Author: Mr McGurn

S4 Parents’ Evening- Tuesday 7th February

Yesterday, all S4 pupils were issued the attached letter detailing the arrangements for S4 parents’ night. The main contact for each child should also have received an email directly from the Parent Booking system inviting you to make appointments.

Please see the attached letter for more information, along with the user guide for operating the Parent Booking system, should you encounter any issues.


S4 Parents Evening Letter

Parent Booking – Parent Guide


The Robert Burns Academy Open Evening- 1st February 6-8pm

We are delighted to welcome parents and carers from all year groups to our very first open night at our campus.

This evening will allow you to explore the facilities in our new school, with a chance to meet and hear from some of our staff and school partners.

The format of the evening will be informal and is designed to allow you to drop in to information sessions that are of interest to you and your child. The evening will begin at 6pm in the Barony Hall with a short welcome form Mr Gilchrist, afterwards there will be a selection of subject specific input on maximising attainment in the senior phase. In addition to this there will be various stalls showcasing the work our school partners do to support health and wellbeing in the school and the community.


This includes:

– Subject Specific ‘How To Pass N5 / Higher in …..’ Information Sessions

– e-Sgoil / General Revision Strategies


– Satchel One

– Cooking in the Community

-NEST Wellbeing Group

– Parental Empowerment Programme

– Yipworld

– ‘Bee Calm’ Wellbeing Champions

– Vibrant Communities

– Care Experienced Supports


Please complete the attached form below to indicate which subject specific sessions you are interested in attending. This will be valuable in helping staff prepare for the evening.

S2 – S5 Parents Information Evening – Thursday 19 January 2023

I am writing to let you know about an opportunity in The Robert Burns Academy which has been organised to support your child as they plan for progression and choices for the next stage of their education.

In order that you are fully aware of all the options which are available and the courses on offer we invite you to attend an information evening on Thursday 19 January at 7.00 pm.

During this evening there will be information available to help you support your child with their choices including:

  • Information on Pathways and Options choices
  • Skills Development Scotland input on Careers Information and Guidance
  • Senior Management will be available to answer any questions which you may have

This is a very important time for your child and it is vital that you are equipped with as much information as possible to assist them to make the correct choices. We hope this information evening will go some way to ensuring this.

Please click on the link below to indicate your attendance at the Information Session:


Yours sincerely

Martin Robertson

Depute Head Teacher



Art and Design Department Virtual Exhibition

Hi Everyone

We are really excited to share the Art and Design Department’s virtual art exhibition featuring student work from 2022. Art staff and pupils would be thrilled if you could take ten minutes to have a virtual walk around the exhibition to see the fantastic level of talent and creativity of our young people. If you double click on an image, it should tell you who the artist or designer is.
Link below:
Thank you and have a lovely Christmas and New Year folks!

Revised Prelim Dates

Dear Parent/Carer
Please note that, due to the industrial action as previously outlined, the prelim exams set for Wednesday 7 December must unfortunately be re-arranged. Please see the revised dates attached.
All other prelims will take place within the normal December diet. Apologies for this unavoidable amendment to the prelim programme.
Parents of SLC pupils, please also note that our Secondary SLC will be closed on Wednesday 7 December in line with the rest of the Robert Burns Academy.

S4-6 Prelims

The prelim exam timetable was released today on Satchel One and Subject Teams, paper copies were issued to S4. Pupils in S5/6 can collect paper copies tomorrow at assembly if required.

Pupils requiring Alternative Assessment Arrangements such as extra time, adapted papers etc will receive individual timetables over the next few days as the start and finish times will be different from the timetables issued today.  The dates will not change.

Pupils are expected to attend all classes during the prelim diet, unless they have an exam.  Pupils will be allowed to study for any exam during their normal timetabled classes.