Shout Card Application Form

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The SHOUT discount card is for children from birth to 11 years old living, or attending primary school, in East Ayrshire

The aim of the SHOUT is to provide children and families across East Ayrshire the opportunity to access an array of leisure services, visitor attractions and commercial services, ensuring that cost is not a barrier.

The cards are free and the benefits include:

Save money with lots of discounts to local visitor attractions and local stores*

  • Discounted entry for various playsport and leisure activities across East Ayrshire*
  • Free SHOUT swimming during seasonal periods at Galleon Leisure Centre, Kilmarnock and Visions Leisure Centre, as well as East Ayrshire Leisure Trust pools at Auchinleck, Doon Valley and Loudoun (*where applicable)
  • One off SHOUTcher special offers and deals

Should you wish to apply for a SHOUT card for your child please use this link:


Christmas Fayre

Hi everyone.

Our Christmas Fayre is fast approaching with only 11 days to go and we really need your help. We are looking for donations of raffle prizes, tombola prizes and bottles for the bottle stall (if these could be handed in as soon as possible we would really appreciate it) as well as home baking nearer to the actual date of the fayre.  There is lots of stall holders for you to come and visit as well as singing from our wonderful choir. We haven’t been able to hold our amazing fayre for a couple of years now so let’s make this one amazing!!

All donations are very much appreciated and can be handed into the school office. 

Thank you and we cannot wait to welcome you back into our wonderful school. Details below.

Date: 2nd December 2022 

Doors open at 6:15pm with choir singing at 6:30pm (stalls etc will open after the choir has sang.)

Price: £2.50 per adult and children get free entry (all tickets get you a free hot drink)

Special visitor: Santa will be attending and for £2 your child can visit him and receive a special present. 


Christmas Clipart, Christmas Time, Merry Christmas, - Merry ...

Returning Book Fair Slips

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If you have purchased or have still to purchase a book from the Book Fair using your child’s “Book Fair Wish List” please return the completed slip to the school so your book(s) can be ordered.
Please do this no later than Monday 21st November.
Please check you have completed the following on the form prior to returning:

Child name and class
Payment Reference Number
Name and value of book

Thank you.

Mount Carmel Primary School Antibullying Approach

As you are aware this is national antibullying week.  At Mount Carmel Primary School we aim to be kind and caring friends.  We know that bullying can happen at school and want to do our best to prevent these instances and provide the appropriate support for children and their adults if it was to occur.  We are currently creating our statement to add to the East Ayrshire Antibullying Policy.  Please take the time to complete this survey and share your views with us.

This survey will close on Sunday 20th November.

Parent/Carer Questionnaire

Parent/Carer Appointments

Image result for free clip art parents night

A reminder that tonight and tomorrow night are our parent/carer appointments in school. We are delighted that St. Joseph’s staff will be attending both nights. No appointments required, please just introduce yourself and ask any questions you may have no matter which primary your child is in.

There will also be the opportunity to look at pupil work and have a cup of tea/coffee. These will both be available in the small hall. 

Book Fair

See the source image

We are delighted to have our Book Fair back in school!

Every class will have the opportunity to visit the Book Fair today. Each child will be given a “Book Fair Wish List” slip which will be filled out in school and brought home with them with the title of one book they would really like from the Fair.

There is no obligation to purchase a book.

There is a portion at the bottom of the slip which parents/carers can complete in order to pay for the book if they wish.

The Book Fair will be available tonight and tomorrow night during our parents evening.

Please do not send cash into school.

Mount Carmel Primary School Antibullying Approach

As you are aware this is national antibullying week.  At Mount Carmel Primary School we aim to be kind and caring friends.  We know that bullying can happen at school and want to do our best to prevent these instances and provide the appropriate support for children and their adults if it was to occur.  We are currently creating our statement to add to the East Ayrshire Antibullying Policy.  Please take the time to complete this survey and share your views with us.

This survey will close on Sunday 20th November.

Parent/Carer Questionnaire

Mount Carmel Primary School Antibullying Approach

As you are aware this is national antibullying week.  At Mount Carmel Primary School we aim to be kind and caring friends.  We know that bullying can happen at school and want to do our best to prevent these instances and provide the appropriate support for children and their adults if it was to occur.  We are currently creating our statement to add to the East Ayrshire Antibullying Policy.  Please take the time to complete this survey and share your views with us.

This survey will close on Sunday 20th November.

Parent/Carer Questionnaire

Killie Kickers (age 3-5)

Image result for Free Clip Art Kids Football. Size: 150 x 95. Source:

There will be a new weekly Killie Kickers (age 3-5) session for young people in Onthank launching on Thursday 17th November at 4pm. This will take place in the North West Area Centre, Western Road, Kilmarnock KA3 1NQ on Thursdays from 4pm-5pm. The cost is £4 per session with your 1st session free!

If young people would like to come and try, please can parents fill out their details on the form below and click Onthank Kickers, and “try a taster session”: 


Our week in Primary 6

Primary 6 have had a very successful week. Here is some of the excellent learning that has taken place this week:

P6 listened to the story of the poppies and reminded themselves of the importance of Remembrance Day. P6 created blackout poems based on John McCrae’s ‘In Flander’s Fields’. Then also created a wonderful poppy art piece.


As part of our Natural Disasters topic P6 designed, built and painted a Stratovolcano in small groups.

In between all of these activities we have been practicing our dances for the Day of Dance next Wednesday. P6 have learned these dances very quickly, I’ve been very impressed!

Mrs Terras

Primary 6 Blog Post

Welcome back to my favourite term – the Winter and Christmas term. We have lots of exciting things coming up in P6. It is going to be a busy one! I am also looking forward to meeting parents and carers at the Parents Evenings in November.  

 Below is an overview of the learning and teaching taking place in P6 this term.   



This term our focus is on non-fiction texts. P6 will study non-fiction texts appropriate to their level. They will complete daily reading to writing tasks and work on active comprehension tasks both independently and as a group. Focus comprehension strategies this term are finding the main idea of a text and summarising. All pupils will complete a non-fiction reading assessment at the end of the block of lessons.  

As we move into December, we will be using a Christmas movie as stimuli for our reading lessons. P6 will have the opportunity to work in ‘Literacy Circles’ to analyse the film in groups.  


 At the beginning of this term, P6 will complete their block of lessons on Response Writing by writing a film response on a film of their choice – school appropriate of course! We will then move on to Report Writing, in particular focussing on writing a Newspaper Report. In December, the pupils will have the opportunity to work in pairs or trios to write and illustrate a children’s Christmas story which they will then read to our infant pupils. This has proven popular with previous P6 classes.  


The spelling groups will continue to experience the Active Literacy spelling program, this will introduce familiar words and focus on phonemes pertinent to their level and stage. The pupils will revise the Active Spelling strategies throughout Term 1, these include diacritical marking, syllabification, and words within words.  Some weeks pupils will be given topic-specific vocabulary as part of their topic.  


This term P6 will focus on the four operations – Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Subtraction. This will also include decimals for some groups. Our Beyond Number topics are Money and Finance and 2D and 3D Shape. P6 are encouraged to practice multiplication tables using Sumdog and Topmarks games.  

 Health and Wellbeing 

The focus this term is Emergencies and Accidents. P6 will learn what to do in different types of emergency situations which ties in with our Natural Disasters topic.  

 Our PE days are Monday and Wednesday. Pupils are asked to bring FULL PE kit on these days. If pupils are without PE kit the school will be able to provide pupils with required items of clothing. The focus in PE this term is Social Dancing in preparation for the Day of Dance at The Grand Hall, Football and Gymnastics.  

 Expressive Arts 

P6 are currently learning traditional Scottish dances for the Day of Dance event in November. Despite inital reservations, I am glad to report that they all are enjoying learning the dances and are giving 100% effort. P6 will have the opportunity to create pieces of artwork over the winter and festive season and create craft items for the school Christmas Fayre. We will also be learning and performing a song at the Christmas concerts.  


Throughout Primary 6 the pupils will listen to and engage with stories from the Gospel of Matthew. This term P6 will also reflect on the Saints who shaped our Faith and look in depth at the Nativity story. P6 have also started out on their Pope Francis Faith Award journey and will continue to work on this throughout the school year.   

 Modern Languages  

P6 receive weekly French lessons from Mrs MacKinnon. This term pupils will learn basic greetings, colours, numbers, and basic commands.  


 Homework this term will include Spelling, Reading, Mental Maths, and one other curricular area (RME, topic, etc). Homework is issued on a Monday and is due back on a Friday. I appreciate and wholeheartedly support wider achievement outside of school. If there are any reasons why pupils cannot complete the homework, due to activities out with school please contact the school.  

 In Primary 6 we promote hard work and amazing attitudes. Our reward card system allows pupils to gain reward cards for Wonderful Work, Amazing Attitude, and being a ‘Superstar.’ When the pupils gain five cards, they can choose an individual reward. They can also choose to go for a class reward once everyone reaches five reward cards; this promotes teamwork within the class.   

If you have any queries or questions, please contact the school directly.   

 Thank you for all your support.  

   Mrs. Terras  


Our Christmas fayre is fast approaching and we need your help. With only 3 weeks to go, we are looking for donations for our raffle, bottle stall and home baking stall.  We would really appreciate any donations you could make and all proceeds will go directly into the Friends of Mount Carmel fund. This fund helps to pay for different things throughout the year, for example buses for trips or Primary 7 leavers hoodies. Any donations would be greatly appreciated. We can’t wait to see you there!!

Mount Carmel Christmas Fayre

2nd December 6:30pm til 9pm

Free Christmas Cliparts, Download Free Christmas Cliparts ...

Parents and Carers National Discussion

East Ayrshire Council are in the process of taking part in a national discussion that will hopefully ‘reform’ education and it is important that the views of our parents are heard along with others.

An event which will be jointly hosted by Connect and NPFS will be held on Wednesday 9th November between 19.30 – 21.00 please sign up for this event and have your views heard.  Details of the event are below:



We are so looking forward to welcoming you all back for our Christmas Fayre this year. This will take place on the 2nd December. We have lots of stalls from local businesses, some home baking, raffles and of course our beautiful Christmas crafts that our children are already busy organising. The tickets for this will be £2.50 for adults and children will gain entry for free. This ticket price includes tea and coffee. There will be a performance from our excellent choir at 6:30pm with doors opening at 6:15pm.  There will be more details to follow in the next couple of weeks so keep your eyes peeled!

We cannot wait to see you all!!

Meadow Vale Primary School - Christmas Fayre... It's nearly here!

Primary 5 Rainbow reward

Primary 5 have chosen their rainbow reward for this week. They have asked for a bike and scooter afternoon.  Can you please help your child to bring in their bikes and scooters which will be kept at the middle base before rainbow reward in the afternoon. Can you also please ensure that your child brings in their helmets on this day as they will not be able to ride their bikes and scooters without them. Many thanks. Mrs McCreadie 

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SAT 12 Nov • 3pm • 7-16yrs • FREE

As part of East Ayrshire Leisure’s celebration of Quentin Blake’s 90th birthday this year, we are inviting children and young people age 7 – 16 years to submit their own Quentin Blake inspired illustration artworks for a special exhibition in the Young People’s Gallery at the Dick Institute from 26 November 2022 – 25 February 2023.

Artwork brief

We want you to send us your Quentin Blake inspired illustrated artworks of lively and playful characters which look like they might be found on a book cover or in a poem! Click here for the full artwork brief.

Find all entry requirements here

The call closes for submissions at 3pm on Saturday 12th November 2022.

Entries should be handed in or posted to the Main Gallery desk at the Dick Institute (Elmbank Avenue, KA1 3BU) from Sat 15th October 2022.

Submitted artworks which fulfil the entry requirements will be showcased the exhibition

Primary 3 Curriculum Update Term 2

Primary 3 Blog Post (Term 2 Update)

Welcome to our curriculum update for term 2. It is sure to be a busy term as we prepare for all the fun and exciting activities, we will be part of in the run up to advent and Christmas!



During term 1 our focus in reading was to predict what might happen in our reading texts and to think about sequencing parts of a story. We also began to think about summarising what we had read and to put this information into our own words. During term 2, summarising skills will continue to be a focus alongside our usual spelling and common word activities that help pupils retain and recognise their spelling sounds/phonemes and words in texts.

As part of our topic and to help children find specific information, we will also be working on recognising different parts of texts (pictures, diagrams, charts and headings) and how to scan for and locate key words or topic related facts in texts. Children will also use their knowledge of nouns, verbs and adjectives from term 1 and identify these in texts we are accessing in class.  To build on from this, pupils will be focusing on punctuation and speech in texts and looking at the impact this has on texts for the reader, as well as beginning to use different punctuation in their own writing.

In writing, we have been focused on descriptive writing in term 1 and will now focus on report writing and narrative throughout term 2. We will also partake in some listening and talking games and activities to help children develop the key skills needed when in whole class or group discussions or when sharing information in a show and tell type activity.


Our focus in maths will be to regularly revisit place value, recognising sequences and patterns in numbers 0-100 and how these patterns continue in larger numbers beyond 100.  In term 1 the focus was addition and subtraction strategies and although this will be revisited in term 2, our focus will move to multiplication, with pupils beginning to make the link to division.  Children will spend time mentally counting on in 2, 5 and 10, then using this repeated addition strategy to apply to the other times tables.

In beyond number, children were focused on 2D and 3D shapes and their properties in term 1.  The focus in term 2 will be time, analogue and digital with children learning to think about what the time will be in half an hour or in an hour’s time. Children will regularly use their ‘Thinking It Through’ jotters as the term progresses to develop problem solving skills, applying knowledge of number to new contexts and develop strategies for any number problems.

Health & Wellbeing

All children will have the opportunity to be pupil of the day for a second time in term 2 and will continue to explore emotions, comfortable and uncomfortable and how we recognise these emotions within ourselves and in others. We will look at strategies for helping us deal with uncomfortable emotions and how we can help our friends if they are experiencing some of these emotions.

In P.E, our sessions will happen on a Monday and a Wednesday and our focus in term 2 will be football, gymnastics, and social dancing.  Children will have the opportunity to partake in some fun activities which support teamwork whilst focusing on developing their listening skills, awareness of space and how to keep ourselves safe whilst using apparatus.


Our focus during R.E sessions will be on the creation and Mary in October, moving to Saints and Remembrance in November before visiting advent and the nativity throughout December.


In term 2 the focus of topic will be on social studies and looking at climates and weather around the world.  The children will have the opportunity to measure our own weather, make weather reports and predictions as well as examine how living things survive in areas of extreme cold or heat. Pupils will research the impact of extreme weather such as tornadoes, floods, and drought and how climate change is affecting the planet.

We hope this is the start of another very successful term and that the pupils will continue to enjoy learning new topics across the curriculum.

Take care,

Mrs Travers