Keeping Safe in the Sun

It is a running joke in Glasgow that any temperature over 20oC is considered ‘TAPS AFF’ weather!

Over the past week we have had the pleasure of enjoying some of the warmest days of the year, with temperatures soaring to 25oC and above.

As tempting as it may be in this glorious weather to take our ‘taps aff’ not having the correct clothing or sun protection can be extremely damaging, not only for our skin but also our health.

Signs of heat stroke/exhaustion


Here are some top tips for keeping yourself and your families safe in the sun!

  • Keep children out of the sun between 11am-3pm
  • Babies under six months should never be left in direct sunlight
  • Let children play in the shade instead
  • If your setting has little shade, put up tents, gazebos or awnings to allow for play in the shade
  • Children should wear brimmed hats and loose long-sleeved clothing
  • If splashing or paddling, children should wear longer-sleeved UV-protective swimwear. Or oversized T-shirts also provide good coverage
  • Use a high factor sunscreen (30 plus or 50 plus) applied every four hours — remember to put cream on necks, ears, feet, etc
  • You can ask parents to provide sunscreen, labelled with their child’s name and kept in their day bag or drawer
  • You don’t have to record the application of sunscreen unless it is a specially medicated suncream in which case you record as normal
  • Children need Vitamin D which you get from the sun but sun protection takes priority so you still need to apply suncream
  • Don’t forget to lead by example and wear a hat and suncream yourself

Applying Sunscreen Hack – No more tears!!

Tips for staying safe in the sun – Cbeebies

Minions sun safety video

George the Sun Safe Superstar!

Child Safety Week 7th June – 13th June 2021


Colquhoun Park EYC will be supporting Child Safety Week from the 7th to the 13th of June. During this time we will be running safety workshops with your children and having discussions surrounding things we can do to keep ourselves safe.

Various information on how to develop, you and your child’s risk assessing and safety skills are available by clicking on the links below.

Breathe Easy

Fire Safety

Free from falls

Safe Around Roads

Safe From Burns

Watch out in water

SHANARRI and every day EYC experiences

SAFE – When using tools in the garden we understand that we need to do this safely. We should not be running around or using them for things that may hurt us or our friends.


HEALTHY – We have been learning the journey of food and which food types keep our bodies healthy.

ACHIEVEING – We know that by tending to, and watering our seedlings we will be successful in growing our tasty vegetables.

NURTURED – By learning how to grow our own vegetables we are nurturing our own knowledge and life skills.  We are also exposed to a great visual on the power of nurture in action. 





ACTIVE – We have to use our muscles to dig our soil and pull any weeds.



RESPECTED – We respect that we all have different tastes, likes and dislikes.


RESPONSIBLE – We understand that we have to take care of our vegetables in order for them to grow.


INCLUDED – We explore different foods from all around the world experiencing and learning about different cultures and food journeys.


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