November Newsletter

November Images will Surprise You Free DownloadIt is hard to believe we are in November already.  With Christmas fast approaching we are beginning to plan for our winter events.  We are looking  forward to seeing many of you at our upcoming events.

Staffing Update


We knew this day would come, but it is still a shock and hard news to share.  Mrs McCrorie will be retiring at the end of this term.  Mrs McCrorie has served our school for 41 years! During that time she has formed so many positive relationships with you and your children.  We know that Mrs McCrorie has shaped the lives of hundreds of children and young people in that time.

There will be a special mass of thanksgiving in Our Lady and St. Patrick’s Church at 10am on Wednesday 4th December.  We invite all families, parishioners, ex pupils and ex colleagues to come along.  There will be refreshments available in the hall afterwards where you be able to spend some time with Mrs McCrorie.

In preparation for this we will be creating a special book.  Please send any favourite stories, memories or photographs with us if you would like them included.

Please email them to 

 Volunteers – we are looking for volunteers to oversee the refreshments available in the hall after mass.  School staff will be returning to school with our children.  Please contact the school if this is something you can support with.  Thank You. 

We will also celebrate with Mrs McCrorie and her family at a special mass in school for current staff and pupils.  This will take place on 18th December.

Staff Changes

Ms Reid will be leaving us on Friday 15th November.  Ms Reid currently teaches across our classes on Tuesdays, Thursdays and alternate Wednesdays and in P3/4 on Fridays.

We do not yet have confirmation of replacement staffing for Ms Reid and Mrs Crorie.  We will communicate this to you as soon as we know.


Please see the attached document for our upcoming events.  Further information will follow for the events that require it.

Events Nov & Dec 2024


There continues to be a number of children who are not coming to school prepared for physical activity.  We ask that all children bring shorts to school and if  required a t-shirt.  In the younger classes we have children coming to school with dresses on but no t-shirt to change into for PE.

PE days are as follows :

P1 – Monday and Friday

P2/3 – Wednesday and Friday

P3/4 – Monday and Friday

P5 – Monday and Thursday

P6 – Tuesday and Thursday

P7 – Tuesday and Thursday


Attendance is monitored 6 weekly and with the first monitoring period carried out just before the October break we are now in monitoring period 2.  We know that illness and family emergencies can not be planned for but we have a number of children who have days off though the week for various reasons that are unauthorised absences.  Continued concern over attendance will result in support being requested from social services and/or the Children’s Hearing System.

Toys, Jewellery, Fake Nails

there has been an increase in recent weeks on the number of toys being brought in from home, the amount of costume jewellery being worn and an increase in the number of pupils with nail extensions and fake nails.   All of these cause a huge distraction and we ask that you support of by ensuring this is all kept to a minimum.

Toys can get lost and broken making it upsetting for your child.  We know that there are cases where transitional objects are required and these will have been discussed with school staff, this does not change arrangements that are in place for this.

Nail extensions can cause injury in PE and whilst using some school equipment.  They also make it very difficult to develop proper pencil grip and control.  We ask that these removed before coming to school.

Thank You for your support with this.

Christmas Fayre

Our Christmas Fayre will take place on Saturday 23rd November.  You can help in the following ways;

Home Baking

can be handed in to school on Friday 22nd November.  Please label with possible allergens.

Donations of prizes

any items for tombola stall.  Must be in a new condition.  Any alcohol must be handed directly to the school office.

Help create crafts to sell

come along with your child to help make items for us to sell.  Come along at the following times ;

Monday 11th November, 3pm – 4pm

Tuesday 12th November, 3pm – 4pm

Friday 15th November, 1.30pm – 3pm




Information for Parents and Carers


All Children and Young People (age 5-18) in East Ayrshire can access support for psychological wellbeing from The-Exchange Counselling Service. 

Children and Young People in Secondary schools can either access the service by making a self referral online – or by using the D-EXY App –   This service is also available for Home Educated Children and Young People or those not regularly attending school.   Sessions can then either take place in school, online, over the phone or at the Exchange office in Kilmarnock.   

Children in Primary schools can be referred to the service via their named person (usually a Headteacher or Depute Headteacher).  The Exchange website and EAC school Counselling Blog also has lots of good resources and advice parents can use to support their child with Mental Health and Wellbeing.   

For more information about the Exchange Counselling Service or D-EXY, please visit their website –,  scan the QR code below or contact“  


TB Consent letter (June 2024)





UK-2023-Parent-Flyer-web 2024

Welcome Back

Welcome to Session 2024/25

It is so lovely to be back in school with all our children.  A huge welcome to all our new P1s, Charlie, Aimee, Jennifer and Jamie.

We took the opportunity yesterday to take a whole school photograph.  It doesn’t happen often that we have 100% attendance across all classes – this made the start of the session even more special.


We know that some absences are unavoidable but we strongly request you support us with encouraging good attendance habits at school.  We will be continuing to monitor attendance every 6 weeks and we will be in touch with individual families to discuss the support available if attendance falls below 90%.


Please ensure you notify the school of any absence before 9:10am.  This can be done through the school app, by calling or emailing on

If you have planned holidays, please ensure the school has been informed too.


Thank You so much for your support with school uniform.  We had almost every child in school uniform yesterday.  The children look very smart and we could really feel the sense of belonging.  Please remember to get in touch if you need nay support with uniform – we have lots of preloved items looking for new homes.  Please ensure your child’s name is on uniform items.  

PE Kit – the timetable for PE will be shared with you tomorrow.  We ask that all pupils (unless on medical grounds) participate in PE.  It is statutory that pupils take part in at least 2 hours of physical education each week.  Indoor shoes and a change of shorts/leggings/joggers are required for PE.  Some of the older children also choose to bring a t-shirt too.  PE kit can be kept in school within a labelled gym bag or can be brought to school each day in school bags.  Please ensure your child’s name is on EVERYTHING.   Jewellery should not be worn to PE, this includes earrings.  If you wish your child to participate in PE and they are unable to take their earrings in and out themselves then you must provide your consent in writing, noting that you take full responsibility for any injuries resulting from the wearing of earrings.


A number of forms have been issued.  These are;

  • Annual data Check (P2-P7)
  • Local Area consent form (All Pupils)
  • Flu immunisation information (all pupils)
  • QR codes for photo permission & acceptable use policy (P2-P7)

Primary 1 pupils received these in the welcome packs and they should be returned to school ASAP.


We will shortly be issuing our new guidelines for homework and learning at home.   Homework will be issued via the class blog for P1, P2/3 & P3/4.  P5 – P7 homework will be shared on TEAMs.  We will let you know what you can expect when we send out further information next week.


We are busy coordinating all our dates for school events across the session and we will issue these to you when they all confirmed.  Dates will also be added to the calendar that is accessed from the school app.

OSCARs – remember that we have a form to fill in to let us know of nay achievements outside of school too.  It can be accessed via the school app or by clicking this link.  OSCARs

We love sharing our achievements from outside school in assembly so please be sure to let us know.


We look forward to working with you over the coming session and can’t wait to invite you in to school to share our learning with you.

Have a super weekend,

Mrs Bradley and all the staff



Round Up

It’s hard to believe we are at the end of the school session 2023/24!

It has been a jam packed term and we have loved every minute of it.  We have so much to be grateful for.

Unfortunately the weather put a dampener on sports day again this year.  You’ll be pleased to know that we have agreed to schedule the date for May next year.  This will give us more scope to reschedule before the very busy term of June.


We held our prize giving service on Monday.  We are so proud of each and every one of our children.  Prizegiving is our way of recognising those who have gone above and beyond throughout the year.

Effective Contributor Awards – Annlouise Hoskins, Ethan Morrison, Kallen Johnston, Kioni Keller, Amber Samson, Kai Johnston

Confident Individual Awards – Greig Sheehan, Kasey Reid, Marlene Gollok-Foggo, Aanya-Lillie Elliot, Ayva Scott, Mason McCreadie

Successful Learner Awards – Etta Dumigan, Aroosha Ahmed, Kaleb Johnstone, Ella Nimmo, Alexander Brodie, Sana Mustafa

Responsible Citizen Awards – Lewis Samson, Keane Woods, Max McFadzean, Emily Dick, Luke Samson, Caleb Dunsmuir

School Value Awards 

Harmony – Eva Stewart, Kioni Keller

Equity – Niamh Burley

Ambition – Jessica Brodie, Aanya-Lillie Elliot, Sofia Ahmed, Janey Grainger, Ella Anderson, Codi Wallace

Respect – Nathan Nicol, Jacob Chidwick, Kasey Reid

Faith – Alyssa Nimmo, Lucy McGill, Ada Dumigan, Lewis Savage, Janey Grainger, Ezra Dumigan

Sports Championship

Winners – Grace Dick, Brooklyn Bradley

2nd – Alyssa  Nimmo, Kai Johnston

3rd – Grace Dick, Mason McCreadie

Helping Hands Award

Ada Dumigan

Leavers’ Service 

Our P7s shared their primary school journey with us.  There wasn’t a dry eye in the house!  We are so proud of everything they have achieved and are in awe of how insightful they are about the characteristics they have developed.  We know we will continue to hear great things about them all.  Huge thanks to each P7 for confidently telling us what they are taking from St. Patrick’s as they move on! They are indeed God’s Work of Art!  Thanks to all staff that made the event possible and to our fabulous parent council for the gift.

Go to this Sway

Whole School Outing

It‘s the simple things that are often the most fun! Our children loved being outdoors and in the company of each other at Dumfries House Estate.  They had a lovey time enjoying the natural world and exploring the grounds.  Huge thanks to all the staff and the parent helpers for making sure it was a great day.


Celebration Mass

Our Mass of Thanksgiving at the end of term is always a special event to mark the achievements of everyone throughout the session.  We are thankful for every individual that makes our school community what it is! Special thanks to Fr Philip and the parishioners of St John’s Cumnock.  We even managed to finish it off with some playing on the grass.

On Friday there will only be soup and sandwiches available for lunch.  We will end the school year with what has become our annual water games on the grass.  Staying dry is simple – stay off the grass.  The water games will begin at 12.45pm.  When the bells ring at 1pm children must line up with their teacher to be dismissed.

We are sad to say farewell to our much loved staff; Miss Thorpe, Miss Graham, Mrs Bohan, Miss Torbett, Mr Sullivan and Mrs Wright.  And of course, to our P7s – we wish them every best wish and success for the future.  We will miss them very much.



It is hard to believe that we have only 4 weeks of the school session left.

June is always a very busy month.  Please see the information at the bottom of this post outlining what is on in School.


Many congratulations to Enzo, Janey, and Max who all received the Sacrament of First Holy Communion at the weekend.  This is such an important event in their faith journey.  Please keep them in your prayers.


Parent Questionnaires 

Thank you to all of you who took the time to complete the questionnaires at our Pupil Progress Meeting evening.

Please see attached the information gathered from this.  We will use this information to plan for improvements.

Parent Feedback May 24


Please ensure you contact the school office if your child is absent.  You can do this by submitting an absence report on the school app,  by emailing ( or by calling the school. If there is no answer please leave a recorded message.

Attendance in St. Patrick’s Primary remains inline with national averages but for some families attendance continues to be a barrier to learning.  Absence has a direct impact on learning and can lead to poor attendance in later school years.   We know that non attendance at school can happen for lots of different reasons and we want to work with families to support good attendance.

Please help us promote attendance at school during the month of June.



Wednesday 5th June – Sports Day

Activities start at 10am.  Parents, friends and family welcome along.

Raffle tickets available on ParentPay £1 per strip

Wednesday 5th June – RBA information session 

Information event for parents/carers of P7 pupils moving to Robert Burns Academy.  6.30pm – 8pm

Wednesday 5th June – New P1 Parent Information Session

St. Patrick’s PS, 6pm

Friday 7th June – Kilmarnock Community Sports Trust 

Sport clothes can be worn, outdoor trainers can be brought to school.  Each class will have a timetabled slot to take part in interactive football related activities.  Football tops can be worn on the understanding that our school value of RESPECT is shown at all times.

Friday 7th June – Percussion Students to Loudoun Academy 

Pupils attending percussion tuition are invited to attend an all day workshop in Loudoun Academy.   This begins at 9am and ends at 3pm.  Pupils require snacks and packed lunch .  Parents/Carers should transport their own child.

Monday 10th June -EuroQuiz Final 

P6 pupils will travel by train to Edinburgh.  Packed lunches required.  If your child needs one from the school kitchen please let us know in advance.  Full school uniform and comfortable footwear required.

Tuesday 11th June & Wednesday 12th June 

Transition days for pupils going to Robert Burns Academy.  Pupils should meet at 9am at the transport hub and be collected at 2.30pm from the transport hub.

Thursday 13th June 

P7 transition Day 4 for St. Joseph’s Academy

Thursday 13th June 

ECC/P1 transition Event – Teddy Bears’ Picnic.

All P1s and our new P1s can bring a teddy and a snack for our picnic. 10am – 11.30am

Thursday 13th June

Parent Council meeting 6pm, Chapel Hall, Sorn Road.  All welcome

Friday 14th June 

P7 transition Day 5 for St Joseph’s Academy.

Wednesday 19th June 

Leavers’ Service 9.30am

Parents/Carers of our P7 pupils are invited.  For catering purposes please let us know how many are coming by filling in this form.

Wednesday 19th June – Leavers Celebration 

P7 pupils and their families are invited to attend a pizza, outdoor games and campfire. 6pm – 8pm.  Please RSVP using the QR code on the invitation or by using this link. Click Here

Suggested donation of £5 per family on ParentPay

Monday 24th June – Prizegiving

Staff and Pupils only

Tuesday 25th June – Whole School Outing 

The whole School will Dumfries House Estate.  If you are interested in being a parent helper on this day please let us know by completing the form below.  Packed lunches required.  Can be ordered from school if needed.

Pupils will need a packed lunch.  £3 per pupil or maximum £5 per family on ParentPay.

School uniform on the top.

Wednesday 26th June – Whole School Mass

St. John’s Church Cumnock.  10am, all welcome

Friday 28th June – School closes 1pm

 Annual Water Games

At 12.45pm there is an optional water game on the grass.  Any child (or staff member) who wants to take part can bring their EMPTY water pistol to school. No water balloons please.  This is completely optional – if you want to stay dry – keep off the grass! There will be no changing facilities available so a towel to dry off will be essential.  If your child travels on school transport they must bring a towel and a plastic covering  to sit on on the bus, e.g a tarpaulin, black bin bag.

What we have sent home this week…..

  • Snapshot jotter

– please take time to look at this along with the online information.  This will allow you and your child to talk about their learning.  Jotters and feedback sheets should be returned next week.

  • Appointment times for Pupil Progress Meetings

– Thank You to all who returned slips requesting appointments.  All children have been allocated a time, we look forward to seeing you on the 14th May.

  • Consent forms for

after school football – P5 -P7

after school multi sports P3 – P5

  • Information letters for

P7/S1 transition

P6 – Euroquiz/Edinburgh outing


SNAPSHOT Week – Assembly

Assembly Key Learning

The Month of May – the importance of Mary

Wellbeing Indicator – NURTURED

As we begin the month of May and our focus in RE turns to Mary, the mother of Jesus, we remind ourselves of the love and care provided to us through Mary and her son Jesus.

In 2021, Pope Francis called Mary “the first disciple of Jesus” and reminded us that “Mary is there, praying for us, praying for those who do not pray. Why? Because she is our mother.

In Assembly we come together as a whole school but also in our house groups and smaller groups – our ‘home teams’.

We have regular ‘home team natters’ where we discuss different topics.   This term we are focussing on the SHANARRI indicators.   More information can be found here.

This week’s indicator focused on Nurture – this was very fitting as we celebrate the Month of May.

Celebrating Success

Assembly is also where we celebrate achievements across the school.  We had 34 bronze awards this week, over 20 golden book nominations, 6 community certificates and certificates for our Euroquiz finalists.

A huge well done!

RSHP National Consultation

Dear Parents/Carers, Parishioners, and other interested parties,

The Scottish Government is currently consulting on the delivery of Relationships, Sexual Health, and Parenting within Scottish schools.

The proposed content can be found by following this link.

Delivery of relationships, sexual health and parenthood education in Scottish schools: draft guidance – (

There is also the RSHP website which gives clear information about the content recommended for each stage.  At Primary School age, the curriculum is at Early Level – P1, First Level – P2 to P4, and Second Level – P5 to P7.

Early Level Content

First Level Content

Second Level Content

You can also find links to the curriculum at the third level and the senior phase on the website.

As a Catholic faith-based school there are elements of the proposed content linked to the guidance that may, depending upon individual perception, sit in direct contrast to the faith dynamic of our provision, which naturally permeates our ethos and delivery.

We absolutely understand and welcome the fact that not all of our pupils are Catholics, but also recognise that all families sending their children to our school respect and understand our ethos, and the central role that faith plays in the wider life of the school and in our daily practice.

Encouraging those with an interest in Catholic Education to submit a response  is advocated by the Scottish Catholic Education Service (SCES) and the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland.

The current version of the draft guidance contains some alterations to an earlier version which was clear in acknowledging the rights of Catholic schools to deliver Catholic teaching on aspects of human relationships and sexual development.  SCES, on behalf of the Bishops’ Conference, has produced a briefing paper for the consideration of parents/carers who have elected to send their children to Catholic schools. This briefing paper is attached for your information.

SCES has also produced a supporting consultation return that you may, if you see fit, elect to refer to prior to making a response.

The Bishops’ Conference has made the following statement:

“The Bishops’ Conference of Scotland is both disappointed and confused at the decision by the Scottish Government to delete all reference to Catholic schools in its “Guidance on the Delivery of Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood (RSHP) Education in Scottish Schools” document. We strongly request the re-insertion of the paragraphs relating to Denominational Education from the previous iteration of the guidance, which would reflect both the legal protection for schools with a Religious Character, and the previously supportive position of Scottish Government for Catholic schools.”

Please note, this is not a school or local authority consultation, but a national consultation.

As with any consultation, you are free to respond in full, in part or not at all.

However, your voice is extremely important and central to the education of children in schools across Scotland. I sincerely and strongly encourage you to try to complete a response prior to the consultation deadline of Thursday 23rd November. Responses can be submitted via this link:

Consultation Response

Anyone wishing to make a response by post can do so by submitting a response to:

RSHP Teaching Guidance Consultation

Area 2B North

Victoria Quay



It is my understanding that responses need not address every question within the consultation. I am to understand that some respondents are electing to respond to questions one and six specifically. It is for individual respondents to determine whether or not they wish to respond in full or in part.

Yours Faithfully,

Marianne Bradley

RSHP consultation Briefing Paper

Letter template all questions draft

Letter template Q1 and 6 only

Feedback from Our Local Authority Education Visit

  We have received our report from our recent Local Authority Quality Assurance visit. We are absolutely delighted with the report and will continue working towards the planned improvements that we have in place.  We are so proud of our St. Patrick’s community and the part that each and every person plays on making it a great place to be.

Our Report 

Feedback is based on the information shared by the Head Teacher and Depute Head Teachers on each morning of the visit, observations from visits to lessons, feedback from the teaching and non-teaching staff meetings as well as pupil and parent/carer meetings. Feedback is also derived from electronic and paper documentation that was provided to the visiting team.

Overall Strengths 

  • The Head Teacher and the Depute Head Teacher know the school and have a clear vision.  They are making progress in relation to improvement priorities and the wider staff team share the same drive for improvement and work collaboratively.
  • Staff have created a calm, nurturing learning environment that reflects the school’s vision and values.
  • The whole school’s culture, values, and ethos are very positive.  The relational approach and inclusive practice implemented universally are evidenced by strong relationships between peers and adults.
  • The collaboration and consistency in approaches in relation to planning.

Overall Feedback 

  • Well maintained building and outside area that is welcoming and shows the current developments of the school and the children.
  • Pupil Leadership opportunities evident throughout the school.
  • Purposeful, positive and inclusive learning environment.
  • Positive strong relationships between pupils and staff are evident in and out of class.
  • Classroom displays are beginning to showcase current learning journeys and children’s work.
  • School makes the most of the space available.
  • Teaching staff are creating a welcoming, positive ethos within their classrooms.
  • Almost all lessons and activities were engaging and appropriately pitched.
  • AiFL strategies are generally well used in most classes.
  • Chromebooks are used effectively throughout most areas of the school for teaching and supporting lessons.
  • Middle and Senior school pupils demonstrate embedded digital literacy skills.
  • The children were able to discuss how their digital skills positively impact their learning.
  • Almost all pupils show an eagerness to engage in their learning.
  • Pupils responded positively to learning opportunities that were well planned and engaging.
  • Within their school, the pupils, feel it is a fun, safe and happy place to be.
  • Relationships between pupils are very positive; they are aware everyone learns in their own way and comment that if you are unsure the teacher supports you.
  • Staff are afforded opportunities to engage in Professional Learning. Professional Learning is shared and implemented collegiately.
  • Staff appreciate the opportunity to work together and share practice.
  • The Senior Leadership Team strive to look after staff welfare and well-being; this was acknowledged by all staff.
  • Pupils enjoy a range of learning experiences.
  • Learning Logs are used to assist with the pupils learning and lead to conversations on how the child is progressing with their teacher.
  • Pupils engage and enjoy learning conversations with their teachers.
  • Pupils praised staff for supporting their learning and giving them time to embed what is being taught.
  • Auxiliary and Clerical staff praised communication and their involvement in the whole school team.
  • Auxiliary staff are being trained in the use of IT and Chromebooks.
  • Parents acknowledged that their children are valued and well supported, and that all staff know all of the children.
  • Very effective communication was praised by Parents and that they were listened to regarding concerns and these are addressed promptly.
  • Parents acknowledged that the school is keen to work in partnership with them and noted they are consulted on the School Improvement Plan.
  • Well established House system enabling children to achieve house tokens for modelling school values, good behaviour, manners and class work.

Areas for Consideration

The areas for consideration build on evidence observed during the visit. There is no implication that the areas for consideration are not already being considered or actioned but may benefit from being strengthened or consistent across the school.

  • What is the collective understanding of play pedagogy/active learning and how will effective practice be shared to ensure a consistent approach is in place across the school?
  • Are there clear and consistent expectations for learning environments, including displays?
  • What opportunities are available for pupils to take ownership and lead their own learning?
  • How will AiFL strategies be embedded consistently throughout the school?

Required Actions

  • Learning intentions, success criteria and feedback need to be consistently shared, understood and revisited during lessons; these should be followed up to inform next steps in learning.

As a Quality Assurance team, we will continue to engage with the school over this session and next to look at implementation of required actions and areas for consideration.

The team would also like to take the opportunity to thank you for the warm welcome we received from the pupils, the staff and yourself during our visit. We really enjoyed our visit and look forward to working with you again in the future.

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