All posts by eajennifer.ellis@glow

Easter Egg Fun in P5E


P5 E were treated to some Easter egg fun but, as always, Miss Ellis made it educational!

Pupils took part in an egg hunt and in each egg there were chilli challenge calculations to complete. In the egg toss activity pupils were to add up their scores using mental strategies. This proved to be a challenging task so we had to adapt as we went along. It was a fun morning that pupils really enjoyed.

Have a lovely holiday everyone! 🙂

Miss Ellis


P5E STEM: Create a jotter cover

P5E were given a design task today: create a cover for a jotter using the materials provided. Pupils demonstrated great team work and all groups created different covers in different ways.

Pupils realised they used many different skills including estimating, measuring, team work, listening and talking skills and growth mindset.

Good job P5E!

P5 E World Book Day Fun

Lots of p5E pupils made an effort to dress up in fabulous costumes today:

We had fun guessing who their characters were and we were pretty spot on.

The pupils had the chance to share their books in small groups.

Then we had fun doing various maths skills using books:

This involved ordering books based on number of pages, adding up the total number of pages, data analysis using a bar graph showing people’s favourite books and measuring their books’ dimensions using a ruler.


What a busy and fun day we’ve had!

Freeze frame!

P5E combined their drama skills with literacy.

After reading some chapters of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory pupils and their groups were asked to create a freeze frame showing a key moment or scene they read about (some groups even included props).  We then had to guess which moment they were recreating.

Pupils then became the characters in the scene and told us what that character was thinking in that moment.

Pupils were excellent in this task demonstrating their knowledge of characters and story and Miss Ellis was very impressed with their talent.