Category: Eco-Schools

Pupil Voice

We are very proud of our pupils who did a fantastic job presenting at our Parent Council Meeting.The Pupil Council Chair and Vice Chair gave lots of information about their roles in school by being involved in decision making.The RRS Chair and Vice Chair showed a presentation about all the activities we are doing in school. The Chair of the Eco group informed everyone about our Food Waste campaign and showed a video made by EA Council. Well done everyone👏

P4 & P5 Gardening Club – Sign Up

Hi Families!

Mrs Merrick & Miss Anderson are excited to offer our P4 and P5 pupils the opportunity to develop our outdoor spaces including the creation of our Fairy Garden, flower, vegetable and fruit beds and make our community spaces special.

Miss Anderson will work with our P4s and Mrs Merrick will work with our P5s.

There is a limit of 10 pupils per group which will be allocated on a first come first served basis by completing the form below. Confirmation will be given via letter by Mr Swan on Wednesday.

Day/Time: P4 – Thursday 2.50pm – 3.45pm

Day/Time: P5 – Thursday 3.05pm – 4pm

Gardening Club will run from this Thursday 27th May, every Thursday, with the final session on Thursday 17th June.

Pupils will be collected from their class and will all be signed out from the school Main Entrance.


If you have any questions, please contact Mr Swan on


Our Virtual Harvest Festival

To all of our families,

We may not be able to come together physically just now, but why not join us in watching our Virtual Harvest Festival?

Going live on Friday 9th October 2020 at 10am, we will be participating in the first virtual harvest festival. Alongside Eco-Schools and the Wildlife Trusts, the Harvest festival is all about teaching the nation’s next generation what it takes to grow the food we all love and enjoy so much!