Onthank Primary 3

May 21, 2020
by ealaura.milligan@glow

Friday 22nd May

That’s all folks!


I hope you’ve had a good week and that the suggested activities have been entertaining or informative. 

Today is Catch up day.

Remember to send any work you’ve done to your teacher or upload it to your Glow page so we can keep it as evidence of your learning and hard work in P2.

Before we go, I’ve been inspired by a couple of Blog posts I’ve received and felt that I wanted to make this special mystery video.

– Watch this video.

Your teachers miss you all and we’re delighted with the level of effort you are all making.

Remember that Monday and Tuesday next week will be a holiday for you so check back on the Blog on Wednesday and Mrs Strain will look after your activities for the rest of the week.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Kidd and the P2 Team


May 20, 2020
by ealaura.milligan@glow

Thursday 21st May

What is the plan today?

Firstly, I would like you to think about how you feel today.

These are strange times and if you’re anything like me, then you’ll be missing lots of the people you care about. My little girl woke up yesterday and all she talked about was seeing her grans and papas. She doesn’t understand that the man and lady on the TV won’t let her go out and do all her normal things. It made me feel really sad watching her feel so blue. It’ll be ok, and it won’t be like this forever but it made me think of a story that I’d like you to watch today.

-Watch this video.



Let’s start with something fun! I used to make these when I was a girl and we called them fortune tellers. I thought we could use it to help make some funny stories.

– Watch this video.

Here is the list of ideas for:
– What happens
– Setting
– Characters

-Use your chatterbox to help you to decide on story writing ideas. This is definitely a challenging job today but let’s give it a go and do what you can.

-Try to draw a detailed picture with the mystery ideas, talk through your ideas and if you can, write about them or make an audio clip.

Here are my mystery ideas and the story I made.

– Watch this video.

Want a Challenge?

– Try it again to see if you get different story ideas. If you had better ideas to write about, you could make another chatterbox to help you talk, draw or write about a story. Have fun being creative!



Estimate means have a good guess without counting.
– Look at this picture but don’t count yet, it’s a wee bit trickier today!

Estimate how many daisies you think you see.

Yesterday we used what we knew about counting in 10s to help us make bigger numbers. Let’s see that we know what the digits really mean.

– Watch this video

– Write out the answers like you saw in the video for these numbers.


48               82               83               64

28               55               30               96


Want a Challenge?

– Can you make the numbers using this information:

2tens 6ones          6tens 1one          7tens 3ones          9tens 9ones

40 + 3          20 + 4          90 + 0          50 + 8



We read the Wide Mouthed Frog by Keith Faulkner yesterday. The frog met lots of animals and they told you what they liked to eat. In nature, all living things have a purpose. We have producers and consumers. This is called a FOOD CHAIN.

– Look at this PowerPoint. There are questions to answer on some of the pages so click the boxes you think are correct as you work through this activity.



– Why not draw a picture of each member of your family and think about the foods they like to eat. What is your family food chain?

Am I done for today then?

Looking at the Blogs, it looks like you’ve done a wonderful job this week! So yes, you are done!

Hopefully you’ve managed a wee look at your mymaths, Bug Club or Teach Your Monster to Read websites if you were needing extra jobs to do but I’m thinking:-

did you plan in playing time today?

If not, go get on the case now!

Tomorrow I have a wee surprise video but it is catch up day if you need more time, or just go and play and be creative.

Mrs Kidd & the P2 Team

May 20, 2020
by ealaura.milligan@glow

Wednesday 20th May

What is the plan today?

Singing. Fun. Getting creative. That’s the plan. ENJOY!

This week is National Mental Health Awareness week and the weather is going to try to be sunnier so let’s not be inside too long today! 



Let’s start thinking about warming your mouth muscles up for singing today. Tongue twisters are great fun and really get your mouth moving.

– Watch this video and see if you can manage to say the twister without stumbling on the words. Can your Homework Buddy do it too? Have fun!

*****Collect something to write with and something to write on*****

– Watch this video and try your best to do it without help.

– Let’s relax now. Watch this story called The Wide Mouthed Frog by Keith Faulkner. We’ll do a job about it tomorrow.

Want a Challenge?

– We’re going to do a story job tomorrow, so have a little THINK about this.

What are characters?

What is a setting?

Think of some examples and you’ll see what we use them for tomorrow.

– Were you good at the first tongue twister? Here is another one to try out if you want.




Estimate means have a good guess without counting.

– Look at this picture but don’t count yet! Estimate how many sweeties you think you see.

Did you manage to make an Estimation Station to challenge your family?

Who is the best at estimating the number of items you put down?

This week we’ve been thinking about place value. Let’s remind ourselves of Monday’s work. Listen carefully for a NEW WORD in this video that you will hear more about in P3.

– Watch this video

Yesterday, I wanted you to think about counting to 100 by jumping in 10s. This will help us to challenge ourselves to make bigger numbers.

– Write out a number line like this and show me how to jump along the markers in 10s to get to 100. Did you notice the number patterns in the video yesterday that’ll help you? Can you write it jumping down from 100 to 0 in 10s too?

– Watch this video.

Want a Challenge?

*****Collect a dice if you have one, if not, make a set of cards numbered from 1 – 6 like this (you don’t need both)*****

– Watch this video


We’ve been learning about frogs.

Did you bring your singing voices? Here are some songs to try out for fun.

-Watch this video

– Watch this video too. You’ll know this one. Just for fun, be a little silly!

Today, let’s learn how to draw a frog!

On Monday I challenged you to find out about some different kinds of frogs and pay attention to the colours or patterns. This might help during this activity to create unique drawings. Have a shot.

– Watch this video.

Am I done for today then?

Yes you are. Have you had fresh air today? Take a break and relax.

Remember, if you want something different from above go and check out the activities on your mymaths, Bug Club or Teach Your Monster to Read websites.

Rest your voices tonight and I’ll see you tomorrow.

Mrs Kidd & the P2 Team

May 18, 2020
by ealaura.milligan@glow

Tuesday 19th May

What is the plan today?

I hope you found the activities helpful yesterday. The P2 Team wish to use this lockdown time to review and practise the skills you’ve learned so far this year so that you have a solid foundation to move into P3.

We won’t “teach” you new tricky things because we can’t be there in person like normal to help you. Reviewing the following may seem easy but if you can become really confident in all of these skills then going into P3 won’t seem too hard or scary.

  • know your alphabet – vowels and consonants, letter names and letter sounds

  • know that alphabet sounds joined together makes new sounds

  • know that if a word seems tricky, your first strategy is to SOUND it OUT

  • having a go without help builds your self confidence

  • remembering information helps you with your work

  • make sentences with the words you would say if you were telling your teacher about it

  • making your letters properly and joining them up actually saves you time

  • know your single digit numbers to 10

  • know your number bonds to 10

  • know the place value of your numbers to 2 digits

All of these skills will help you to learn the new work in P3 so let’s get practising! You’re doing a great job!




– Handwrite th, ng, sh & ch like we did yesterday.

– Can you make NEW words for each joined phoneme and handwrite like we did yesterday.

– Watch this video. Say what you see. These are all words you have done and should be able to read and spell.


– Watch this video. Normally I wouldn’t show you so many but we have done these in class before so it’ll be a challenge. Tomorrow we’ll do a job with them to see if you can write them down, so if you’re not sure with any of them you could perhaps write them out like your sh ch th ng words. Copy three times to get them into your head. Don’t write them today if you think you’re managing fine.

Want a Challenge?

– Hunt for items that contain th, ng, sh or ch in your house and lay them on a table. Get a tea towel or a cover for the game.

– Collect a homework buddy to play with and something to write with to record your answers.

– Kim’s Game is a memory game. Look carefully at all your items and try to remember them. Cover them up and hide your eyes. No sneaky peeking!

The more items you find the trickier you’ll make it. I’ve only picked a couple to show you.

Ask your homework buddy to take away and hide the item from view. They uncover the items and you need to look to see if you can spot the missing item.

– Write your answer down and think carefully about your spelling. Try hard to sound it out and also remember to JOIN YOUR JOINED PHONEMES! Try to answer 5 times. Swap with your homework buddy. Challenge your family and have fun together.

– Watch this video. It’s a story called Oi Frog, by Kes Gray and Jim Field. It’s one of my favourites because it’s very clever. I wonder if you can hear why it’s clever?




Estimate means have a good guess without counting.

– Look at this picture but don’t count yet! Estimate how many batteries you think you see.


– Watch this video.


Using what we know about counting in tens, collect some found objects and let’s make theses slightly trickier tens and units numbers. I’m using stones and twigs today.

– Use a grid like this with your objects. In the Units column I split the space into 10 parts then crossed off one box because only 9 little bits can go in here before you need to start using the Tens column too.

(You don’t need to do this if you can remember that only 9 go in here before having to swap for a Ten – that’s a good wee challenge.)

– Show your answers like this.

– Make these numbers with your objects. Remember I’m using stones and twigs because I could find loads outside.

17          9          13          20

24         28        15          31

Want a Challenge?

Can you make any larger numbers with your objects? Do you know how to write the two-digit number. Can you explain what the digits mean?


You watched a video about frogs yesterday.

– Look at this Powerpoint to learn about the Lifecycle of frogs. Click on the link below.


Frog Life Cycle PowerPoint

You should have noticed that frogs:- 

  • start as eggs,

  • grow to tadpoles,

  • then grow to froglets

  • and finally the adult frog.


– Make a poster showing the lifecycle of a frog. Think back to what the lifecycle of a chicken looked like last week.

  • It’s set in a circle.

  • Each stage is linked with an arrow.

  • Each stage is labelled.

  • Remember your outstanding handwriting! JOIN THE JOINED PHONEMES if you use any words with them and think about the letter size and shape.


Am I done for today then?

That’s us done!

Remember to spend time playing and relaxing each day.

If you want more activities to do, check out the activities on your mymaths, Bug Club or Teach Your Monster to Read websites.

See you tomorrow Gang. Bring your singing voices!

Mrs Kidd & the P2 Team


May 17, 2020
by ealaura.milligan@glow

Monday 18th May

Mrs Kidd will be here all week posting up ideas to keep you going.


What are we doing this week?


– Review some of your Active Literacy joined phonemes and see how well you can remember these from class.

– The teachers are all missing your super sentences, so we’ll work on that too.

– I’ve got a confession, I’ve really missed reading you all a story so I’m going to share a couple of books with you this week.


– Extend the idea of place value that Mrs Strain and Mrs Saxelby began with you a couple of weeks ago to see that we really understand what numbers mean.

– Making various types of numbers with things you can find in your house.

Other Curricular Areas

– Introduce you to the lifecycle of a frog.

– Think about the food that animals eat.


What do we need?

This week, you will preferably need:

  1. a smile on your face

  2. something to write with

  3. something to write on,  if you don’t have a sheet of paper, ask to go and raid the paper recycling 

  4.  “found objects” from your house like stones, twigs, pasta, crayons, blocks, pegs, toy cars or dolls…etc, you do not need to buy anything

  5. dice if you have one

  6. tea towel or a cover


What are we doing today then?



– Watch this video and shout out the sounds you recognise.

*****Get some paper and something to write with.*****

– Watch this video and copy out the sh th ch & ng sounds and write the words in your best handwriting.


Want a challenge?

– Make a table like this on your paper.

– Hunt your house for sh, th, ch & ng words then handwrite them neatly into the right spaces. Remember to join the joined phonemes you know.





Estimate means have a good guess without counting.

– Look at this picture but don’t count yet! Estimate how many crayons you think you see.

– Watch this video.


*****Collect some found objects to make your answers*****

– Use your objects to make these numbers:-

         14              19              17              12

         18              13              16              15

– Send any photographs of your work to your personal Glow page or to your teachers by email.

Want a challenge?

– Make your own estimation station using items you can find in your home and challenge your family to see who can get the closest answer.

Remember don’t count them at the start.

Think to yourself if the number looks bigger, smaller or the same as 10, take a guess, then count the items to check.




– Watch this video about the lifecycle of a frog. It also contains the story for today about a little frog.

– There are many different types of frog. Find out about three other kinds of frog in the world, if you can, then make a list and have a go drawing them. Pay attention to the colours or patterns on the frogs you learn about today because it will help to make an activity later in the week more interesting.

Am I done for today then?

Yes, that’s it for today.

Use these ideas if they are helpful to your daily routine.


  • They are suggestions.

  • Check the other websites for ideas – Mymaths, Teach Your Monster to Read or Bug Club.

  • Check out the class tabs on the top menu to see good work or perhaps some additional class information.

  • Upload your work to your personal Glow blog page or email your work to your teacher.

  • If you don’t have access to items for writing and recording your work, then pop round to the Spar shop across from our school and collect what you need. They were left there by Mrs Findlay free of charge.

  • To play to relax and have fun.

See you tomorrow for more ideas.

Mrs Kidd & the P2 Team

May 14, 2020
by eacaroline.strain@glow

Important information about your Glow Blog

Hi P2,

It appears that some of you have got more than one Glow Blog!!!

If you have been posting your work and your teacher hasn’t commented or shared your work then they will be following the wrong blog!

If this has happened please let your teacher know and hopefully they can sort it out for you so that we can all keep in touch.

Mrs Strain x

Team P2 x

May 14, 2020
by eacarol.saxelby@glow

Fantastic Friday!

WMITTWC50 | HD++ | FREE We Made It To The Weekend Clipart Pack #5703

We don’t put any new work up on a Friday – we call it CATCH UP DAY!

I really hope you have enjoyed the learning experiences this week.

A wee note to your homework buddies. DON’T WORRY  if you have not completed every activity!

The challenges are there if you want to explore the learning experiences a little further.

Each week will probably be different in your home so DO WHAT YOU CAN, WHEN YOU CAN!

**Remember to check your own blog to see any comments your teacher has written in response to your work.

If you are looking for some more work to do at any point, don’t forget you always have the following:

  1. Bug Club

  2. Heinemann Maths

  3. My Maths

  4. Teach Your Monster To Read

  5. Folder of Worksheets

    have A Nice Weekend" photos, royalty-free images, graphics ...

    Best wishes, we miss you!  From Mrs Saxelby and the P2 Team!

May 14, 2020
by eacaroline.strain@glow

Sharing your work


We have decided to have a wee ‘tidy up’ of our Blog Page and add more to the ‘tabs’ at the top of the page that look like this-

Photos of your work will now be in your class tab or in the ‘Sharing Our Work’ tab.

There is a ‘How to…’ tab there too with information about accessing websites etc.

How to check your class tab.

I’ll show you how to check your class tab to find information from your class teacher.

If you go to your class tab and hover over it a drop down menu will appear like this-

If you hover over the ‘sharing our work’ tab and select it you will be able to see all of the latest photos you and your friends have shared on their Glow Blogs or with their teacher.

So keep sharing your photos with us-we love to see what you have been doing!

Mrs Strain x

Team P2 x

May 13, 2020
by eacarol.saxelby@glow

Thankful Thursday

Being thankful when the storm comes – Daniel Hochhalter

I am so thankful for being your teacher.

It makes me so happy and grateful!

What are you thankful for today? Talk to your homework buddy about it!

Numeracy: Number Bonds

Let’s look at this video: If you have dominoes you can recreate this video yourself.

Task:  Copy and complete these calculations:

10 + 3 = ___        10 +6 = ___        4 +10 = ___     10 + 10 = ___        1 + 10 = ___

2 + 10 = ___         0 +10 = ___      10 + 5 = ___      10 + 9 = ___        7 + 10 = ___

Challenge:  You now remember how easy it is adding from the unit ZERO!

              Add onto 20 e.g. 20 + 0 = 20,  20 + 1 = 21 ,  20 +2 = 22  etc.

              Add onto 30 e.g.  30 + 0 = 30,  30 + 1 = 31,  30 + 2 = 32  etc.

              Add onto 40 e.g.  40 + 0 = 40,  40 + 1 = 41,  40 + 2 = 42  etc.

Remember:  Show off how high you can go and put it on the blog for us to admire!

LITERACY: The Alphabet

I found out that it was Deaf Awareness Week (6th -12th May).

Do you remember Mrs Kidd teaching us some sign language?


Task:  Sign the alphabet using the video to help.

Sign your name to your homework buddy.

Teach someone in your family how to sign their name.

Challenge:  Sign a message to us on the blog! We would love to see you!

This finger spelling mat will help you too! Go for it!

British Sign Language (BSL) Photo Alphabet Mat (Signer's View)


Sing- a -long with this cheery song, I can’t stop singing it!

IMAGINE you hatched your very own EGG.  The song talks about the little chick hatching out of the egg.

Task:  Design your own egg and think what could come out of it!

What could be inside?

Is it large or small?

Is it colourful or plain?

Is it cute or scary looking?

Can you think of any other descriptions that will help you with your picture?

Challenge :Using sentences describe your egg and what hatches out of it.

Remember: We would love to see your ideas on the blog please!

May 12, 2020
by eacarol.saxelby@glow

Wonderful Wednesday


NUMERACY: Celebrating Numbers

Watch this video to warm up your brain!


Task: Make a NUMBER MAP of your House!

Go round every room in your house and record down numbers that you spot!

You can either      a) Photograph      b) Write      c) Draw      what you find.

Talk to your carer about why these numbers are useful?

e.g. is it for telling times, measuring, identifying etc…

Challenge:  Go a walk outside with your carer and record what NUMBERS you see

                      in your local environment?

Remember: We would love to see what you discovered, blog it to share your learning!

LITERACY: The Alphabet

Watch this video and join in where you can!

Task:  Make up your OWN ACTIONS for the song and sing it with someone in your family.

Challenge: Write as many words that you can that have :  2 Consonants and 1 Vowel (CVC words)

e.g. sad, ten, pin, son, run ………

Remember: If you have time please blog your work!


Listen to the story of “A Little Chicken”.

Task: Tell us something that frightens you ?  You can record your ideas by choosing one or two ways from below:

a) Telling someone in your family what makes you scared!

b) Writing about what makes you scared!

c) Drawing the thing(s) that make you feel scared!

Remember: If  you are very pleased with your efforts you can post them on the blog!

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