P1 Registration Week August 2025 Intake

P1 Registration week will take place from Monday 13 January 2025 until Friday 17 January 2025 for children who attain the age of 5 years between 1 March 2025 and 28 February 2026, and whose parents/carers wish them to attend school

Registration forms should be completed online and submitted no later than Friday 17January 2025. Adverts have been placed in the Kilmarnock Standard and Cumnock Chronicle for early December to advise parents/carers. East Ayrshire Council web pages will be updated and our communication team will send out information on relevant social media platforms.

We will also send you information to go out on the Safer Schools Scotland  on registration week.

Placing requests for P1’s should be completed and submitted no later than 31 January 2025.

Nativity Tickets on Sale Now!🎅

children s nativity scene clipart 10 free Cliparts | Download images on ...

Tickets for our P1-3 Nativity “A Christmas Recipe” are now on sale via Parentpay at a cost of £2 each. At the moment, tickets are limited to 2 per family (eg. 2 for the afternoon performance OR 2 for the evening performance OR 1 for each performance)

There are separate payment items for afternoon tickets and evening tickets.

Once  paid for, tickets will be sent home in schoolbags. Please bring them with you on the day of the performance.

Thank you


Christmas Calendar Order Form🎅

Please use the link below


OR scan the QR code below to complete the calendar order form.

Don’t forget to pay for your calendars via Parentpay. 

Calendars are £2.50 each

*If you are unsure if your child was at school on the day the photographs were taken , please pop into the school foyer where the sample calendars will be on display and you will be able to view the appropriate class photo.*