Our School Library can support pupils’ health and wellbeing. There is a dedicated “Shelf Help” section which has books and other resources about issues that pupils or their family/friends may be facing including: body image, bullying, exam stress, fitness, grief, growing up, mental health and more. More wellbeing titles can be found on our main bookshelves and we also have some eBooks available through the VLeBooks tile on Glow. The collection includes fiction books featuring characters that are dealing with issues affecting their mental health.

When you are in school you can search our Library catalogue to find out more about the books and resources we have. We have also saved links to websites, apps and articles on health and wellbeing in the catalogue so you can click through to those directly. If you are not using a computer in school you can check the resource list documents to see what we have and contact Miss McGill, our Librarian, to reserve items to borrow when you come in. You can find the Library next door to the First Floor Office and more information about the Library in the Pupil Zone menu on the main RBA site.