S.T.E.M. Fortnight



We have enjoyed many, varied experiences over STEM Fortnight! Thank you to all the providers who came to work with us and to the teachers on the STEM group for organising all of these experiences for us.

Here we are in a workshop with Kaliq’s Mum who is an engineer. She reminded us of the importance of working together in STEM learning and problem solving. Thank you Kaliq’s Mum.

We had a great time getting muddy with Matthew from The Fabulous Cob Oven Company. We helped to build our new cob oven and can testify that the freshly baked pizza  was buonissima! Thank you to Mr Rodgers for inviting us to sample it today.

We worked with Masterchef Gary Maclean to make Courgette Risotto. The main focus was learning to use the induction hob safely. Ask us about the ingredients we used. Thank you Gary!

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