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Prizegiving Ceremonies

S1-3 Prizegiving will take place on Thursday 23rd June for pupils only. The ceremony will be filmed and made available to parents and carers. Prize-winners will be informed in due course.

S4-6 Prizegiving will take place on Wednesday 14th September, and we hope to invite parents and carers to this ceremony. Prize-winners will be informed in late August/early September.

Cash for Kids Day!

We are raising money to support Cash for Kids Day so the charity can make a real difference to the lives of local children and young people. On Friday 27th May we are encouraging all pupils and staff from Robert Burns Academy to dress down and wear bright colours.

Everything raised in our area stays in our area, with a focus on alleviating poverty. Many of our pupils benefit from Cash for kids every year at Christmas. Any amount you care to give is very much appreciated.

Please donate to our page:

Barony Collections Won the Ayrshire Finals!

This year, S6 pupils from Robert Burns Academy have taken part in Young Enterprise Scotland’s Company Programme, where they start up and run their own company. All pupils are also working towards their accreditation where they gain recognised qualifications.

Barony Collections was one of the teams who took part, who have successfully started their business creating personalised marbled mugs which they have then sold on in order to make a profit. The team have worked through all stages of developing their business by fundraising, conducting market research, designing their logo and branding, marketing their product and selling it. Throughout the programme they have developed lots of new skills such as leadership, communication, creativity and finance as well as demonstrating their resilience as a team.

Barony Collections competed in the Ayrshire Finals last week where they had to product a report, presentation and take part in an interview about their company and experiences. They were officially named as ‘Ayrshire’s Young Enterprise Company of the Year 2022‘ after achieving the Best Report, Sustainability Award and Best product/service. Our team will now represent Ayrshire at the Scottish finals in June.  Well done and good luck to all involved!

Pictured left to right:

Front row – Robyn Cunningham, Miss Kilpatrick (Lead Teacher), Kara McLean

Back row – Kacey Smith, Kate Drummond, Murray Sloan, Robyn Black, Gracie Norris



Study Leave update

Study Leave for senior pupils will start on Wed 27th April. All senior pupils should continue to attend school as normal till then. The last day of Study Leave will be Friday 20th May with the new senior timetable starting on Monday 23rd May.  The parents of young people sitting 3 exams or less will also be emailed with some additional arrangements for pupils to engage in during study leave.

As we get towards the end of this busy term we would like to remind the parents and carers of our S4-6 pupils that Easter School classes will be running during both weeks of the break. The timetable for these is attached. below:

Easter School Timetable 2022


Anyone attending Easter School must enter through the main entrance to the campus and sign in at the reception. All other external doors will be closed.

In order to make these classes more accessible we will also provide a limited bus service to the school each day. Details of the bus routes and times are as follows:

Bus 1- Mauchline / Catrine / Auchinleck (first pick up at 8.15am)

Pick up point 1- Loudoun Street

Pick up point 2- Catrine Square

Pick up point 3- Auchinleck Academy


Bus 2- New Cumnock / Logan / Lugar (first pick up at 8.15am)

Pick up point 1- The Castle, New Cumnock

Pick up point 2- Logan

Pick up point 3- Lugar


Bus 3- Muirkirk / Sorn (first pick up at 8.15am)

Pick up point 1- Muirkirk Main Street

Pick up point 2- Sorn


Bus 4- Drongan/ Ochiltree (first pick up at 8.15am)

Pick up point 1- Mill of Shield Road, Drongan

Pick up point 2-Ochiltree


All buses will leave the campus transport hub at 3.10pm

SQA Timetable 2022

Please find attached the SQA Exam timetable 2022. Please note that the times are mainly as stated in the SQA master timetable, however some have been changed slightly to suit the needs of the school.

Pupils were issued with individual exam timetables today to allow us to check for any discrepancies in the entry data. These will be updated, reprinted and issued to pupils on their return from the Easter break.

It is important that pupils follow the times for each exam from this document, as previously stated there are a few instances where our start times may differ from the SQA master timetable.

Pupils who require additional assessment arrangements will receive details of their times and venues by email with a printed copy after the holiday.

The last day for S4-6 in classes will be Tuesday 26th April.

If you require a paper copy of the master timetable please see Mrs Macara.


SQA Exam Timetable 2022

Message from Mr Gilchrist

Dear Parent/ Carer,

Please note that school closes for Easter at 12.30pm on Friday 1 April and will re-open for pupils on Tuesday 19 April at 8.45 am as normal.

I want to take this opportunity to thank you once again for your tremendous support over this term, not only in keeping everyone as COVID safe as possible but also in ensuring our children and young people attend school whenever possible and prepare thoroughly for their assessments during what have been very challenging weeks for everyone.

Parents/carers of S4, S5 and S6 pupils: Remember that we have a full Easter School programme during the holidays, so please encourage your son/daughter to attend if at all possible. Details are available via our School App.

All senior pupils have been advised on how to prepare for their examinations through the preparation of a well-structured study timetable. It would be most helpful if you could talk this through with your son/daughter to ensure that he/she has a personalised study timetable of their own.

Experience shows that young people who prepare in this way have a much greater degree of success in examinations.

Please also note that your son/daughter will be informed of their estimate grades for each of their National Qualifications before the examination itself. These estimates have been based on clear evidence of performance gathered over the course of the session.

Finally, I would like to wish all of our young people and their parents/carers a lovely, safe and happy Easter

Best Wishes

P. Gilchrist