year. However, the majority are discarded and most go to landfill.

Our class were shocked to find out about the working conditions in the factories of some of the most well-known brands in the world which we have shopped in ourselves!

We are looking forward to gaining more insight into fast fashion and forming our own campaign which will focus on creating a sustainable form of clothing production and recycling.

Designers – Showcase

Yesterday in 6.22 we held an online showcase for our last week of Mearns Masters Designers. We felt proud to show our projects to everyone at home and we were also joined by Miss Hunter, Mrs Kennedy and Mrs Curran in class!

All of our groups presented fantastically and explained our design process to those at home and in school.

Here are our final project photographs:

We all really enjoyed making our eco-homes and can’t wait for our next block of Mearns Masters!