We are planning to go ahead with our sports day plan tomorrow and are looking forward to inviting our parents and carers in to see their children race. A few gentle reminders…

Please ensure that all children come to school dressed for sports day – they should not come dressed in school uniform and should wear sports clothing (as always – no football colours)

Please ensure that the clothes the children are wearing are weather appropriate – sensible shoes and a jacket if needed.

Please also ensure that the children have enough water for the day, they will be busy all day and have a timetable full of events.

Parents of classes are invited in as follows…

Primary 1 – 9:10

Primary 2 – 9:40

Primary 3 – 10:10

Nursery children – 11:00

Primary 4 – 11:30

Primary 5 – 12:00

Primary 6 – 1:30

Primary 7 – 2:10


We ask that when the classes have finished their races that the parents please leave swiftly to allow the next class set of parents to come in.

As always, we thank you for your support. Here’s hoping we get some sunshine!
