Month: June 2020

P7 Transition- SLT & Pupil Support

As promised the first items to go on our news feed are to welcome our first ever S1 pupils to The Robert Burns Academy.

Our departments have been working on their own welcome messages for you! Over the course of the next few days we will be uploading a variety of videos and presentations from each department to help you find out a bit more about the teachers you will be working with in August and what to expect in each subject.

Today we are starting with our Senior Leadership Team and Pupil Support Team.




Welcome to our new blog for The Robert Burns Academy! Through this site we aim to give you a better understanding of our school and all of the excellent work that takes place within it. We will be adding lots to this site over the next few months so please bear with us, in the meantime we hope you enjoy accessing the content that has already been uploaded


You can also keep in touch with us by following our Twitter account by searching for @EACrobertburns and @EACBaronyCampus or by clicking on the Twitter link at the bottom of this page.