Please have a look at our December newsletter.
Please have a look at our December newsletter.
It’s great to see so many parents ordering their child’s school photos.
For those parents who are yet to order online, you have until Monday 9th December 2024 to take advantage of free delivery back to school. Order through the Tempest website using your unique link or visit
A reminder that tomorrow is our school Christmas lunch. All forms with pupil choices should have been handed in already.
Children can wear their school uniform with a Christmas Jumper.
If you, your family or someone you know is struggling this Christmas, please visit the annual Christmas Toy Appeal which will be held in the Masonic Hall, London Road Kilmarnock on the dates shown. This event is organised and run by wonderful volunteers who are committed to ensuring no child goes without at this time of year.
As you are no doubt aware, your child is due to transfer from primary to secondary education at the beginning of the new school session (August 2025).
Secondary school hand books are available at:
Please complete the online P7 transfer application at no later than Friday 20 December 2024.
Tickets for our P1-3 Nativity “A Christmas Recipe” are now on sale via Parentpay at a cost of £2 each. At the moment, tickets are limited to 2 per family (eg. 2 for the afternoon performance OR 2 for the evening performance OR 1 for each performance)
There are separate payment items for afternoon tickets and evening tickets.
Once paid for, tickets will be sent home in schoolbags. Please bring them with you on the day of the performance.
Thank you
Please use the link below
OR scan the QR code below to complete the calendar order form.
Don’t forget to pay for your calendars via Parentpay.