A Few Wee Updates


As you know we said our farewells to Mrs Fleming yesterday. Mrs Fleming has been our school janitor for over a year and has continuously gone above and beyond in all she has done.   She is going to be sorely missed by our whole school community. We wish her all the very best as she returns to her substantive post.

On Monday we will officially welcome Mr Logan to his new post with us.  Our children met Mr Logan yesterday,  he has been in our school before and will be a familiar face,  we are looking forward to working with him.   Mr Logan has been working at other schools with in the local area.

We have also been joined by Mrs Rennie who is a part-time classroom assistant.   Mrs Rennie has already established positive relationships with learners in the school, predominately the younger pupils in P1 & P2. Mrs Rennie will be with us until the end of this school session in June.

Mrs Goudie is currently absent and hopes to be back with us really soon.  We know the children and staff are missing her.

December Events 

Please see the information that went out yesterday regarding events before Christmas.   Hopefully it provides all the information you need for this very busy time.

Parental Involvement and Engagement

We loved being able to have face to face pupil progress meetings once again.  We were delighted that we had almost 100% turn out.  It is so reassuring to know that the relationship between school and home is so valued.

Over the last few weeks we have held around 50 TAC (team around the child) meetings for children that we provide additional support to.  We appreciate that family life can be busy and that many people have work commitments too but there were a high number of meetings that were not attended by parents.  Unfortunately, we are unable to reschedule these, unless you have already been in touch and are waiting to hear back.  Staffing levels do not allow us to release class teachers.  Additional staffing was brought in to cover the planned schedule.  Please look out for child’s plans and paperwork associated with the meetings which will be out to you very soon.

Miss Quinn, Mrs McCrorie and Mr Neilson, from digital support in East Ayrshire, recently held parent workshops on the use of chrome books.  Our P7 learners are currently piloting a Scottish Government/East Ayrshire pilot scheme on the use of 1:1 devices.  We also have a number of chrome books through another Scottish Government scheme that are being used by learners across P4 – P6.   The feedback from those who attended was very positive and we’re sure it will support learning in a world where using technology is now a requirement.

Parent Council and Parent Forum

All parents and carers of children enrolled at our school are automatically part of our parent forum.  In addition to this some parents and carers choose to become a member of our parent council.  We are delighted that our parent council have met and office bearers have been elected.  The parent council have set up a specific email address for correspondence and this has been added to the information section of the school app.

Establishment Funds

We have a small committee in school that meet to discuss the use of establishment funds (school fund).  This is the money we raise for use in the school.  This does not include our central budget or Pupil Equity Funding (PEF).  The position of chair person, treasurer and secretary are all held by school staff so there is no additional tasks required other than attending meetings which are held each term.  We have the opportunity for a parent member to come on board.  We will be meeting on Friday 9th December at 2.15pm.  If you are interested in being part of this, please contact the school office by phone or email.


Outdoor Learning

For the past four weeks we have partnered with East Ayrshire Outdoor Learning Team as part of their COAch programme.  Three of our classes are working towards accredited awards.  P1 are working towards RSPB wild challenge, P4/5 – Heritage Heroes and P7 – John Muir Award.  In addition to this a professional development session was attended by staff.  We continue to work with Dumfries House and the Harmony Project in staff development.  This is ongoing throughout this session.

Catholic Education Week

Our homes and parishes are an essential part of our Catholic School Ethos.  We were delighted to be able to join our parishes during Catholic Education Week. Special thanks go to all our children who attended mass proudly wearing school uniform , to Lewis, Ada, Alyssa, Katie A, Noah, Oran, Lucy and Farrah for participating by reading, serving and candle lighting,  to our staff and to our parishes and Fr. Phillip  for welcoming us so warmly.  THANK YOU!

We held a prayer service in school, led by P6 and P7 to which all parents, carers and members of our parishes were invited.  This was a spiritual experience and allowed to us to reflect on what makes Catholic Schools unique.  We are open and inclusive to all and our ethos is built firmly on Gospel values.  Thank you to all who attended.

We would encourage all parents/carers to consider joining us for Mass on 23rd December.  All of you are welcome – if you practise a different faith or no faith – we would love for you to come along and join us at this special time of year.

Instrumental Tuition

Our Pupil Leadership Team had raised a concern about the lack of opportunity for instrumental tuition – we hope to have some exciting news soon.  We are currently working in partnership with EA music service and EPIC to finalise details.


In the new year we will once again be working in Partnership with Cumnock Rugby club and Kilmarnock Football Club – more details to follow.

Pupil Leadership

All our P5 – P7 learners are involved in a leadership group.  A busy busy term has meant that our latest meetings were postponed.  However, all groups have met and have shared ideas on action plans.  Look out for information from our groups.  Our JRSO group (junior road safety officers) launched a competition  on Friday.  We look forward to seeing the entries in school next week.  Staff are just glad we don’t need to judge.

Beyond the Classroom 

Our learners benefit from a range of experiences beyond the classroom and the school walls.  We have had classes as the East Ayrshire Day of Dance, Sportshall Athletics, cross country,  representation at the climate change conference, the JRSO Ayrshire seminar, visits to the library, local walks, visits to the church, Benedetti foundation workshops and visits to St. Joseph’s Academy.   We already have a range of exciting things planned for the new year too.

Wider Achievements (OSCARs)

Communication was sent out on the school app about recognition for achievements outside of school.  Thank you to those of you that have filled this in.  Unfortunately we didn’t get to read these out in assembly this week – but we definitely will next week.  If your child has something to show they can bring it along on Friday.

We wish you all a fantastic weekend and we look forward to seeing everyone again on Monday.

From all the staff.




2 thoughts on “A Few Wee Updates”

  1. Disappointed not to see my grand daughters name mentioned katie Arthur katie attends mass most weeks and l wore her school uniform and lit the advent candle

    1. We are really sorry that this mistake was made. This has now been rectified and Katie’s name has been added. This was an oversight on our part.

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