Feedback from Our Local Authority Education Visit

  We have received our report from our recent Local Authority Quality Assurance visit. We are absolutely delighted with the report and will continue working towards the planned improvements that we have in place.  We are so proud of our St. Patrick’s community and the part that each and every person plays on making it a great place to be.

Our Report 

Feedback is based on the information shared by the Head Teacher and Depute Head Teachers on each morning of the visit, observations from visits to lessons, feedback from the teaching and non-teaching staff meetings as well as pupil and parent/carer meetings. Feedback is also derived from electronic and paper documentation that was provided to the visiting team.

Overall Strengths 

  • The Head Teacher and the Depute Head Teacher know the school and have a clear vision.  They are making progress in relation to improvement priorities and the wider staff team share the same drive for improvement and work collaboratively.
  • Staff have created a calm, nurturing learning environment that reflects the school’s vision and values.
  • The whole school’s culture, values, and ethos are very positive.  The relational approach and inclusive practice implemented universally are evidenced by strong relationships between peers and adults.
  • The collaboration and consistency in approaches in relation to planning.

Overall Feedback 

  • Well maintained building and outside area that is welcoming and shows the current developments of the school and the children.
  • Pupil Leadership opportunities evident throughout the school.
  • Purposeful, positive and inclusive learning environment.
  • Positive strong relationships between pupils and staff are evident in and out of class.
  • Classroom displays are beginning to showcase current learning journeys and children’s work.
  • School makes the most of the space available.
  • Teaching staff are creating a welcoming, positive ethos within their classrooms.
  • Almost all lessons and activities were engaging and appropriately pitched.
  • AiFL strategies are generally well used in most classes.
  • Chromebooks are used effectively throughout most areas of the school for teaching and supporting lessons.
  • Middle and Senior school pupils demonstrate embedded digital literacy skills.
  • The children were able to discuss how their digital skills positively impact their learning.
  • Almost all pupils show an eagerness to engage in their learning.
  • Pupils responded positively to learning opportunities that were well planned and engaging.
  • Within their school, the pupils, feel it is a fun, safe and happy place to be.
  • Relationships between pupils are very positive; they are aware everyone learns in their own way and comment that if you are unsure the teacher supports you.
  • Staff are afforded opportunities to engage in Professional Learning. Professional Learning is shared and implemented collegiately.
  • Staff appreciate the opportunity to work together and share practice.
  • The Senior Leadership Team strive to look after staff welfare and well-being; this was acknowledged by all staff.
  • Pupils enjoy a range of learning experiences.
  • Learning Logs are used to assist with the pupils learning and lead to conversations on how the child is progressing with their teacher.
  • Pupils engage and enjoy learning conversations with their teachers.
  • Pupils praised staff for supporting their learning and giving them time to embed what is being taught.
  • Auxiliary and Clerical staff praised communication and their involvement in the whole school team.
  • Auxiliary staff are being trained in the use of IT and Chromebooks.
  • Parents acknowledged that their children are valued and well supported, and that all staff know all of the children.
  • Very effective communication was praised by Parents and that they were listened to regarding concerns and these are addressed promptly.
  • Parents acknowledged that the school is keen to work in partnership with them and noted they are consulted on the School Improvement Plan.
  • Well established House system enabling children to achieve house tokens for modelling school values, good behaviour, manners and class work.

Areas for Consideration

The areas for consideration build on evidence observed during the visit. There is no implication that the areas for consideration are not already being considered or actioned but may benefit from being strengthened or consistent across the school.

  • What is the collective understanding of play pedagogy/active learning and how will effective practice be shared to ensure a consistent approach is in place across the school?
  • Are there clear and consistent expectations for learning environments, including displays?
  • What opportunities are available for pupils to take ownership and lead their own learning?
  • How will AiFL strategies be embedded consistently throughout the school?

Required Actions

  • Learning intentions, success criteria and feedback need to be consistently shared, understood and revisited during lessons; these should be followed up to inform next steps in learning.

As a Quality Assurance team, we will continue to engage with the school over this session and next to look at implementation of required actions and areas for consideration.

The team would also like to take the opportunity to thank you for the warm welcome we received from the pupils, the staff and yourself during our visit. We really enjoyed our visit and look forward to working with you again in the future.

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