All posts by EAirene.irving2@glow


Pupils have a new 6 week spelling grid with three choices per week. As well as writing words correctly three times, children should attempt a HOT and an EXTRA HOT challenge at least once in the six week period.

We are now looking at Decimals in Maths as reflected in this week’s homework.  Well done to all children who completed the recent problem solving challenge.

Learn Its for this week are:

7 + 3;    5 + 8;    5 x 5 ;    8 x 7;    9 + 2

Could I ask that parents check their child’s homework diary and sign it once homework has been completed?


P5i Dyslexia Awareness

The Learn Its for this week are:

12 + 5;   9 + 4;   6 x 3;   8 + 7;   7 x 7

Today, children took part in activities that highlighted the difficulty some dyslexic children can experience when reading and writing. Why not ask your child to give you an example of what they had to read and write?

Pupils also challenged their peers to a round of Pelmanisms using a pack of playing cards.  ‘Nigeria’ were the winning group. Great memories all round.

P5i Homework and topic challenge

Africa topic

Hello Everyone,

Spelling homework this week will focus on the same sounds as last week (ae) but with a new selection of words. It is also Own Choice week when pupils can choose which activity to do from the grid, as well as activity A.

Maths homework is based on Problem Solving (what number operation is used to find the answer?) with a cryptic challenge at the end.  Something a little different to get the children (and adults?)  thinking.

Children are progressing well with their ‘Learn Its’, recalling number facts on sight. Please continue to challenge your child on these and previous week’s numbers to greatly improve their skills.  The new ‘Learn Its’ for this week are:

5 + 6;    6 + 3;    12 + 4;    3 + 4;    9 + 8

African country research project– due 25th November

As part of our termly topic on Africa, all P5i pupils have been given a specific country to research. Children can make up a PowerPoint presentation, compile a fact file, create a book … the only limit is their imagination. Presentations should be factual,  interesting, informative and in their own words. No copy and pasting please. As presentations will be presented by children to their peers, I am really looking forward to learning new and interesting facts about the countries chosen by them.


Have a good week.

Mrs Irving


P5i Homework

w/b 1st October

Well done everyone who successfully completed their homework last week.  Enjoy your sense of achievement.

This week you will have maths homework (due Thursday) and spelling homework (due Friday).

To help you with maths and language please remember to log into your Book Club account.  There are lots of Maths games on the  Bug Club site for all to enjoy with new  options allocated each week.

Log  into your Bug Club account regularly and read as many books as you can.

Remember: Something new is learned every time a page is read!(old  Chinese proverb)

Catapult challenge

P5i had fun taking part in today’s challenge and came up with some interesting catapults. Danyal, Matthew,  Ellie and Mia came up with the winning design. Their catapult sent a mini marshmallow flying through the air and landing 330cms away from the starting point.

Well done everyone.  And thanks to the parents who came along. They seemed to enjoy being part of the challenge too.