P5E Active Learning

P5E have been continuing The Butterfly Lion and this week learned more about the 4 biomes in Africa, the novel’s main setting. It wasn’t an easy task though – pupils had to use their skimming and scanning skills to find the information and report back to the class. There was also some code cracking. As always the pupils made a great effort and most enjoyed the ‘hunt’ for information.

P5B Collecting Old Household Items

In the run up to the Christmas period P5B will be collecting household items such as milk bottle lids, beer bottle tops, bottle corks, twigs, pine cones, acorns, buttons and toilet roll tubes.

All of these items will be useful for making our Christmas crafts. It would be much appreciated if children could collect these items over the next fortnight or so in their free time and bring them into school ready to create their Christmas Fayre items.

Thanks for your support,   Miss Black and P5B!

P5i Dyslexia Awareness

The Learn Its for this week are:

12 + 5;   9 + 4;   6 x 3;   8 + 7;   7 x 7

Today, children took part in activities that highlighted the difficulty some dyslexic children can experience when reading and writing. Why not ask your child to give you an example of what they had to read and write?

Pupils also challenged their peers to a round of Pelmanisms using a pack of playing cards.  ‘Nigeria’ were the winning group. Great memories all round.

P5E and P5B African country research homework

In addition to the homework set by the class teacher (check the homework slip in your jotter) P5E and P5B pupils have also now been assigned their topic research task:

Research interesting facts about an African country (assigned in class).  This can include the following:

*Location in Africa  *Population   *Size    *Climate/Weather   *Popular food and drink   *Culture   *Religions   *Languages   spoken*Tourism/Famous landmarks    *Famous People   *Animals in that region

This list is not exhaustive – it may just be a fact you think your classmates would find interesting.  Pupils should also think about using non-fiction features to sort their information (e.g. heading, sub-heading, bullet points, pictures/illustrations)

Pupils can choose how to present their information to the class (e.g. PowerPoint, poster, fact file etc.).

It should be ready for Friday 30th November.

This means that all P5 classes have been assigned a similar task, although the date of completion may differ so please double check the date your class has set.

Good luck!