To the wonderful families of Mount Carmel Primary, thank you for all of the love and support you have shown me during my time with you.
It truly has been a joy and a privilege to work with your amazing children. Team MC will forever be in my heart.
God bless and farewell.
Mrs McGahon

The staff at Mount Carmel would like to take this opportunity to wish all of our families a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and we look forward to welcoming everyone back on Monday 6th January 2025.

Please note when we return after the Christmas break we will be on week 2 of the school lunch menu, however, there will be a change to the menu for the Monday only of that week.
The lunch that day will be as follows:
Macaroni and Cheese
Cheese Pizzini
Ice Cream
P1 Registration week will take place from Monday 13 January 2025 until Friday 17 January 2025 for children who attain the age of 5 years between 1 March 2025 and 28 February 2026, and whose parents/carers wish them to attend school
Registration forms should be completed online and submitted no later than Friday 17January 2025. Adverts have been placed in the Kilmarnock Standard and Cumnock Chronicle for early December to advise parents/carers. East Ayrshire Council web pages will be updated and our communication team will send out information on relevant social media platforms.
We will also send you information to go out on the Safer Schools Scotland on registration week.
Placing requests for P1’s should be completed and submitted no later than 31 January 2025.
Please see copy of our updated December Newsletter
As you are no doubt aware, your child is due to transfer from primary to secondary education at the beginning of the new school session (August 2025).
Secondary school hand books are available at: https://eastayrshi.re/SchoolHandbooks
Please complete the online P7 transfer application at http://eastayrshi.re/p7transfer no later than Friday 20 December 2024.

Please continue to check you child’s hair for any unwanted visitors.
Thank you
This Friday is:

A reminder that the school closes at 2.30pm for the Christmas Break.
Children who travel by taxi will be collected at 2pm

The only option for school lunch this Friday will be soup and sandwiches.
Tomorrow is the last day for purchasing tickets for the FOMC December raffle where you could be in with a chance of winning this fabulous hamper!!
Good Luck

Our Winning House is Air!
Well done to everyone in the Air House who will be going to Jungle Madness on Wednesday 8th January.
Permission forms have been issued today and must be returned no later than Thursday19th December.
Pupils christmas Parties will take place on the following days from 1.30pm – 2.50pm
Monday 16th December P1 – P3
Tuesday17th December P6 & P7
Wednesday 18th December P4 & P5
Children should attend school wearing their party clothes

Primary 7 pupils WILL NOT take part in the scheduled transition visit to St Joesphs on Thursday 19th December, this will allow them to participate in our Christmas Mass instead.

Please ensure your child arrives in school on time (no later than 9am) tomorrow as buses will leave at 9.15am prompt

Children can wear their Christmas Jumpers to school tomorrow on top of their normal school uniform
***This payment item is now LIVE on Parentpay. Please make sure you make payment for the correct performance***
Please find below link for additional tickets for the P1 – P3 Nativity.
Please do not use link on December Newsletter as this is no longer active or working
Additional Nativity Tickets
We recently got some lovely news, that Kleeona in Primary 3 had been chosen as the winner of the ‘Galloway Diocese News’ Art Competition!
Well done for your bright, colourful depiction of St. Ninian.

Please have a look at our December newsletter.
December Newsletter 2024 |
It was with great sadness that we heard about the passing of Councillor Maureen McKay. She was a great advocate for Mount Carmel Primary and has been central to many of the changes within … |

Tempest Photography.
It’s great to see so many parents ordering their child’s school photos.
For those parents who are yet to order online, you have until Monday 9th December 2024 to take advantage of free delivery back to school. Order through the Tempest website using your unique link or visit www.tempest-orders.co.uk

A reminder that tomorrow is our school Christmas lunch. All forms with pupil choices should have been handed in already.
Children can wear their school uniform with a Christmas Jumper.
If you, your family or someone you know is struggling this Christmas, please visit the annual Christmas Toy Appeal which will be held in the Masonic Hall, London Road Kilmarnock on the dates shown. This event is organised and run by wonderful volunteers who are committed to ensuring no child goes without at this time of year.

Primary 7 Parent/Carer
As you are no doubt aware, your child is due to transfer from primary to secondary education at the beginning of the new school session (August 2025).
Secondary school hand books are available at: https://eastayrshi.re/SchoolHandbooks
Please complete the online P7 transfer application at http://eastayrshi.re/p7transfer no later than Friday 20 December 2024.

Tickets for our P1-3 Nativity “A Christmas Recipe” are now on sale via Parentpay at a cost of £2 each. At the moment, tickets are limited to 2 per family (eg. 2 for the afternoon performance OR 2 for the evening performance OR 1 for each performance)
There are separate payment items for afternoon tickets and evening tickets.
Once paid for, tickets will be sent home in schoolbags. Please bring them with you on the day of the performance.
Thank you
Please use the link below
OR scan the QR code below to complete the calendar order form.
Don’t forget to pay for your calendars via Parentpay.
Calendars are £2.50 each
*If you are unsure if your child was at school on the day the photographs were taken , please pop into the school foyer where the sample calendars will be on display and you will be able to view the appropriate class photo.*

East Ayrshire Council Site