Homework in S4 – S6 will consist of a number of activities which are issued at appropriate points in the course at the discretion of the class teacher and in line with departmental guidelines.  Activities may include:

  1. Practising regularly on their chosen instruments, either at home or in the department during lunch times or after school by arrangement with the music staff. **
  2. Completing coursework tasks which have not been yet finished in class as deadlines approach.
  3. Various activities designed to deepen and strengthen their knowledge of theory and topics covered during class time.
  4. Revision activities designed to prepare pupils for class and SQA assessments.


Some of our homework activities will be assigned the ‘Family Learning’ logo – these activities are designed to allow you as parents/carers to interact with your child in the activity / homework.


**   Where pupils play musical instruments, they will be encouraged to practise it at home as part of their ongoing routine each week – we recommend ‘little and often’ is better than cramming in lots of practice in one evening!   Pupils who wish to access the department to practice are encouraged to do so by arranging this with one of the music teachers in the department.