Primary 4 Health Week Activities!

Primary 4 have had a very busy week with all the exciting activities that have been on offer during health week.  We had lots of fun on Tuesday and Wednesday  with football,  basketball, rugby,  meditation, yoga,  making fruit kebabs, discussing the dangers of smoking and a special visit from PC Dempster about the necessity to keep yourself safe online.

Today, Friday, we were busy boxing with the coach from North West club, building outdoor houses for small wildlife with the staff from Dumfries House and had an input from the staff from the local Tae Kwon Do club.  We also discussed the different drugs we may need to help us feel better and those which are illegal and dangerous. We finished the day with reward play, where the children chose to use their new skills outdoors in the afternoon.

It has been a fabulous week and we would like to thank Mrs McGowan and P5 for all the hard work that went in to organising this fabulous health week.  Enjoy your weekend!