PE Activities

Due to the current situation, we are unable to access our gym halls and use these for PE activities. Children will go outside to complete PE and should wear appropriate clothing on their PE day.

Here is a reminder of  PE days for each class:

  • P1 – Monday and Wednesday
  • P1/2- Tuesday and Friday
  • P3- Tuesday ad Thursday
  • P4- Monday and Wednesday
  • P5- Wednesday and Thursday
  • P6- Tuesday and Wednesday
  • P6/7- Tuesday and Thursday

Primary 1 and Primary 1/2 Homework

From Monday 28th September, Primary 1 will be receiving weekly homework.  Your child will receive their homework folder each Monday and should return it to class on the Thursday.

In your child’s folder will be a homework grid which will outline the tasks to be completed.  These tasks will be based around the new learning taking place in class each week and will include:

Jolly phonics Sound sheet(s) reinforcing the action and rhyme for our new letter “sound” as well as giving the children an opportunity to practise forming their new letter correctly.

Bottle top lid with new letter sound. These will be added to each week until every child has the full alphabet, allowing for revision of each letter sound and eventually word building.

Common Word Flashcards (these will be included in coming weeks and should be practised every night once introduced.)

Number formation sheets.

Reading task.

There will be specific guidance for completing each task on the grid but please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries.

The reinforcement of your child’s literacy skills at this stage is crucial so your ongoing support with the homework is hugely appreciated and will prove very beneficial to your child’s progress.

The children are very excited to be finally starting “grown up” homework and we are sure their wonderful enthusiasm towards it will continue.

Many thanks

Mrs Duff and Mrs Dunsmore



Primary 4 Class Novel Activities

Primary 4 have recently finished studying our class novel ‘Horton Hears a Who’.  The pupils discussed the setting, the characters, and the message the novel was giving to its readers.  They began to appreciate and understand that ‘a person’s a person, no matter how small.’  This was considered in relation to all of God’s living things.

The pupils created their own pieces of writing, imagining what a visit to Who-Ville would be like, considering carefully how they would shrink small enough to visit and describing well what they saw and who they met on ‘the tiny speck of dust.’

The learning continued outside, through outdoor learning opportunities, where pupils searched to identify the smallest living thing they could find in and around the school grounds.  They also created their own transient art pieces, using natural materials to make beautiful scenes from Who-Ville!

Go Purple Day 2020


On Friday 9th October 2020 we will be holding our annual “Go Purple” day in aid of the wonderful Ayrshire Hospice. A Parent Pay fundraising page will be set up and we would be delighted to welcome any donations of £1 for this fantastic cause.
This will be a dress down day for the children who are encouraged to wear something purple to school on the day.

Class P.E Days

Below is a list of individual class P.E days; On the days that children have P.E, they may come to school wearing comfortable trousers/joggers along with school polo shirt and school jumber/cardigan. 

  • P1- Monday and Wednesday
  • P1/2- Tuesday and Friday
  • P3- Tuesday and Thursday
  • P4- Monday and Wednesday
  • P5- Wednesday and Thursday
  • P6-  Tuesday and Wednesday 
  • P6/7-Tuesday and Thursday

P6/7 Outdoor Art

We have been doing outdoor art and created designs inspired by Andy Goldsworthy.  Also our topic is the Wilderness War and is linked to participating in activities outside and we are trying to feel like the characters in the book.  We have created unique structures using natural resources including things that you can see from far away, faces, towers and pyramids and spirals.

It was good fun making our own designs and working as a team.  We also demonstrated patience as the weather played havoc with our designs!

Primary 6 Playground Leaders

Mr. Devlin from Active Schools has been coming to support Primary 6 to becoming Playground Leaders. They have been focussing on athletics and team games that can be done safely outside. Mr. Devlin has commented on how hard the pupils work during these sessions and how sweaty they are at the end (proof of hard work!).

I delighted at how well the pupils support and encourage each other during these sessions.

Well done Primary 6!

Miss Mudge

Reminder- Friday is Superheroes Day!

Reminder :

On Friday 11th September we will celebrate our first Magic Mount Carmel Time since returning to school. This will be a special day of celebration for all our Superheroes! We have been so impressed with how our children became Superheroes during times when the school building was closed and how they have continued to be Superheroes since their return. On this day children can come to school dressed in their favourite Superhero costumes – please do not purchase anything new for this day, Superheroes can also wear school uniform or other normal clothes if they wish. In school they will have a special day with Superhero activities in their own class and using our school grounds.



Primary 4 September Update

Hello and welcome to our very first blog post of the new session. Primary 4 have been very busy settling into our new classroom and our new routines. Children have been working hard to become familiarised with their class groupings, recapping previous learning and are enhancing this through our outdoor learning activities.


Our class novel is ‘Horton Hears a Who’ and through this text, the context and the discovery of Who-Ville, pupils have explored our outdoor area, looking for ‘tiny’ living things, whilst finding natural resources to create scenes from ‘Who-Ville’. Pupils have also enjoyed some imaginative writing, describing their visit to Who-Ville with Horton and giving detailed descriptions of their time on the tiny speck of dust! Some of their ideas on how they shrunk small enough to be able to visit Who-Ville, were very exciting!

Our reading and spelling activities are now underway, and children have been working within groups to revisit previous sounds and texts, ready to use their skills and strategies to tackle new and unfamiliar spelling sounds and reading books. Our focus in writing currently is imaginative and report writing, and ideas will be developed from our class novel and mini topic!

Homework will be sent today so please check your children’s bags for a plastic wallet.  Reading books will be from our ‘Independent Readers’ section of our Bug Club Online for the first week, there after a hard copy of a banded reading book will be issued in their homework wallet. These will be issued on a Monday and should be returned to school on a Thursday.


Our focus in maths will be multiplication and division, however we will regularly revisit addition and subtraction as well as word problems to consolidate our strategies within the 4 operations of number. Children will regularly use their ‘Thinking It Through’ jotters to develop problem solving skills, applying knowledge of number to new contexts and develop strategies for any number problems. We will also encourage these skills through our daily number challenges and number target board!

Health & Wellbeing

Our Paths Pupil of the Day has now begun, and our Pupil of the Day has been receiving lots of compliments and special jobs around the classroom. All children will have the opportunity to be pupil of the day. We have been exploring emotions, comfortable and uncomfortable and how we recognise these emotions within ourselves and in others.

In P.E, our sessions will happen outside, and our focus will be on team games and small ball skills. Children will have the opportunity to partake in some fun activities which support teamwork whilst focusing on developing their racquet and small ball skills.


Our focus during R.E sessions will be on prayer, their meaning, the routines of the church and the celebration of Mass. As we will soon be beginning our preparation for Confirmation and First Communion, the Sacraments will be discussed in depth, so children fully understand each of the Sacraments and their importance in their relationship with God.


As the children chose animals as the focus of our Class Charter, their interest in the animal kingdom has developed into a new mini topic! We have been researching animal classifications, looking at the 6 different animal classes and finding out some interesting facts about each of these categories. This has led to how we can look after our environment to keep animals in our community safe. We discussed and further explored how trees are the earth’s lifeline, and   pupils have been learning about the impact of deforestation and harmful plastics that pollute our seas.

We hope this is the start of a very successful term and that the pupils are enjoying their return to school, despite the environment being a little different to how it was before we closed in March.

Take care,

Mrs Travers