Education Maintenance Allowance

If you decide to stay on at school from August 2023, you may be able to get an Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA).

Click on the link to find out more about eligibility and how to apply:

Careers Advisers

Our school Careers Advisers will still be available over the summer if anyone needs support. They can support pupils over the phone/email or meet them in their office on John Finnie Street.
Careers Advisers will also be contacting leavers throughout the summer to ensure they have a positive destination in place.
Contact details below
01563 601239 
01563 601232

Prizegiving Ceremony

Congratulations to our major prizewinners at our recent prizegiving ceremony.

School Dux: Hayley Coull











Proxime Accessit: Katie Houston

S4 Dux: Matthew Wallace











Thank you to our guest speaker, Billy Kay, who delivered a fantastic speech on the night.


William McIlvanney Campus

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