Onthank Online Learning

Remote Learning

We would like to send out some guidelines to help you understand what is expected from our remote learning.  We are very aware that each family is working under different circumstances due to their own work commitments and family bubbles.  As said in previous correspondence, we are here to help.

During this first week as we return to remote learning we ask that we take things a bit slower, allowing time to ensure everyone has everything that they need. Please don’t worry if things don’t work straight away, we will use this time to sort out any problems.  We have created an online form at the end of this post where you can request help.

The following links to guidance given to all schools in East Ayrshire


EAC_Remote Learning Guidance Jan_2021

Each year group has their own way of delivering remote learning tasks.  All parents should have received an email from the teachers at their child’s stage. In Primary 1 and 2 teachers will use blogs and in Primary 3 to 7 will use TEAMs.  Primary 3 have only recently worked with TEAMs.  For some this platform will be new.  Initially P3 teachers will also post on their blog.

Stage Blogs Link to each stage’s blog.  These links can also be found on the school blog.






Here is a link for your child’s TEAM


P3H P3H Teams page link
P3N P3N Teams page link
P3S P3S Teams page link
P4E P4E Teams page link
P4K P4K Teams page link
P4M P4M Teams page link
P5C P5C Teams page link
P5Ca P5Ca Teams page link
P5K P5K Teams page link
P5M P5M Teams page link
P6A P6A Teams page link
P6F P6F Teams page link
P6M P6M Teams page link
P7H P7H Teams page link
P7M P7M Teams page link
P7Mc P7Mc Teams page link
Pupil Council Pupil Council Teams page
Whole School Whole School Team



Centre Class 1 Centre Class 1 Teams Page
Centre Class 2 Centre Class 2 Teams Page
Centre Class 3 Centre Class 3 Teams Page

During our first virtual week back we do anticipate some pupils will find it challenging.  So please do not worry if you miss a Team’s meeting.  Key teaching points will be  explored using a variety of media options e.g. voice over Powerpoints, video clips and guidance to online tutorials.

Bug Club

Bug Club is a resource we have been using for a few years at Onthank.  Every child in the school has been allocated a Bug Club reading book this week.  Even if your child has other books in their library, please complete the ‘reading book’ assigned by your child’s teacher.  The title will be shared by the class teacher.

We will use this book to ensure everyone is able to log on and complete the online work.  If you have any problems please contact your child’s teacher in the first instance.


We are ready to help reset passwords and give advice.  We have been working to create packs for children to work on at home.  You may need resources and we will give information on how these can be collected safely later in the week.

Technology Help

We know remote learning can be difficult – we are here to help! Please let us know through this form of any technology difficulties you are experiencing.

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