A Quick Up Date

Image by pikisuperstar on Freepik


It is hard to believe we have already been back for 2 weeks!

Our P1s are settling in really well and are already showing that they are enthusiastic learners.

Please look at our Sway to see some of their learning in week 1.  (Link at the bottom)

Hopefully, you will have read our notice on the app that we have changed the focus of our Golden Book this session.  The emphasis is very much on our school values and recognising the efforts that our learners make to live these values in their daily lives.

The first nominations this session were;

Autumn – Respect, Marlene – Respect, Alfie S – Respect, Ada – Harmony, Mya L – Respect, Oliver S – Ambition, Kioni – Ambition, Cerys – Harmony, Myia B – Respect, Brooklyn – Faith, Callagh – Faith

All learners are now in house groups and some of our P7s will deliver speeches on Tuesday in an election to become House Captains.

Wider Achievements

Remember to keep sharing your child’s achievements from out of school with us. OSCARs form  This form can also be found in the survey section of the app.

Well done to Farrah for her dancing presentation and sharing her medal at assembly, Shaun for his boxing medal and to Codi who will perform as part of this year’s junior ensemble for the Panto at the Palace Theatre, Kilmarnock.  We are so proud of you all.

We will be starting new breakfast blethers alongside our home link worker, Nicola.  These are an opportunity to come into school meet with Nicola and find support or even just another adult to have a conversation with.  It is really informal.  Come along with a friend or come along on your own.   We can help fill in school forms and set up the school app or ParentPay.  Help find out about kids’ clubs and other family supports in the area.   We will also invite our financial inclusion assistant along to some sessions.  She can ensure that you have access to all the financial support available.  Please see the attached flyer.  The first one will take place on Monday 18th September.

breakfast blether

Photos from Week 1

A list of dates for term 1 was issued alongside a newsletter in week 1.  You can also find dates on the calendar on the school app.   Taking onboard the feedback from families last session our pupil progress meetings will now take place in October and in March.  Pupil Progress Reports will be issued in June.

Frank from SCIAF visited P7 this afternoon to launch their Talented Fundraiser campaign. St. Patrick’s have been supporting SCIAF since 1993! Every year for 30 years!  Amazing!

All data check forms and EV5 forms require to be returned as soon as possible.  We also require that online consent forms are filled out for photo consent and computer access.  These were sent out as QR codes on the newsletter and on the app.

Thank you so much for your continued support. Have a great weekend and please get in touch if we can help in any way.

All the staff.

Diary Dates and Arrangements For June

The month of June is really busy.  In order to help you plan for some of the events please see the information below.

Tuesday 6th June – P7 Induction day 2 – full day at St. Joseph’s Academy ( transport will be the same as day 1)

Wednesday 7th June – P7 Induction day 3 – full day at St. Joseph’s Academy ( transport will be the same as day 1)

Wednesday 7th June – new P1 parent information session 6pm

Thursday 8th June – homelink worker drop-in session – open to all P7s who wish to discuss anything about the transition from P7- S1

Thursday 8th June – P4 – P7 Multi Sports 3pm – 4pm

Tuesday 13th June – P7 induction day 1 – Robert Burns Academy.  Pupils should come to St. Patrick’s as normal at 9am and we will transport them to RBA.  They will return to St. Patrick’s for 3pm.

Wednesday 14th June – P7 induction day 2 – Robert Burns Academy.  Pupils should come to St. Patrick’s as normal at 9am and we will transport them to RBA.  They will return to St. Patrick’s for 3pm.

Wednesday 14th June – Day of Action – in association with Shire Housing members of Cumnock Men’s Shed and The Nest wellbeing Group continuing upgrades to our garden space.

Thursday 15th June – P7 Induction day 4 – full day at St. Joseph’s Academy ( transport will be the same as day 1)

Thursday 15th June – Teddy Bears Picnic – P1 and new P1s.  10am – 11.30am.  P1 pupils can bring a teddy bear/soft toy and a snack.

Thursday 15th June – P4 – P7 Multi Sports 3pm – 4pm

Friday 16th June – Themed Menu Day – ‘The Beach’  Pirate Pizza (cheese & tomato pizza), Shark Bites (fish goujons and chips), Sausgae Submarine (sausage in a finger roll), biscuit or ice lolly.

Friday 16th June – Pupil progress reports issued

Tuesday 20th June – Sports Day – Activities and races start at 10am.  Family members are welcome along to watch.  After the races/potted sports for pupils, families are invited to join us for a picnic lunch and outdoor activities.  Bring a packed lunch along and your picnic blanket.  There will be no hot lunches on this day – any pupil ordering a school lunch will be given a packed lunch.  Our Parent Council have organised a summer hamper raffle for pupils.  Tickets can be purchased on ParentPay.

Wednesday 21st June – SoccerAid – Our RRSA leadership group have organised football themed activities.  Football kits can be worn to school (optional).  This is allowed on the understanding that respect is shown at ALL times.  Any pupil being disrespectful will be not be permitted to take part in the activities.  A suggested donation of £1 to UNICEF can be made on ParentPay. ***PLEASE NOTE THIS IS A CHANGE OF DATE***


Thursday 22nd June – Leavers’ Service – Parents/Carers and extended family members of P7 pupils are welcome to join us at 9.30am.  Refreshments will follow.

Thursday 22nd June – P4 – P7 Multi Sports 3pm – 4pm

Thursday 22nd June – Parent Council Prize Bingo, 7pm – Adults only, Chapel Hall, Sorn Road, Auchinleck, Entry, bingo books & coffee/tea £8 (available at the door). There will be a raffle –  donations welcome, please hand in to the school office.

Friday 23rd June – P7 Induction day 5 – full day at St. Joseph’s Academy ( transport will be the same as day 1)

Friday 23rd June – Meet your new teacher (all pupils will have the opportunity to spend time with their new teacher and class mates)

Monday 26th June – Prize Giving – school staff and pupils only

Tuesday 27th June – Whole School Outing to Science Centre.  Packed lunch required.  Pupils entitled to free school meals will have packed lunch provided form the school kitchen.

Wednesday 28th June – Whole School Closing Mass. 10am.  St. John’s Cumnock.  All parents/Carers and parishioners welcome.

Friday 30th JuneSchool closes 1pm.  Wear as You Please day/Movie Day. Suggested donation £2 on ParentPay (optional). Summer Theme – please come to school dressed for summer – shorts/t-shirts, sunhats, sunglasses etc NO SWIMWEAR please.  School Lunches are packed lunches only.  There will be a whole school movie in the hall.  Children are allowed to bring along a small additional snack for this.

At 12.45pm there is an optional water game on the grass.  Any child (or staff member) who wants to take part can bring their EMPTY water pistol to school. No water balloons please.  This is completely optional – if you want to stay dry – keep off the grass! There will be no changing facilities available so a towel to dry off will be essential.  If your child travels on school transport they must bring a towel and a plastic covering  to sit on on the bus, e.g a tarpaulin, black bin bag.


The following will continue until the final week 

Percussion Tuition – Monday PM

Piano Tuition – Wednesday PM

Music Tuition – P3/4, P4/5 Tuesday PM

Music Wellbeing Group – Wednesday AM (*Not 28/06)

FossilField Equine Wellbeing – Mon, Wed, Fri PM (*Not 30/06)

Art Wellbeing – Friday All Day (*Not 30/06)

April/Early May Round Up

Although we have only been back for 3 weeks the term is already busy, busy, busy!

Open Afternoon

Thanks to all of you who came along to the open afternoon.  We loved having you in school and sharing our learning.  We hope that you found the information from our partners helpful and benefited from the introductions to these services.  Please get in touch if you would like information from any of these partners and we can pass on the details.  There are a range of leaflets in school.

Go to this Sway

Thank you for all the feedback about this event.

100% of you that responded found the afternoon of value.  Below are some of the comments you made.  We will take on board the all the comments for future open events.

“I enjoyed seeing the range of resources used in school. The children all seemed confident when explaining their learning. It was good to see how the same resources are used in different ways across the whole school. ”

”It was amazing to experience the classroom environment from my son’s point of view, he gave me a little tour and pointed out things that are important to him. I also enjoyed getting to talk to the various organisations present in the hall.”

“Getting to interact with the whole class, getting to know our children’s peers, seeing their work.”

“Seeing the kids before they knew I was there was great. They looked so happy. I loved seeing first hand what they do in class. They were both so proud to show me around. So they should have been! The stalls in the hall were brilliantly set out and, from what I could see, very informative. Great open day!!”

Reporting to Parents

Pupil Progress Reports will be issued on Friday 17th June.

Safer Schools App

We have around 90 downloads of the new school app – this is great! If you have not yet downloaded it please do so.  We have added a new calendar section and this will become the main communication platform.  We will still post things on Facebook and Twitter but all essential correspondence will come via the app.

Wider Achievements 

Please remember to share your child’s achievements out with school with us via our ‘OSCARs’.  This can be found on the survey tab of the school app.  Well done to Noah, P5, who, as captain of his football team, lifted a runner up trophy in Blackpool last weekend.

Diary Dates

All dates for events this term can be found on the calendar section of the app.  More information about individual events will be sent in due course.


We are delighted that we are working alongside FossilField Training Centre this term to offer wellbeing supports.  We will also be working with Shire Housing and MUMO on our outside areas.  There will be a day of action on 17th May where some classes will work with volunteers.  As part of their John Muir Award, P7 will create a wildflower garden on this day.

Our Eco Club have also organised a community litter pick on this day.  Please see the information sent out on the app to sign up for this.

Sports Day

This will take place on 20th June.  It will follow the same format as last year where you are invited along to spectate the races and activities in the morning.  You are then welcome to stay for a picnic lunch with your child/children.  We will have a whole range of activities for you take part in with your child/children in the afternoon.  This was a great event last year and we are hoping for sunshine again this year.

Parent Council

We are so grateful to the small number of parents currently reestablishing our parent council.  Please consider getting involved.  The commitment can be as much or as a little as you are able to contribute.  Please contact us if you would like your details passed to the parent council.  The next meeting is on Tuesday 9th May and this will be held virtually.

Please keep Callagh and Ezra in your thoughts and prayers this weekend as they receive the Sacrament of the Eucharist for the first time.

Have a great weekend.

All the Staff


A Termly Round Up

Welcome to a round-up of the last term.  We have added some of the information as links to keep the main body of the post shorter (it’s already really long!!).  Please feel free to come back and forward and explore some of the things that have been happening.


Excluding absence, our staffing has remained stable this term.  We will have a temporary post advertised soon for additional classroom assistant hours.  We will update you on this when the position has been recruited.  This position will remain in place until the summer.    Shortly, we will also be advertising staffing positions that will be funded through PEF (pupil equity funding) for session 2023/24.  Again we will keep you updated when there is further information.

We hope to be in a position to confirm classes and staff teachers for next session by May.  This is not always possible as we wait confirmation of staffing from EAC.  As a minimum we will confirm our P1 teacher in advance of our new P1s visiting starting in May.

We extend our thanks to Mr Burns who has been in our school completing his final teaching practice before completing his studies and embarking on the Scottish Teacher Induction Scheme in August.  Mr Burns has been an outstanding addition to our staff team over the teaching blocks he has been with us.  We know he will be missed dearly.  We are hoping that we see him soon for some of the events planned next term.

We also said farewell to Shirley and Amanda from our catering staff.  They have returned to Netherthird Primary School.  We have been joined by Ann and we are delighted that we get to keep a fully operational kitchen.  We would encourage anyone with questions about the catering facilitates to get in touch.

St Patrick’s Day 2023

Thank you to all that came along and helped us celebrate Mass.  It was a wonderful way to start the day sharing in our faith with you all.  Have a look at our video of the day that shows some of the other activities we took part in.  We are so pleased that all feel welcome to come and celebrate with us, this includes those who practice the catholic faith, those of other faith groups and those not affiliated to any faith group.  Huge thanks to all the staff and Fr Philip for the preparations in making this such an enjoyable experience.  The Irish dancing with Mrs McCrorie was amazing.  We have some vey talented children (and staff!).  Click Here

Reporting to Parents

Pupil Progress Meetings

Once again we had almost 100% attendance for pupil progress meetings.  Thank you so much for your continued support and partnership in the learning of your children.  We know that some pupils were very new to the school when these took place.  We will arrange for your child’s class teacher to be in contact with you after the Easter break.  Many thanks to all of you that took the time to fill in our parent/carer questionnaire.  This information helps us to plan for improvements.  We are delighted by the positive responses, we know that some of you spoke to us regarding responses.  It was reported that the order of the options was randomising and some responses were given as strongly disagree and disagree when this wasn’t meant.  Thankfully, we were able to remedy this near the start of the evening.  In the interest of transparency we have not altered any responses and have reported them as recorded.  The information from this questionnaire and the school responses can be found here. Parent-Carer Questionnaire March 2023

Pupil Report Cards

These will be issued in June.  If you require duplicate copies due to shared parenting arrangements please contact the school office.

Sharing our Learning

We are holding an open afternoon on Tuesday 25th April.  All details have been sent out on the school app.  We have partner agencies coming along too and we invite you to visit them in the hall,  at the moment these are the confirmed partners;

  • EAC Homelink Worker
  • The Exchange Counselling Service
  • Childsmile
  • Finiancial Inclusion Assistant (St. Joseph’s Education Group)
  • ACDI – Finance Support Service
  • NEST (Neurodevelopmental Empowerment & Strategy Team)
  • Young Carers
  • Speech and Language Team
  • SCES (Scottish Catholic Education Service)

If you are coming along we ask that you do not park in the Bowling Club car park or the Boswell Centre.  Should you require parking close to the school due to mobility issues, please contact the school office and we make arrangements with you to use the staff car park.  Thank You.


Scottish Celebrations

The month of January and into February is spent learning about our rich Scottish culture, language and it’s place in the world.  One of the biggest events is our Burns Poetry and Singing competition.  We were delighted to be joined by so many of you.  We were also joined by Linda McAuley – Griffiths, Chief Education Officer and our Ward 7 and Ward 8 elected members.  The most difficult task of the day was definitely that of Mr David Sullivan and Mr John Wilson, our judges.  It was a wonderful morning and once again thanks go to an amazing staff team and our amazing weans for such an exceptionable performance.  You can view photographs from the event here. Click Here

Well done to everyone who performed as part of their class song and those who gave solo performances.  Our overall winner this year was Eternity, P7.

Our Faith

This term is always a very special term as we grow and share in our faith.   Juliette, Ezra and Callagh all received the Sacrament of Confirmation in February alongside others from across our deanery.

We started our Lenten journey with Ash Wednesday.

We celebrated St. Patrick’s Day with Mass.

We attended the church as a whole school to celebrate Mass for the end of term.  Enzo, Janey, Kendall and Max all received the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Callagh and Ezra continue to prepare for First Holy Communion in May.  We are so grateful for the close ties we have with our families and parishes.  We would encourage parents, as the first catechists, for their children to ensure that our children are supported in practising their faith and in preparing for sacraments.  The first notices about sacramental preparation will come from the Parishes.  As teachers, we will support your child’s journey but there remains the expectation that children preparing for sacraments are involved in practising and living their faith out with school.

P6 pupils are enrolled for continued participation in the Pope Francis Faith Award.  This includes all children regardless of their own faith group.  In Primary 7, those pupils who practise our catholic faith can apply for parish commendation.  There is an expectation that to receive this children are playing a full part in supporting the wider role of parish life.  We will hold information sessions for all parents in the next school session to share these expectations with parents and carers.


A huge part of Lenten journey is our giving.  In school we support this by raising funds for SCIAF.  Thank you so much for your support with all our fundraising events this lent.  We will share our fundraising total with you when we return after Easter.  Huge thanks also go to all the children and staff who helped facilitate these events.


We wish all our families a very blessed Easter season and holiday period.  We hope the sun shines on you all and that you manage to find the time to enjoy spending time with each surrounded by love.  We look forward to seeing all our children back at school on Monday 17th April.  We have such a busy final term coming up – although it will be hard pushed to keep up with how full on this last term was.

With all our best wishes,

All the Staff.


A quick list of just some of the other things that happened. (Please see the photo gallery of some of this work)  CLICK HERE FOR PHOTO GALLERY

  • Miss Donaghy from St Joseph’s delivered a block of learning in French
  • Members of our SLT visited classes and spoke with pupils to gather information about the learning and teaching of reading.
  • Paul Brunton from Rock N Role models has been working with individual pupils and small group using creating in music as a way to explore emotions.
  • KCST football delivered sessions to P3/4 and P4/5
  • Cumnock Rugby have worked with P4/5
  • Mr Devlin from Active schools delivered a lunchtime club and after school club for P1-P3
  • Diane Evans worked with a small group of pupils exploring art and the wellbeing benefits it can bring.
  • Ms McPherson from EAC instrumental service is delivering learning in Percussion to some P6s and P7s.
  • Mr Sullivan continues teaching Piano
  • Lucy visits our school to deliver learning and teaching for music in P3/4 and P4/5 weekly
  • P7 have continued transition visits to SJA and RBA
  • Mrs Bradley, Ada and Kai were invited along to Auchinleck PS for their Burns Supper
  • P7 residential to Lockerbie
  • World Book Day – P4/5 shared their love of books with the community by ‘hiding’ books in the village
  • Our 1 to 1 Chromebook pilot has expanded and we have now been able to equip all P5 – P7s and some P4s.  We are in awe of the way our pupils are supporting each other and the grown ups in learning how to use these effectively.
  • Our football training is run by two parent volunteers, we have played a couple of friendlies and a cup tie so far.  After the break we will be competing in the group stages of the DMI cup.
  • Allan’s Magic Roadshow visit and performed to P1 – P4.
  • Our amazing, Mason, Tyler, Sofia and Hope came 2nd in the EA EuroQuiz Heat
  • British Science Week – P6 and P7 worked together to design and make land buggies.
  • Our Eco Club are doing a great job raising awareness of all things sustainable.  They spoke at assembly to encourage everyone to consider active travel. Look out for more work in the community in the new term.
  • P7 joined with P7 from Auchinleck PS for a visit to the Burns birthplace Museum.  This visit was made possible from the support of Bobby at ACDI.
  • P2/3 Assembly led an assembly on sustainability.
  • Mrs Sinclair and our RRSA group were awarded bronze.
  • P2/3 were awarded their bronze in the RSPB Wild Challenge.






A Few Wee Updates


As you know we said our farewells to Mrs Fleming yesterday. Mrs Fleming has been our school janitor for over a year and has continuously gone above and beyond in all she has done.   She is going to be sorely missed by our whole school community. We wish her all the very best as she returns to her substantive post.

On Monday we will officially welcome Mr Logan to his new post with us.  Our children met Mr Logan yesterday,  he has been in our school before and will be a familiar face,  we are looking forward to working with him.   Mr Logan has been working at other schools with in the local area.

We have also been joined by Mrs Rennie who is a part-time classroom assistant.   Mrs Rennie has already established positive relationships with learners in the school, predominately the younger pupils in P1 & P2. Mrs Rennie will be with us until the end of this school session in June.

Mrs Goudie is currently absent and hopes to be back with us really soon.  We know the children and staff are missing her.

December Events 

Please see the information that went out yesterday regarding events before Christmas.   Hopefully it provides all the information you need for this very busy time.

Parental Involvement and Engagement

We loved being able to have face to face pupil progress meetings once again.  We were delighted that we had almost 100% turn out.  It is so reassuring to know that the relationship between school and home is so valued.

Over the last few weeks we have held around 50 TAC (team around the child) meetings for children that we provide additional support to.  We appreciate that family life can be busy and that many people have work commitments too but there were a high number of meetings that were not attended by parents.  Unfortunately, we are unable to reschedule these, unless you have already been in touch and are waiting to hear back.  Staffing levels do not allow us to release class teachers.  Additional staffing was brought in to cover the planned schedule.  Please look out for child’s plans and paperwork associated with the meetings which will be out to you very soon.

Miss Quinn, Mrs McCrorie and Mr Neilson, from digital support in East Ayrshire, recently held parent workshops on the use of chrome books.  Our P7 learners are currently piloting a Scottish Government/East Ayrshire pilot scheme on the use of 1:1 devices.  We also have a number of chrome books through another Scottish Government scheme that are being used by learners across P4 – P6.   The feedback from those who attended was very positive and we’re sure it will support learning in a world where using technology is now a requirement.

Parent Council and Parent Forum

All parents and carers of children enrolled at our school are automatically part of our parent forum.  In addition to this some parents and carers choose to become a member of our parent council.  We are delighted that our parent council have met and office bearers have been elected.  The parent council have set up a specific email address for correspondence and this has been added to the information section of the school app.

Establishment Funds

We have a small committee in school that meet to discuss the use of establishment funds (school fund).  This is the money we raise for use in the school.  This does not include our central budget or Pupil Equity Funding (PEF).  The position of chair person, treasurer and secretary are all held by school staff so there is no additional tasks required other than attending meetings which are held each term.  We have the opportunity for a parent member to come on board.  We will be meeting on Friday 9th December at 2.15pm.  If you are interested in being part of this, please contact the school office by phone or email.


Outdoor Learning

For the past four weeks we have partnered with East Ayrshire Outdoor Learning Team as part of their COAch programme.  Three of our classes are working towards accredited awards.  P1 are working towards RSPB wild challenge, P4/5 – Heritage Heroes and P7 – John Muir Award.  In addition to this a professional development session was attended by staff.  We continue to work with Dumfries House and the Harmony Project in staff development.  This is ongoing throughout this session.

Catholic Education Week

Our homes and parishes are an essential part of our Catholic School Ethos.  We were delighted to be able to join our parishes during Catholic Education Week. Special thanks go to all our children who attended mass proudly wearing school uniform , to Lewis, Ada, Alyssa, Katie A, Noah, Oran, Lucy and Farrah for participating by reading, serving and candle lighting,  to our staff and to our parishes and Fr. Phillip  for welcoming us so warmly.  THANK YOU!

We held a prayer service in school, led by P6 and P7 to which all parents, carers and members of our parishes were invited.  This was a spiritual experience and allowed to us to reflect on what makes Catholic Schools unique.  We are open and inclusive to all and our ethos is built firmly on Gospel values.  Thank you to all who attended.

We would encourage all parents/carers to consider joining us for Mass on 23rd December.  All of you are welcome – if you practise a different faith or no faith – we would love for you to come along and join us at this special time of year.

Instrumental Tuition

Our Pupil Leadership Team had raised a concern about the lack of opportunity for instrumental tuition – we hope to have some exciting news soon.  We are currently working in partnership with EA music service and EPIC to finalise details.


In the new year we will once again be working in Partnership with Cumnock Rugby club and Kilmarnock Football Club – more details to follow.

Pupil Leadership

All our P5 – P7 learners are involved in a leadership group.  A busy busy term has meant that our latest meetings were postponed.  However, all groups have met and have shared ideas on action plans.  Look out for information from our groups.  Our JRSO group (junior road safety officers) launched a competition  on Friday.  We look forward to seeing the entries in school next week.  Staff are just glad we don’t need to judge.

Beyond the Classroom 

Our learners benefit from a range of experiences beyond the classroom and the school walls.  We have had classes as the East Ayrshire Day of Dance, Sportshall Athletics, cross country,  representation at the climate change conference, the JRSO Ayrshire seminar, visits to the library, local walks, visits to the church, Benedetti foundation workshops and visits to St. Joseph’s Academy.   We already have a range of exciting things planned for the new year too.

Wider Achievements (OSCARs)

Communication was sent out on the school app about recognition for achievements outside of school.  Thank you to those of you that have filled this in.  Unfortunately we didn’t get to read these out in assembly this week – but we definitely will next week.  If your child has something to show they can bring it along on Friday.

We wish you all a fantastic weekend and we look forward to seeing everyone again on Monday.

From all the staff.




Friday 2nd December 2022

It is hard to believe that we are now in December.  We lit our second advent candle today.  Preparations for Christmas are well and truly underway.  Please find some important information about upcoming events below.


Reindeer RunWednesday 7th December.  There is an item on ParentPay to allow for donations.  All money raised will be donated to CHAS.   This takes place in the school grounds – children will need outdoor clothing suitable for the weather conditions on the day.   Thank you to P7 and Miss Quinn for organising this.


Christmas Lunch and Christmas Jumper DayFriday 9th December.  Children can wear Christmas jumpers to school on this day.  There is no donation asked for, however, we would appreciate a donation for the foodbank.  Any non-perishable food items are welcome.  We have a small number of Christmas jumpers and t-shirts in school that can be borrowed – not just for this day, but over the Christmas Season.  We just ask that they are returned, clean and ready for storage until next year.  We would also be grateful for any donations of Christmas jumpers that your children have outgrown.   Christmas lunch should be booked via ParentPay as normal.


Christmas Parties

Children can bring party clothes/casual clothes to get changed into or can go home for lunch and get changed.  Please notify the school office if your child is going home for lunch.  They should be collected at 12.35pm and return for 1.20pm.

P3/4 & P4/5 – Tuesday 13th December 1.30pm 

P1 & P2/3 – Wednesday 14th December 1.30pm 

P6 & P7 – Thursday 22nd December 1.30pm 


Thursday 15th December – Whole school Outing to the Gaiety Theatre.  ‘Sleeping Beauty’.  Our buses will leave at 9am – please ensure children arrive at school on time.   School uniform must be worn, however, this can be ‘jazzed’ up with Christmas accessories e.g, tinsel, Santa hats, head wear etc.   Children should bring a SMALL snack and a drink for the interval (no fizzy drinks please).


Christmas performances

Tickets available via ParentPay, 2 per family.

Tuesday 20th December – 7pm.     Children should come to the school no earlier than 6.30pm.  The doors will open at 6.45pm.

Wednesday 21st December – 10am.  Doors open 9.45am.  Tea and coffee available after this performance.


Whole School Mass and Pope Francis Faith Award Enrolment Service.  Friday 23rd December.  School Uniform to be worn.  Please come along and join us in Our Lady and St. Patrick’s Church for 10am mass.  Our school Choir will perform before mass from 9.45am.   Our P6 children will take part in enrolment for PFFA.

Friday 2nd September

Our School Values

Before the Summer our School Values were revised taking the feedback from pupils, staff and families to suggest the values that reflect our school.   We wrote to you all to let you know that we had agreed on the following:

Harmony –      We have a peaceful school environment and value the natural world in which we live.

Equity –           We ensure that each learner and their family have what they need and recognise that this is not always the same for each individual.

Ambition –      We set high expectations for ourselves and plan our next steps.

Respect –        We respect each other and ourselves.

This is our Faith –    Our Faith influences all we do.   (This is Our Faith is the name of our RE curriculum)

We asked our children to design icons to represent each of the values.  We are proudly displaying our School Values with the winning designs in our school entrance.

Well Done and thank you to Ezra, Tyler, Roza, Finlay and Alyssa.

Golden Book

Well Done to the following children for their nominations in the Golden Book.  We are so proud of you!

Bonnie, Theia, Ollie, George, Autumn, Logan, Ella, Kioni, Juliette, Niamh, Lillie, Eternity, Eva, Allyssa, and Sofia


Our P7/S1 transition programme is already underway.  This week P7 were visited by Miss Cathie from St. Joseph’s who gave an introductory presentation to P7.  Next week P7 will make their first visit of this session to St. Joseph’s.

Diary Dates

Here are some upcoming events in our school. There are still dates to be confirmed for other events between now and Christmas.  We will add all dates to the school app to make it easy to access.    Any further information about events will be sent out to parents/carers nearer the time.

Tuesday 6th September – P6 Rugby Training with Cumnock Rugby Club

Thursday 8th September – P7 to St. Joseph’s Academy

Tuesday 13th September – EA Climate Conference (2 pupils & 1 Member of staff), P6 Rugby Training with Cumnock Rugby Club

Wednesday 14th September – Special Visit from Fossilfield Ex-Racehorses

Friday 16th & Monday 19th September – Local Holidays

Tuesday 27th September – Diocesan Day at Carfin (6 pupils & 1 member of staff)

W/B 4th October – Parent/teacher meetings (TBC)

Thursday 13th October – Sports for Champions Visit

Monday 17th – Friday 21st October – Holiday

Monday 24th October – In-service Day

Tuesday 1st November – All Saints Mass

Thursday 10th November – P7 to SJA

Wednesday 16th November – Day of Dance (P6 & Possibly P7 & P4/5)

Monday 21st November – Flu Immunisations

Tuesday 6th December – Reindeer Run

Thursday 8th December – P7 to SJA

Friday 9th December – Christmas Jumper Day/Christmas Lunch

Wednesday 14th December – P1 & P2/3 Christmas Party

Friday 16th December – P3/4 & P4/5 Christmas Party

Monday 19th December – P6 & P7 Christmas Party

Tuesday 20th December – A special Visitor

Friday 23rd December – Close at 2.30pm

Loose Parts Play

Please click on the link for further information about this and how you can help us.

loose parts play


We wish you all a great weekend.

First Post of the Session

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Friday 26th August 2022

Starting off this blog with a huge well done to all our amazing children, staff and families for a successful first full week.   We know there will be  a lot of tired wee people out there tonight. (And that’s just the staff!)

Last week 17 fabulous P1 pupils joined our St. Patrick’s Family.   We are delighted to have them in our school.  They have settled so well and are building many positive relationships with everyone across our school.  P6 buddies are doing a  great of supporting them.

We have also been joined by Mrs McCabe in P2/3.  On Thursday 1st September, our new classroom assistant, Miss Graham, will join us too.

We celebrated our first week back with a theatre production of The Jungle Book this afternoon.  We all loved it and the theatre company commended our amazing pupils for being a great audience.  We are so proud of every single one of them!

Breakfast Club

Our Breakfast club has restarted.  It is so good to see our children enjoying the company of each other over breakfast and during the social time available.  There are still some spaces left.  Breakfast club runs from 8.15am – 8.45am.  It costs £1 per pupil, those entitled to means tested free school meals do not pay.  This cost covers the food options; cereal, toast, yogurt/fruit and milk/water.   All staff costs are met by the school through Pupil Equity Funding.   If you would like your child to attend, all or some, of the time please contact Mrs Reid in the office.

Items from home

Please note that children should not bring in toys from home.  We find that these can get lost or broken which causes a lot of unnecessary upset.  Pupils do not require lots of stationery, we have everything in school that pupils need for learning.    When there is a requirement for support from home, class teachers will send out communication for this.  Thank You.

PE Days

Communication about PE days for each class was sent out via the school app earlier in the week.  Please get in touch if you require PE kit for your child.    We expect that all pupils join PE – it is part of our curriculum and is essential in ensuring healthy development.   No jewellery can be worn for PE and we ask that earrings are taking out prior to coming to school.   We want all of our children to experience the benefits of a healthy and active lifestyle.


All pupils will have access to free fruit for snack times beginning from Monday 29th August.  Please support us by talking to your child about this and encouraging them to try different fruits.

P7 Transition

Our Transition programme with St. Joseph’s Academy is very full this year.  We are delighted that events will take place throughout the year.  P7 parents already attended an information session at St. Joseph’s this week and next week we will be joined by Miss Cathie, here in St. Patrick’s, to talk to our P7s.   Visits to St. Joseph’s will begin on September 8th.   P7 pupils also have the opportunity to attend a residential experience at Lockerbie Manor with our friends from some of the other primary schools in the St.  Joseph’s Education Group.   We are delighted that so many are intending on going – we know that in the current climate, financing this experience may be a barrier.  Please contact us if the only barrier to attending is financial.  We know there are lots of reasons as to why some children do not want to attend but we are here to support you if we can.

School Uniform

We have had 100% of pupils in school uniform since we returned.  This is great.  Please remember that we do have preloved uniform items should you need them as the year goes on.    We discourage leggings as part of school uniform, although they can be brought in as a change for PE.   Please ensure ALL items are labelled.  Already our lost property is mounting up.  We have some age 5-6 and 7-8 sweatshirts that have not been claimed.  If your child’s name is on it, we can return quickly.

Data Checks and EV5 forms

Please return all forms as soon as possible.   Thank you to all of you that have returned these already.    It is so important that we hold up to date information for you child.

Absence and Late Coming

In line with safeguarding measures, all absences and late coming are recorded.  Please ensure you contact the school office to report a child’s absence.   Family holidays and appointments should be given in writing, in advance.   Please report unplanned absences by 9.10am.  You can call before this and leave a message on the answer machine.

School Playground

If you are coming to collect your child from the school playground, we ask that you do not come earlier than 2.50pm.  Our classes use the outdoor spaces for learning activities throughout the school day.  If you are earlier than this we ask that you wait out side the main gate or wait in the space before the upper school playground.

When collecting children, please discourage them from walking along the wall to the main entrance, from climbing the fences and swinging on the handrail.  Thank You.

Golden Book 

Assemblies resumed on Wednesday and we had our first Golden Book Nominees of the session.  Well done to;

All of P1 for settling in so beautifully, Nicholas, Aylsa, Elliot, Aanya-Lillie, April, Rhian, Mason, Kendall K, Aqeel, Reilley, Ada and Mya!


August Birthday Shout Outs!

Happy Birthday to all those that had a birthday this Month.

Tristan, Kendall K, Caleb, Jacob, Lewis, Derri, Amber, Nicholas, Leo


We hope you all have a fantastic weekend and we look forward to seeing everyone again on Monday.   Look out next week for information about our loose parts play plans for the playground and some dates for your diary for the coming term.

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Summer Message

It is hard to believe that we have come to the end of another school session.  Thankfully, this one has not included whole school closures, however, we know so many of you continue to be affected by Covid 19.  We wish all of you who are still experiencing the effects,  strength and courage to overcome any difficulties the pandemic has caused.

It is difficult to avoid the news of the current cost of living increases too.  We know so many of our families are affected by this. Please be assured that we will continue to do everything we possibly can to minimise costs associated with the school day.   Our breakfast club will start again on Monday 22nd August.  There is no cost  for pupils in receipt of free school meals.

As is always the case at this time of year, we have goodbyes to say.   Miss Walley, Miss Walker and Mr Myers will be finishing with us today.  Miss Dean and Mrs Hay finished a little earlier this session.  We have also been supported this session by Mrs Gilhooley, Mrs  Cunningham, Miss Smith, Mrs Millar and of course, Miss Rooney.  We are so grateful for the part all of them have played in making St. Patrick’s the amazing school community it is!  They will be sadly missed and will always be welcome in our school – they are very much part of the St. Patrick’s family.

Our children continue to amaze us every single day.   We are so proud of each and every one of them and it is such a privilege to be part of their development.  As we begin our summer holidays we pay special attention to the journey of our P7 pupils.  They have been such an amazing P7 year group.  We can not wait to hear all about the fantastic  things they will continue to achieve as they move on to S1 and beyond.

There are so many people to thank for their continued professionalism and commitment in supporting our children.  Without the support of Mrs Reid, Mrs Goudie and Mrs Fleming the school would just not operate as smoothly as it does. THANK YOU! Thank you  so much for continuing to go way above and beyond!

To Shirley, Amanda, Pauline and Marlene in our school kitchen – THANK YOU! We have the best lunches in East Ayrshire!

To Miss Thomson, Nicola Pennycook, Mr Sullivan, Mrs Wright, Mr Devlin and all those that support us from wider EA services – THANK YOU!

To Fr Phillip, THANK YOU for continued spiritual guidance and support.

To our amazing bus/taxi drivers, THANK YOU for looking after our children and being such an important part of their school day.

To all our amazing teachers – THANK YOU! Thank you for everything you do!

And of course, THANK YOU to you! Thank you for your continued support.

School Re-opens on Thursday 18th August at 9am for pupils.  New P1 pupils start at 10am.  We ask that all pupils continue wearing school uniform – grey/black skirt, trousers, skirts or pinafores with our gold polo shirts and bottle green sweatshirts, tartan skirts and pinafores are also allowed.  We ask that leggings are not worn as part of school uniform.   Remember that applications are now open for school clothing grants.  Pupils should also bring a PE kit to school – this can be kept in school or carried back and forward in school bags.

On behalf of our whole school  family I wish you and your children the most amazing summer together and look forward to seeing you all in August 2022! P7  – we will all be thinking of you as you start the next chapter!

Mrs Bradley

Friday 13th May 2022

Welcome to another update of some of the learning and events happening in school.


Today we were joined by Siobhan Wright, Community Engagement Officer, SCIAF.  Siobhan joined assembly to tell out us how the money we raised during Lent 2022 would be used to help Malawian Farmers.   Siobhan could tell us that over the last 5 years our school has raised a massive £8000 to support the work of SCIAF.  Thank you so much. 

New Resources

We are continually looking at ways to improve and enhance the learning experiences of our children.  We recently took receipt of Sphero Bolts.  A Sphero is a robotic ball that allows children to develop their coding and programming skills.   P4 – P7s have had great fun ‘tinkering’ with the spheros and the coding programmes to discover the potential of these.  We look forward to using these to develop progressive learning in coding and computing science.

Tennis & Football

P4/5, P5/6 and P6/7 have started a block of learning in tennis in partnership with Coylton Tennis Club.  This will continue weekly until the 7th June.

Coaches from KCST will work with P4/5 pupils for four weeks starting Friday 20th.  They will also provide some coaching for boys P4-P7 selected to represent St. Patrick’s in a football festival.

PE Kit

There continues to be a number of children who are not bringing PE kit to school and are missing out.  All children are legally entitled to take part in 2 hours of physical education per week.  Please ensure your child has PE kit with them.  This can be shorts or longer length leggings and a change of t-shirt  (Leggings should be brought to school in school bags – they are not part of school uniform).

The PE days for each class are listed below;

P1 – Monday and Wednesday

P2 – Monday and Thursday

P3 – Wednesday and Friday

P4/5 – Tuesday and Friday

P5/6 – Tuesday and Thursday

P6/7 – Tuesday and Thursday

STEM Leaders Awards

Well done to P4/5 who, this week received certificates for their entries into a nationwide competition.  All pupils were awarded certificates, a special shout out goes to Katie, Noah, Juliette, Mya, Jacob and Kendall for receiving a Merit award and to Roza and Eva who were awarded a Distinction.  Well done to all of you and Mrs Dumigan.

Walk to School Week

Next week is walk to school week.  Remember that we are encouraging children, where possible, to walk to school, or park a bit further away and walk the rest.

Mellow Monday – wearing comfy clothes (please wear a school sweatshirt)
Trainer Tuesday
Wild Hair Wednesday
Thrilling Thursday – an item of silly clothing or accessories
Funky Friday – wearing cool/bright clothing

Alternatively, you can choose to do one of these or combine the themes.

Monday – Team Up – Walk to school with a friend(s)
Tuesday – Defeat Danger – Wear hi-vis to school
Wednesday – Boost Health – Take a longer route to school (with parent / carer permission)
Thursday – Save The Planet – Pick up some rubbish on the way to school (gloves to be provided)
Friday – Lead The Way – Combine all 4 of the previous days themes

Sports Day

This event has been changed to Tuesday 14th June 2022.

Road Safety

Thank you so much to all of you that found alternative stopping places when collecting children at 3pm – it is very much appreciated.  We have had meetings with representatives from health and safety this week and moving forward we will be discussing opportunities for safer routes with Ayrshire Road Alliance.

Please ensure that anyone picking up your child, including childminders, is aware that there is no access to our school carpark.  Thank you.

SWEIC Consultation

Four of our Primary 7 pupils will this week get the chance to share their views and opinions about Scottish Education and help influence the future of Education in the South West of Scotland.  This is a great opportunity for our children to speak up and be counted!

Wider Achievements

A huge shout out to Tyla, P7.  Tyla recently had her long hair cut into a very glamourous bob and donated her hair to the Little Princess Trust! Amazing!

Well done to Archie, P7! Archie was selected to represent East Ayrshire in a district football tournament.  East Ayrshire came an amazing 2nd place, just beaten by Glasgow City.  Well done!

Finlay, P7 has been selected to be a mascot at the Auchinleck Talbot Cup final game on 4th June!  We know that he will bring lots of luck to the team!


We were delighted to welcome some of our new P1s for August 2022 this week.  Thank you to everyone that made their visit such a success.  P5s will be buddies to our new P1s and will get to meet them over the coming weeks as we welcome more new pupils and then have them visit altogether.

Parents/Carers of P7 pupils should all have received letters from their secondary school outlining the dates for further visits.  Pupils going to St. Joseph’s Academy will visit on 7th and 8th of June.  Staff from St. Joseph’s will visit our school on 25th May.  Pupils going to Robert Burns Academy will visit on the 21st and 22nd June.

Please keep our P4 children who are receiving the sacrament of First Holy Communion in your prayers.  This will be celebrated in Our Lady of Lourdes and St Patrick’s Parish tomorrow and in St. John’s next Saturday.

Thank you for your continued support.  Have a great weekend!

From all the staff.

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