You are cordially invited to our Queen’s Jubilee Celebrations
Beacon Lighting Ceremony
Thursday 2 June ∙ 2-10pm ∙Dean Castle Country Park ∙ FREE
2pm Official Proclamation
9.30pm Lighting Ceremony
Jubilee Commonwealth Trail
Thursday 2 – Sunday 5 June ∙ Dean Castle Country Park ∙ FREE
Dean the Red Squirrel is touring the Commonwealth and needs to send stamped postcards home before he can travel onto his next destination. Pick up your passport at the Treehouse Centre and explore the trail to collect your prize.
Jubilee Afternoon Tea Boxes
Thursday 2 – Sunday 5 June ∙ Dean Castle Country Park ∙ £15
In partnership with Bello Luca, our jubilee Afternoon Tea Box can be ordered online and collected from the Treehouse Cafe. Bring a blanket and enjoy your afternoon tea in beautiful surroundings. Boxes are £15 and must be ordered by Monday 30 May.
vegetarian and vegan options available.
Billy Bear’s Jubilee Jinks!
Thu 2 June ∙2-3pm ∙ Dick Institute ∙ FREE
Fri 3 June ∙ 11am-12pm ∙ Baird Institute ∙ FREE
Fri 3 June ∙ 2-3pm ∙ Burns House Museum ∙ FREE
(FANFARE!) ‘By Royal appointment…Sir Billy Bear invites all Teddy Bears of the Shire and beyond to put on their fanciest clothes and bring their humans for a most important Royal Explorers mission. Let us Celebrate!’ You can take part in some special Jubilee Explorers sessions with Michaella and Billy Bear.
Crafty creations for the Jubilee
Thurs-Sat ∙ Dick Institute (North Museum), Baird Institute and Burns House Museum ∙ FREE
Make your own Jubilee flags, crowns & windmills, and build a Lego Castle fit for a Queen! Drop-in and be inspired by our museum collections and enjoy the crafty self-led activities.
I Spy With My Bookish Eyes
Thurs-Sat ∙ Your local library ∙ FREE
A court jester has hidden book covers around the library. Become a book detective to find these and solve their puzzle.
Visit the website for more information